Fw: Ile Soleil Flip‏

Ile Soleil Flip, Flip, Flop, Pluck!

Has anyone seen Barry Faure ex MNA full time, ex diplomat, ex State House “go for this go for that” ( Goffer) , cum real estate developer promoter for Ile Soleil on SBC?
The issue is not Barry Faure of course. Let’s leave him alone. It is Ile Soleil, a very badly conjured up idea to turn a reclaimed island into some sort of mega real estate development. The whole project is done in a haphazard manner, with props of houses, hotels, condos presented on SBC. Let’s look at what makes Ile Soleil a dropping sun.
The Dredger
When the dredger was in Seychelles to dredge Ile Aurore another mega failure, and Ile Preservans, an island now propped up by Khalifa with roads, housing projects, schools, Ile Soleil was not in the plans. It was just something SPPF decided to do at the spur of the moment. That’s all.
At the time, there were complaints in Anse Aux Pin for space for fishermen, housing, and small industry. SPPF tossed a carrot to the people, to keep them on the string. The carrot was a promise of land in the form of Ile Soleil.
The South East Monsoon
When the South East Monsoon blows, this island gets slammed. It is right at the center of the South East winds for 6 months. The salt spray will destroy anything that is metal on this island, unless aluminum. That will cut the life span of anything in half, and the viability of any business will be limited at best to a 6 month year with 12 months of bills.

When It Rains, It Pours Red Blood
When it rains, the inner channel between Mahe turns red with siltation for days. It is simply horrendous to view and will devalue any project there.
Make Ile Soleil A Southern Terminal For International Airport
Instead of launching your big dart PL, to make Ile Soleil all things to all people, which will cause it to fail, why don’t you drop your idea and make it a Southern Terminal for a new airport?
This is what Mahe really needs to sustain higher growth, needed to repay PL- SPPF debts. A new airport is what Seychelles needs PL, get it, not new hotels, and new condos built out of sticks on an island in the flight path or very, very near to it.
When the Southern Terminal is built, move the Mahe International Airport support facilities there, like Fire engine, Rescue, Cargo, VIP and so on. You can even place parking there to free up more land for further airport expansion at the existing airport. Use that electric train you have been talking about for years now, to shuttle people from the parking lot to the airport arrival and departure facilities. If you are smart, you may even be able to go solar panel by then, since panels are going nano (small). Don’t let Dr. Rolf convince you to place wind mills on them, to make the trains look like planes. He is a dangerous man, careful. 

Once you have done that, you will have more space to build a new airport that we need to expand our economy and even remain competitive in the region.
With Mauritius and La Reunion investing heavily in there international airport expansion projects Seychelles has become irrelevant to the airline industry in the region. Each have invested over 400 Million USDOLLARS in airport expansion. Each have over 30 flights a day now. 
With Cramer Ball not buying a single luggage transfer vehicle or pulley or luggage dolley while registering a profit at Air Seychelles, the ground handling services at the airport, run by Air Seychelles is now falling apart, it looks like a scrap yard center on the tarmac. One visitor told me it  looks like a flea market out there on the run way. I told the visitor, indeed, it is because a guy name “Balls” stuck it to us and he is now gone.
The airport is a total shame and disgrace, that merits unity in national objective, and leadership of a serious level by the government to rectify the problem that will soon be like a cancer to us. Focus on a serious plan PL, and you will have the support of all Seychellois for a new airport.
Turkish Airways Lands In Mauritius
By the way, remember all the talk by Alain St. Ange about Turkish Airways coming to Seychelles via Charles De Gaulle two years ago? Guess what folks? Turkish Airways never came to Seychelles. They went to Mauritius, and according to my intelligence person there, they just landed their inaugural flight to Mauritius, by passing Seychelles and Minister St. Ange, and Minister Joel Morgan (Transportation, Internal Affairs) some say: the Minister of Fear . Instead of preventing airlines from landing in Seychelles Mr. Morgan, why don’t you relocate your office to the Mont Fleuri cemetery to protect the grave sites of our family members? If Joel Morgan cannot apprehend the people that desecrated our grave sites, he should resign from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Ministry of Transportation.

While St. Ange promised us tourist from Brazil  Two (2) years ago, this year of the World Cup in Brazil, all we are getting is broiler chickens from Brazil.
Through Minister Sinon, the Minister, of failed Agriculture of mega proportions, the farmers of chickens in Seychelles, have asked me to thank Minister St. Ange for his tourism promotion efforts in Brazil.
All they got was boxes of chickens on the market………I am personally surprise that St. Ange has never asked that chickens from Brazil must spend minimal Three (3) nights at the Four Season Hotel, Baie Lazare.
That’s PL, the headless- brainless political animal most of the time….just like a chicken!
I did not mention James Michel, I said Pl is headless!
Ce la vie!
Seselwa Unite For Sesel Pou Seselwa!
May God Bless All Freedom Loving Seychellois!


  1. I think using Ile Soleil to exted the Airport is a very good idea and won't cost muchj due to its position and vicinity with the Point La rue Airport though i thought thr long term solution and to avoid negative impact of environemnt or to porive air service in the coming hundred years would much be better to build a new one somewhere ofn an over fishing bank a few hundred meters from Mahe or so.BUt using Ile Soleil for an extension is worthfull to.

    Genrally speaks ,i must say that we have lots more do in order to attract more tourists,entice foreign airlines to operate services to our shores etc....Most of the more we need to do ,depends on governemnt willingness,pro-activeness,vision,innovation,and having real long strategies.YOu cannot entice Turksih Airline to flight to our shores by making the Airline pay Airport taxs,fees higher than Etihad for instance,this affect an airline competitiveness.

    St Ange should aks himself this simply question--Why do foreigner Airlines such as Turkish Ariline,Virgin Airline,Edelweiss ,Belair,and many others operate flights to Mauritius,Maldives,S .African,Kneya etc.. and not to Seychelles though our Land is considered to be the most beautiful in the Indain Ocean region.

    Well probably the explanantions lies in the way on doing business,and our ogvernemnt appraoches.St Ange should learn from others being successful and realize that a strategy that does not work or is not effective enough must be changed.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  2. Ile Soleil was igfted to Bary Faure inorder that he can make him rich for Seychellois assets like Glenny ,Francis,Guy Adam,David Savy and the rest.

    Looking at the position of Ile Soleil and the Airport as shown on the above photo.An extension of the Airport would be a genial idea.It would reduce congestion,increase capacity,make it more attrative as a transit hub ofr other Airlines,provide higher security,comfort,etc..An Airport is the first palce where visitors get the first inpression of our country and people.Frankly,since the construction of the Airport by the British,no real upgrades,improvement have been made to give up with Demands,increasing services etc... just a Bit like with our Water,electricity problem due to governemnt failure to understand that developemnt menas also having enough water,eletrcity supply etc...Sey Airport unfortunately experience the same fate as with shrotage of water and etricity supply .

    The position of Ile Soleil would make an extension very rapid and could in a year work it could be open to provide better services to both Airlines and Visitors.It could aslo ease congestion of rooads leading to the Airport which sometime impede taxis,tour bus services getting on time at the Airport before departure.I could also see other positiblity,such as having a pier rwhereby Tourists or Seychelles traveling abroad coming from La digue or Praslin could be disembark right at special Pier made to provide better transport service ,rapid access etc...Just imagine ,Many tourist opt ofr CATCOCO for the tansfer to La digue/Praslin instead of traveling first to Victoria they could now just jump out of their palns and take a few mwemter way the boat to Praslin especially since AirSeychelles demostic service in congested that sometime visiotrs intended to travel to Praslin/La digue arriving early inthe morning must wait until evening to get a free sit on Air Sey domestic flighrts to Praslin.
    It would a possiblity for govt. to constrcut something modern,providing many other services ,extending Duty free shops .having Local visitors terrasse etc....

    Jeanne D'Arc

  3. BAry FAURE ex-everything.The question is why should Barry Faureand one of his partilepep given complete power to decide on the fate of Ile Soleil when we have a minister paid and incharged of development?What makes Ile Soleil so special from other reclaimed islands that partilepep that made Partilepep thinks Barry Faure should repalced the minister of development when it comes to Ile Soleil?WHy does anything a partilepep member get invovled in turned into shit?

    Dr Barry Faure want to be also milti-millioniare like all partilepep crooks--and by using the same trick namely digging into public coffers.

  4. When would Air Afghanistan land in Seychelles( in absurdistan) St Ange with Afghan talibans?Maybe we could cultivate POPPY to entice them on our shores St Ange.

  5. Partilepep extended the Airport by 50 meters toward the front aprt facing La Pirogue.The wrong the decsion ofr if it continue Partielepep would flatten a whole mountain.Ile Soleil provides a good condition for government to extend the Airport in a significant way and upgrade services,facilities,comfort and build at last something adequate and adaptable to demands and expension and so on.

    You donot have ideas partilepep.what you can do though,is take those good ideas you do not have from others at least.And you might wnoder why others have good ideas and not partilepep.The answer is others are real patriots thinking on the country's and people's interests first not how to make deals that would enrich party embmers and gang emembers in the first palce.Secondly ,it is just the simply facts that those with good ideas and often highly qulaified are not part of partilepep.We donot have the most brillant ruling the country most on them in the ruling party nether travel to developed world to see for themselves how advance other are and how much we still have to do and can do.Michel never traveled in life than as far as Tazania to learn how to use a Ak 47,As President he used tax payes money for a few offical visit and often staying in hotel without going around.,Faure before being Vice _President travel only to Cuba,it is not in Cuba one is going to see the real world,Meriton went as far as Moscow as student sicne Back and before being Awaiting VIce President never went abroad to see how the Western world is.Most of them becuase of their illiteracy of the world cannot deliver for the use mediaval practices with no place in the 21st Century.GUys you can self -educate yourself.And as Bruce Lee once put it"Self-education could make great men"

  6. We wish to address the publisher of SFP Blog to give/grant us 10 minutes of his time. The benchmark for development and implementing projects across the world have become questionable.

    This said - that SIROP program important involvement/contributions - synergizing capacity - excuse to be crude - everybody shits their ears - please refer to our "archaic/fraternal and Illuminati workings" we synergize that Ile aux soliel reclamation.

    In UAE, the do a Reclamation and in three years everything is completed - in Sechelles Seychelles it takes 30 years at the rate we are going.

    We had outlined longer Term Project with former President FA Rene - the need for another Airport - his refusal to consider it.

    We were one of the important families that had to vacate Point Larue when the new International airport was build. ( Given you mentioned Mauritius and Reunion Air port we work/make impute in those issues)

    That Reclamation was supposed to be used for a Marina why was the concept changed.

    We were also there in 2009 and as a lawyer we ask you to note - we contributed equally to the rebuilding of that new Terminal - this capacity ability just do not evaporate - they need to be managed in proper language.

    On the outline propose plan there is enough land to put into place a second very modern Terminal and given my/our ability will ens up by doing a deal with The chines in return for a favor - let us be blunt and candid.

    Part of the core principal of workings project you do not talk and think and leave it/them - you need, require to stick to the idea get it to the drawing board , the finance, and management. Trust that link at Anse aux Pins is strong enough to take the traffic.

  7. Thank you SFP publisher.

    Not wishing to get anybody who spurn us/me on- for the past 21 years have contributed and help implement a number of Large Airport Development in Europe - with great complexities.

    There are those from the Gulf Region - who just did not react as you my brothers and sisters in Seychelles - they made their research and discovered we did have unique abilities to work and participate in such highly complex project.

    They decided to use and integrate a good measure of the discipline we have been working with developed for such large multinational project and conception their own Regional Global Air Hub in the Gulf Region. (Friends you do not know just how complex - and they are Arabs.) President FA Rene and his Associated have known and know of this.

    There are those in the USA, China and Russia and Europe well aware of my involvement capacity. We have contributed to social space so that instead waiting and expecting those official and big media to address a given issues - there are others who have heads and Brian and they can see and ought to know let them write - yet this does not happen.

    We addressed how Mr Ball came to suddenly work for Air Seychelles - the Board of those Gulf regional Airline aware of our capacity and involvement. It we do or requested to become engage in a given issue/project.

    We did not have a university today we have one expect those of you with the most modest academic education to make the deduction - meaning, the equation when one work /involve with such project and the correlation with our own Seychelles Air and Travel Industry.

    As half or quarter educated we are taught, what you are told - hear once learn and keep it well - it many not be repeated to you again.

  8. Indeed, the expansion of an airport to bring Seychelles into a modern developed country is essential. There should not be a cry for lack of space. It is a joke.
    The young SFP leader, has highlighted his insightful mind in this article. He is showing he is a leader, with ideas, that can benefit our people and country across the board.
    Those that do not know Christopher Gill who are too young, should be taught the lessons of how he entangled Rene in debates, fought off the entire SPPF in the constitutional conference, manhandled his Tonton into nothing but koladan when he sold our hopes for freedom and change. In the National Assembly, he helped Ramkalawan with his speech, since Ramkalawan does not have the education or ideas of Gill. Father even invited him to an SNP convention to help us expose why Seychelles is Bankrupt.
    We need Christopher Gill. Those who are saying to him to go away have a hidden agenda to plunder and steal more money from the people of Seychelles.
    We have had enough.Keep it up Gill- do not let these bed bugs throw you out of bed.

  9. The proposal put forward by SFP is brilliant.it will solve the decades long congestion problem at the Interntional Airport and provide a service adaptable to our toursim development and growth.

    morevoer,speaking about CSR,this is a good example of how CSR money could be used namely to sponsor National improtant projects thus benefit society as a whole.

    The need for an other port which we have also mentioned before is also a good idea,but it would take yeatrs to build aND COST BILLION OF DOLLARS WHICH sEYCHELLES DO NOT HAVE UNDER pp THEY BANKRUPTED,ROBBED US DRY.Unless Laporte hold back our 2.5 billion in Swiss bank.

    Furthermore,contary to your comment,we donot have wenough land to build a new Airport.Pp has given all our land to foriegns,even as we speak many Seychellois families could not find land to buy and that becuase of the heaDLESS CHICKENS CALL pp THUGS.

    tHE ONLY possiblity to build a brand new Airport would be to do what Hong Kong did decades ago namely build A new Airport of RECLAMED ISLAND,which wwe could do or build on a over-fished fishing bank lets say 500 meter to 1 kilometer from Mahe --But i have siad ,we donot have the money to build a new Airport Now----Pp doctors haVE BAMKRUPTED US.

    What SFp proposed is madeable,would cost a few millions but its advantrages is immense,it provides a rapid ,effective solution and the construction could be done and terminated in two to three years.

    Frankly ,If Pp could spend so much millions to build RECLAMED island costing multi -millions of tax payers money then to gifted then to foreigners Like EDEN island for one hundred years for ONE RUPEE thus Tax payers do not see the benefit then PP should be able to used RECLAMED island built with tax payers money to at least do one single projects that benefit the tax payers ,the country and the nation.

    Marinas we alreaDY HAVE AND WE DONOT NEED AT EACH BAAYS,A MARINE FROM kHALFIA AND Arbas despots,we need projects that bnefit the naTIONS AND ITS PEOPLE NOT foreign despots.


    PROJECTS AROUND THE world many not only today but for decades were and still questionable.In Seychelles the lost of RECLAM island built but without well-thought paln,o how to use them etc....Just as Khalifa Bunker on Top of our intact Mountain at La Misere that has become Ourr Christian nation landmark.Which is ashame .

    Pp fails on literally everything with the excepton of corruption,human abuse,Human trafficking .Look at our tourism industry and look at others how others perform.It is not the same world..Mauritius ,Maldives keep developing intelligently thier tourism industry while PP brainless keep dragging their feets.

    Seychelles when look closely have for instance,Both granite island and Coral island which not all countirs have in the region.This is an advantage ,it offers more possiblities than other countires in the region ,but PP headless chicken to idiot ,under qualified,ignorance,do not tsee the potential.Maldives attracts almost half millions visitors annaully just by offering coral island as aCCOMMMODATION WE HAVE THEM TOO THOSE ISLANDS PLUS GRANITE ISLAND TOO BUT STILL WE BEHIND MALDIVES WHEN IT COMES TO ARRIVAL--THIS IS NOT mALDIVAINS ARE BETTER THAN US ,BUT THEIR LEAders have full brain nothalf brain like Pp thugs who are alos the less qualified in our society.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  10. The Airport issue is just like your La Gogue Dam problem. Pp has no political will nor the knowledge to undertake any major project. The Communist mentality is still there like in Cuba - ask no question and do what the Commandante says.
    Pp is obsessed with the sun, this is why such names like 'Ile Soleil' and 'Ile Aurore' have come into being. There was a sun on the old SPUP flag but they never said if it was a 'raising sun' or a 'setting sun' and no one dared to ask the Commandante, so better hurry, he is already too old or on his way to the ICC at the Hague.

  11. We know that Pp has not political will and the knpowledge that why in 1977 they used Ak 47 as means to grab power rather than through the polls as democracy provides.However,as patriots that do not reduce our rights to say what we think are right for our people.That PP could not say wether it was a rising or setting sun odes not disturb us,for Seychellois think that we are neither a rising or setting sun but as a forver shining sun that would never stop shining regardless how hard Pp thugs try to extinguish it.

    By putting forward solutions regardless if Pp will do it or not,give Seychellois an opportunity to see that their are alternatives and solutions to our problems and unlike Pp has been portraying them since the last 40 years PP is the ultimate panacea to all our problems and only PP has the power to solve them,What we can say after 40 years PP is the root causes of all our problems.Thjis cannot be diny and as you have recognize more and more people are raising their voices against this crooks such as Seychellois who ask for an investigation against PP construction of PP Mesuem of INFAMY whereby Pictures of Michel would be dispalyed holding a Ak 47.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  12. What we need to do now is get all those concern on board,modilize behind SFP idea.ALL business persons in the tourism industry and organisations ,those whose businesses dedepend on Import,and civil society to get PP do the right thing.

    Look,If Pp could rob tax payers^mone to sponsor their double salry,pension for life,even rob tax payers' money to build a conversial PP Museum of infamy then Pp should be able to find enough money to rapidly start the construction of a new terminal badly needed for our economic developement and to be able to compete equally with our neighbours.You konw,It is not the first time Pp failed Seychllois.For Instance,Any serious governemnt when undertaking developmental projects should have known that infractructures,water supply,eletricity etc.. are things that should move with the speed of developemnt ,population growth,or instead of Building a TUNA SIENER fleet PP bought OIL tankers and give it to Adam etc... PP failed to see that ,due to lacks of knowlegde,ignorance,and their addiction to corruption.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  13. Enalrging La gogue would be a short term solution fo lets say 40 years then he get back t the starting point agin in 40 years.Looking in Countires like S.Korea ,a country with the most Artificial lacs, or even countires like Switzerland who also have artificial lacs etc-- it is clear the best long term solution would be building an Artificial Lac between Moutain hills for it would solve for centuries our water shortages and it is much damaging than constrcuting more dams.Partileppe can go on INternet ,have a look and the potential a lac has to that of a Dam and they would find out the former as have been proven in countires like S.Korea is a real long .-term solution.

  14. Far was against building an airport and new port during the 70's.
    He said why don't GOUVERNMAN ANGLE don't build house for MALERE.
    Until NOW, PP can't build enough house for malere!
    It is now almost 40 years! AND NOT ENOUGH HOUSES.


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