James Michel, Stop Your Nonsense To The People Of Seychelles!

“Seychelles is not out of reach” – UN expert calls for further measures to prevent and fight trafficking in persons

GENEVA, Switzerland, February 3, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ “Yes Seychelles is an island but not an island out of reach of traffickers and their nefarious activities in today’s globalised world,” the United Nations Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, Joy Ngozi Ezeilo, warned* on Friday at the end of her first official visit to the country.

“Trafficking in persons in Seychelles is at best insidious and remains hidden as a result of lack of awareness,” said the independent expert mandated by the UN Human Rights Council to promote the prevention of trafficking in persons in all its forms and to encourage measures to uphold and protect the human rights of victims.

“The potential scale of the problem of trafficking in persons in the country, its trends and scope appears to be underestimated or unknown, and needs to be further investigated by the Government and law enforcement agencies,” she stressed.

The scarcely populated island has a large influx of both tourists and migrant workers. Anecdotal evidence suggest that trafficking in persons happens and that Seychelles may increasingly become a destination country for both trafficking for sexual exploitation, especially of girls from Eastern Europe, and also for labour exploitation of migrant workers from India, China, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, the Philippines, Kenya, Madagascar and others.

“The political commitment to end human trafficking clearly exists in Seychelles,” Ms. Ezeilo said. She noted, among other things, the country’s ratification of key international conventions and the creation of the National Anti-Trafficking Committee.

The Special Rapporteur welcomed the commitment to fight this phenomenon and ensure that it does not take root in Seychelles expressed to her by the President of Seychelles, James Alix Michel, during an official meeting.

“However”, she said, “the immediate concern is the absence of a legal and policy framework to prevent and combat trafficking in persons.” The expert expressed regret that the Government was yet to criminalize trafficking in persons as required by article 7 of the Palermo Protocol to prevent, suppress and punish trafficking in persons, to which Seychelles is a state party.

“I am concerned that in critical sectors of the economy, such as tourism and fisheries, the government is yet to put in place measures that will discourage sex tourism, child prostitution and trafficking in persons for labour exploitation,” Ms. Ezeilo added.

The human rights expert urged the Government to fast-track the draft anti-trafficking bill to fulfil its international obligations, and establish a National Action Plan to combat trafficking based on a human rights and victim-centred approach.

The Special Rapporteur highlighted the need to collect data on trends, forms and manifestations of trafficking, its causes and consequences. “This survey should be carried out in collaboration with research institutions and in close cooperation with international, civil society and faith-based organizations,” she specified.

“Seychelles also needs to assess technical assistance towards building the capacity of its frontline officers, including police, immigration officers, labour Inspectors and prosecutors, to help them identify possible victims of trafficking, carry out necessary investigation and prosecute the criminals involved,” she said.

The Special Rapporteur called for a more effective and adequately funded National Human Rights Commission, in accordance with the Paris Principles. She also urged the Government to ratify without delay relevant International Labour Organization Conventions against forced labour and exploitation, especially the recent ILO Convention on Decent Work for Domestic Workers.

“I want to reinforce the call made during the Universal Periodic Review of Seychelles at the Human Rights Council in Geneva urging the government to adopt and implement measures to protect women and children from domestic violence, sexual exploitation and trafficking in persons,” the expert added.

Ms. Ezeilo will present a comprehensive report with her final observations and recommendations to the UN Human Rights Council in June 2014.



  1. Yes it is hidden because James Michel takes part with Sheikh Kaliffa in sex orgfies at kempimski resort.......Ask Suleman!

  2. we do not have to as Sulivan anything. We all know that the President of Seychelles Island in the Indian Ocean Jame A Michel is a pervert, one of the worse. Don't forget Wavel Wankakawan, he is just as bad. In my view , and from what I heard from all the horses mouth, this little island the Seychelles are full of perverts from its Government to the opposition. It needs a clean up for heaven sake, Gill why can't you hire some people to clean up Seychelles (if you know what I mean).

  3. Ms Ezeilo said all this in her report and Nation did not publish? Holy crap Michel really takes us for a fool

  4. At what point do you say: 'Enough is enough'? Well, the world has to say it. Remember that the Sudetenland was given in an attempt to appease Hitler to prevent World War II, The Sudetenland was part of what was then called Czechoslovakia before the UK and France agreed to allow Hitler to take it. Now, do Seychellois have to appease Khalifa with 'do as you please' for the perks given to James Michel and the intoxicated Pp? Please Ban Ki-Moon, do something to save Seychelles from becoming an Islamic island against the will of its people.

  5. When Seychelles becoming Islamic island,we will become terorists like US said every time when peoples are stoping invaders taking their land and fighting for their right to defend their land Michel and pp crooks are giving to arabs.Michel you have been seeing in C.A. how Christians chasing out Muslim out on their land Seleka still running after them.Seychelles will come the same liki ou manman monster, we will be chasing out muslim ek gran koutou, make them take the sea swim back home were their belong.
    I told you old Seychellios peoples don't care,their live the rest of their life like their want and egal happy with their pension until their transfer,thats why should their don't care,young generation must stop muslim invaders.Michel and all his old crooks you will transfer to hell one day, but remember you family will be all left behind and they can pay the price.

  6. Why no opposition leaders try stop it becoming a Islamic Island?????

  7. Ms Ezeilo was in Seychelles represented the UN,did any opposition leader approach her to disgust on this issue that she can brought forward to the UN to KI-MOON?Michel and arabs turning our island to Islamic state.You could write letters to Ki-moon seen arabs have put their feet on our shore putting their fucking noise in Seychelles politic to invade our Christian land.
    You know what!!with out politicians and religion the world will be a better place to live!Their say when you die you reborn,but if to reborn to come in the same world its like going to hell better not to reborn.

  8. US condem PP crooks about human trafficking,ok we welcome it was great,but what about opposition leaders telling US to stop arabs activity in Seychelles that are sponcering Socialist - capitalisum sytem and criminals in the same time arabs are invading our Island removing Seychellios on their land putting them on artificel land to be wasch by waves.

    Arabs are invading our Christian Island US!!Sfp brought this issue to the UN and the US.Even if UAE and Saudi are big brother of the US.We no what Seychelles becoming Seychelles Arab Emirates US.

  9. Not only is the Seychelles within reach of human traffickers, the government of Seychelles has the history, the capability and the expertise to make people disappear!

  10. Born on the 16th of November 1935, the evil twin of Satan Albert Rene. Grownup as a bastard child, his mother a house wife that was having an affair with DR Lannier to make ends meet. His step father was an administrator on Farquhar Island. He always aimed above to never make the same mistakes his step father did where his wife will have to exchange sex for money.

    Illegal President France Albert, terrorise the Seychellois people on the 5th June 1977 with its brutality. Since that day Seychellois has been in total darkness, losing our dignity, la joie de vive and freedom.

    This is what Rene told me in secret in 1964:

    I will kill freedom and I will spread fear in the Seychellois people’s heart and I will make them respect me. Some will kiss my feet and some will die at my beckon call, some will be exile and some will be victimised and jailed! And those who do like I say, will be crown while their brothers and sisters suffers.

    Yes indeed, our country has been crowned with the blood of the victims’, which names too many to be mentioned. SPUP have been crowned as murderers for killing out heroes. They have been crowned for bankrupting our country; they have been crowned for selling our patrimony. One calculated murderer, one thief, one pedophilia, zero in leading one Albert Rene murdering bastard.

  11. WOW!!! that is what a call a fantastic story...Do you have one for James Michel??? :)

    1. If you like my story so much, wait for my book. I will be in Seychelles, June or July to finish and polish my book. I am also planing to do a few short clips on different level, and also covering different topics. All will be revealed on YouTube. Keep checking this blog for announcement.

  12. Slavish to Khalfia and Arabs Michel opts to defend his Arab perverses friends and lies to Seychellois and the world tarnishing further our country's image abroad.

    This year Michel also wants to repalce Seychellois cultural celebrations by CHinese Celebration DAY8Horse newear whatever the anme)as if Seychellois are Chinese and Maoist.Michel thinks Seychellois cultural celebrations should be repalced by Chinese/Indiam Maoist Day/hindu Day though our Nation is 99.9 percent Christain.
    After making us economic slaves to Khalifa Michel wants us now to be Cultural slaves of CHinese/Indian.CHinese has extincquished TIBETAIN cutlural it now wants to extinquish Seychellois Culture with the help of the headless Chicken Michel the butcher.

    Michl wants to fake history.BVut you know what Michel,the real history is the one who tells the truth.Do not try to tells us,we maosit and should celbrate Chinese New year as Christians or dance Dragon dance as if it is part of our heritage or should we worship Siva,and advertise Hindu temple build for Expats as Seychelles tourist attraction though we not hindu and hindu temple should not be found on our christain Land.

    We have a rich culture of over three centuries--there is a lot to dig in our history to offer the world and not use foreign cultural,tradition as part of ours to sell it to the world.For instance,St NAge on the Corele CARNIVAl yyou could display our culture to the world by Dressing in cononial costums,Michel who looks like LABUZZ and have the right age could disgiuse himself as LABUZZ,or a Queen Victoira,SElwyn Clark,Vasco Da Gamma,dressin old colonial police uniforms etc.... Costuns fro instance that even the new generation have orggoten ,donot know about.History is our roots,dispaly our values Pp not advertise Ch9nes and Indai culture to the detrimment of our own.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  13. It is beleived that there is about 1000 Seychellois of Chinese origine less than Expats though the first Chinese who escape Mao tyranny landed here in the 1890.Is that a reason enough to celebrate Chinese New year in Seychelles and make it a National event not to say National Day.If partileep think there should be a National day for 1000 Seychellois of CHinese orgine than we could consider that partilepep will tell us now we must also celebrate Indian DAy,and maybe Arab Day.What about French Day to celebrate our first EUropean Settlers,And African Day.And Then probably also Metis Day.

    Stop bullshiting Seychellois we fake foreign celebration.Most Seychellois of Chinese origine are Christians partilepep they donot celebrate Chinese New year dog,or maoist Day,Chin dynasty Day ,nono of those things aprtilepep and the not even invovle in those Chinese Celebration Day partilepep and Chinese communist country< want to sell us hoping we would the Chinese and then slowly the can get what they want namely dance the dragon dance in our EEZ.

    Free Tibet!

  14. Seychellois of chinese orgine is estimated to bev 1000 heads of which more than 800 hundreds are Christian therefore do not celebrate Chinese New year.And the 200 left have neither asked to have a CHinese New year celebration for them nor been consultted on the fake Chinese Clelbration being concocted by Chinese communsit Ambassador and Pp communists,.Those Seychellois of CHinese origne names are being used nad abused by Partilepep and China to promote Chinese communist in our land and hopefully achieve Chines obssession to limitedly abuse out Territorial waters from its own military strategical interest in the detriment of Seychellois interesst.

    Should Seychelles have a special Chinese celebration for 200 Seychellois of CHines origne who never asked from Such celebration?No.

    Partilepep wants to make us beleive introducing a fake foreign Celebration like Chines New year would boost Chinese tourist arrival to Seychelles?Complete absurdity isn't it?Firstly CHinese see the Chinese New year as a family reunion,family celbration just as Christmas is for Seychellois.

    Secondly.donot tell me if we want to entice more tourist Arrival from Lets say Switzerland ,Seychellois must cook Swiss FONDUE,or blow a ALPHORN as means to attract Swiss to our shores.As any tourist when one chose to visit a foreign country is not to see the perfroms on one^'s own culture and tradition is foreign countries but no learn the land,the culture ,tradtiion etc.. of the host country.Dito to Chinese who want to visit Seychelles.They do not come to Seychelles to see Seychellois dance Dragon Dance, else they could stay at home,as any other Tourist they come here to see our land,learn about our culture,tradition.A country or any country attractions for tourism is the host country own culture,tradition,cusine etc... not by adopting or stealing others culture and presented it as ours.We must sell our own culture and tradtion partileppe not importing Chinese culture from China and than tries to sell it o Chinese visiting Seychell.This belittle our people,it make us feel like Inhabitants from Papau NEw GUINEA or the pigme in central africa who still under an on going civilization becuase the start their civilization to late,and still need others to come and educate them ,etc...

  15. Sheikh Sultan brought spiritual enlightenment to Montagne Posee!!Were is our Catholic prist to give spiritual enlightenment.Michel and pp,Meriton do you think devil spirit will change the youths at Montagne Posse?Better suck them balls they can give you spiritual englightenment Meriton!!

    Sultan give spiritual enlightenment to the peoples of Syria a war that are killing 1000 peoples every day.They practice this spiritual enlightenment every day in the mosque in arabs world but why arabs peoples still behaves like monster kill their own brothers and sister every day living them homeless and childrens starving to death?

    You can see most Christian in this world are at peace what you and other invaders want to disestablish our country and turn it to Islamic state to cause division and may be in future bring fight between müslim and Christians on the island, but we will defend it by any mean not to be come a Islamic.Just look in C.A müslim been chase out taking exile to Chad in Seychelles we got no border for them to cross,they will swim back were they came from!!

  16. Swiss fondue eat only in the winter,that mean you got to gave them chinese fondue!!

  17. Are moron Michel and Meriton converting those prisoners to islam?That mean Dufrene you have read Koran and study arabic behind bars loser and I hope you are in the same cell with Sophola!

  18. Next time we will hear Sultan and co are suppling KORAN in Seychelles prison.

  19. I never see fire with out..............?brun them send them to hell


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