Jean-Paul David says he was hit in the face with a baton during a late-night raid.
A young man was hospitalized on Monday evening after sustaining serious injuries from what he says was a police beating. Jean-Paul David, 25, who lost teeth and hurt his right leg in the incident, now says he is planning to lodge a court case against the authorities. The police have launched an investigation in the allegation of police brutality, confirmed Police Public Relations Officer, Jean Toussaint.

TODAY visited Mr David in the D’Offay Ward yesterday afternoon. Speaking through his friend, on account of the heavy swelling around his mouth, he said the incident unfolded at 8:00 pm in Roche Bois, Belonie. A group of 15 people were hanging around the area, when he says a small pickup and a Terios pulled up. Without identifying themselves, police then shot a canister of teargas at them, sending the group running in every direction, he recounts.
Along with everyone else, he set off, straight into the path of two Special Support Unit officers, whom he recognised by their green uniform. As he was about to run past, they slid out their batons and one asked “Why are you running?” Without having time to respond, he says one officer hit him square in the mouth. As he recounted this, Mr David pulled back a bandage, showing a long gap in the bottom row of teeth and chipped upper teeth. “I lost over four teeth,” he says.
Back to scene. After the first hit, he says he kept running, and the police gave chase, beating him on the back. After one particularly hard hit, he tripped near a precipitous drop and landed on some rocks, injuring his right knee. “At this point I stayed down and they eventually left,” he says. After around 45 minutes, he dragged himself to the main street, where some of his friends, who had also been spooked off earlier, picked him up in their car and drove him to English River clinic. He was later taken to Mont Fleuri, he says.

Speaking to a relative and a friend at his bedside, they say that the whole family has been left shocked by the incident and the bloodied mess they met when they visited the hospital. Mr David says he’s contacted a lawyer and is now prepared to take the case to court, to “ensure that police treat people with more respect and this doesn’t happen to other Seychellois.”
TODAY contacted the police yesterday, who said a communique would be released later in the day. Unfortunately, we didn’t receive it by the time of going to press. However, in an earlier phone call, Police Public Relations Officer Jean Toussaint said that the Roche Bois area was considered somewhat of a hot-spot for drug-related activity, which may explain the nature of Monday’s late night raid.
From our understanding and talking to government sources, the police have begun interviewing witnesses and the incident has been reported to the Ministry of Home Affairs, with Minister Morgan vowing to come down hard and launch an inquiry if it is confirmed that this was a case of police authority being abused.
Source: Today in Seychelles


  1. Seychellios once again next time when those brutal police approach you just turn your camera on your mobile phone film them to pick up evidence against them brutal cops.No evidence you will not win your case in this jungle court with their jungle law.

  2. Fight them Seychellios when their hit you hit them back,rember Gin BAN LA TI BEZ LI EK BAR TIYOU TODAY HIS IN HIS GRAVE AT MONT FLEURI.Things like this had to happen again for police to stop putting their fucking dirty hands on public.When their will start show public their ID?Me no ID show I GOT NO ANSWER to ANSWER THOSE GARD-BOU.

  3. Another picture for Human Right!

  4. Police misconducts and corruptions undermine justice also ,and damage the public confidence in the police oforce.

    police misconducts and brutality is a conscious and deliberate undertook,becuase they have not positive police culture,no ethics and most importantly they are left to act at own will,and their unconstituional ,unlawful actions and abuses are not sanctioned by the system.This is becuase the system depends on them in its strategy of intimidation,and to ensure and secure the rogue regime longevity.Without them,the regime is vulnerable.

    In Seychelles police ofrces do not protect individuals rights,they them criminals and abusers of those same rights they are supposed to portect.
    This pattenr will continue under PP,for Seychelles not longer have police men and women aorth to be called police officers,but are pp aprty paid criminals garb in police uniforms to make them look like police and give them authority of police forces to silent oppostion to the system.Police forces like NDEA are in fact like SS of Nazi, GESTAPO etc....secret agencies often find in dictatorial system that sole purpose is to intimidate,slince all those 8often majority)that critise,expose the rogue system.

    To fight this fleoh---Laywers incharge of those cases.must join force,and protest agsint the abuses.Seychellois must act against police abuses by mas portest,Even police officiers who do not feel represented by those paid killers like those in NDEA headed by an Irsh mercenary should speak out,demonstrate their oppostion to the fleoh ,and donot let a handful of paid killer tarnish the whole forces.And it is also time GOVINDEN chief escobar open without asking him to do so,and investigation agsint all police abuses and take penal actions aginst perpetrators.

    jeanne D'Arc

    Jeanne D'Arc

  5. Should NDEA a criminal organization ,sponsor by taxpayers money and control by foreigne mercenaries be dissolve and instead better trained other police branch to do the job NDEA is doing?NDEA has not done anything better than when we didinot have NDEA.NDEA arrest only targeted persons namely GRAASS DEALERS but not those impoting,selling Hard Drugs that are making PP use taxpayers money to build REHAB,that is the ende result of the increSING CRIMES,PROTISTITION,ETC....



    We are a soveriegn country thus our instituions should be control by Seychellois,natives no foreigners.Spveoregnty PP.means self-governance,that is we dicide,we control,we act ,we set the norms of how things should work in our land and all control,deicde by the people.
    /natives not Khalfia,GURKAS;etc Using mercenaries is an International Huamn rights voilation to.For mercenries are consdiered paid killers recruited by states to committ crimes.GURKAS are considered under International law as such.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  6. The Gurhkas look like North Koreans.
    They send people to prison colonies hundreds of miles away from a lawyer, family, visits, hospitals. When a prisoner complains, they send him fishing, then they say sharks ate him when he went diving or swimming.
    This regime is sick.
    The international community needs to wake up to Seychelles reality.
    Coetivy is a prison colony without adequate civilized infrastructure.
    Marie Lise Island is a shark infested swim hole.

  7. You are right, NDEA is a criminal organization. The law that promulgates the NDEA makes it answerable to the President, not the Commissioner of Police. Hence it is a ultra vires police force. Any lawyer with a half whit should know that this violates article 160 of the constitution, and no apprehension of any suspect, by NDEA would be legal.
    Being answer able only to the President, makes it a para military organization when coupled with the Police powers it has. It is a classic authoritarian regime apparatus , that disregards the human rights protections of the Constitution of Seychelles. PL has knowingly, willfully shelve the human rights protection clauses of the Constitution of Seychelles.
    The SFP is right when they made that call.

  8. Although under the Constitution, the Commissioner of Police has full Police powers, Article 160 (1), and was intended to be a wholly independent officer without any political persuasion or favor, this article was copied from another constitution of a civilized country where a Chief of Police is normally contracted to hold the post for a specific period of time. And the candidate is chosen by the recommendation made by the Police Board of Commissioners. But in Seychelles nothing is done democratically, the Chief of Police or Commissioner of Police as is known there, is chosen by the President, and of course it would be one who supports his ruling party and willing to be his lackey in every way for him to stay in his job for as long as possible. This is why Seychelles will always have incompetent Chiefs and unprofessionalism in the Force.

  9. PP if your police can respect public and put order maybe you should ask Japan to built some robot cops for you robot cops have more respect to human being more intelligent and more clever than your cops and robot cop will never raise its hand to hit a human being in his mouth remove 4 of his teeth.

    Yes man in all department they are unprofessional example also with their media.

  10. NDEA MEMBERS ARE THE MAIN DRUG LORD WORKING TOGETHER WITH RUSSIAN MAFIA ON THE ISLAND ITS TIME TO GET INTELLIGEN ASSISTANT WITH US.NDEA tell MICHEL sent you in those Russian mafia house all Crystal are in their cabinet.Drug like crystal only come from Russia.

    When and some guys hanging near the road its not your fucking problem and its not fucking of this goverment they have their right to hang around were ever there like in public area as long as there not causing any trouble.Michel are you bring back FAR sytel again by harassing public standing by the road?

    Its seem mal rouge Michel don't want to listen to Human Right,this sytem show us more cases they are not respecting human right.

  11. After almost (4) four decades my Government can't produce a strong and reliable police force. They need to import Gurhkas to do what Seychellois can do with proper training. Shame on my Party, shame on Parti Lepep, shame on Morgan. Sorry I can't give you my support in the next general election .PERIOD.

  12. This is enough to scare off tourist to seychelles. Can government call in all parties to get some cooperation?

  13. Why have the Police in the raid not been named?
    They are all jointly liable in conspiracy theory.
    They left this man to die all of them.
    Romano is in charge of this?
    St. Ange?

  14. Pp must understand that people must have freedom to vote,to debate and negociate.Cruel and represssive governce teaches us that enduring peace,stability emanatessoely from a just,,inclusive and participatory government and state.The acid test for PP is whether or not pp is bold enough to open -up social,economic, and political space for everyone.I would advice PP to follow FAR recoomendation to RECONCIL,else they are bound to end up like GAddafi.

    Police officers invovled in this gross Huamn rights voilation,which is not the first time,must be investigated and punished for their atrocities,and compensations must be paid to victims.We expect QAUATER,GOVINDEN to stop making speeches ,telling Seychellois "we going to look in the case ,and disguss on Huamn rights in the Assembly".We neeed to see rule of law and justice is action,we have constitutions, rules already exist to abide with Pp,what you need to do is not disguss about Huamn rights in Assembly but abide by the book, set to regulate,control,and deal with societal problems.

    Pp police also confuse the difinition of POLICE USE OF FORCE and police brutality which is a result of :lack of dsicipline,gun and badge,and is alck of permisssiveness and lack of leadership and proffessionalism,and lack of self-esteem.

    We need to see a stop with those acquitals when ithey should be a convinction.We need to see mercenaries and foriegn paid killers as those illegal foreign judges out of our land and stop controling our Institutions.

    It is high time.pp rogue governemnt is sanctioned by the International communities,stop IMF,World Bank aid to the rogue regime,all those invovle in mass Huamn rights abuses Like Muchel the butcher arested once he cross the border and brought to the HAAG for crime on Humanity(RWANDA genocide)murder of innocent Seychellois,their stolen and ill gotten wealth confiscated and return to the peopel of this goes also to Indai:the latter considers itelf as FRIEND OF SEYCHELLES(but it keeps sponosring a gang of crooks,rescute FAR from being toppled which has allowed him to enslave Seychellois 4 decades long,etc....If Indai consider tislef as FRIEND OF SEYCHELLES it must support the majority and democracy government not a gang of criminals,then only Indai can talk about being friend with Seychelles (thus Seychellois).PP does not represent te people of Seychelles ,nor the majority Indian.Pp is a dictatorial regime that must be radicated from the face of the earth.And that oges to Commonwealth ,UN,Euroepan communities and all other International organizations and fiancial institutions.

    Jeanne D^Arc

  15. The recruitment of mercenaires as paid killers to brutalized population is not a common practice by democratic states and any soveiregn states with the exception of Bahrain (Arabes)who recruited foreign killers ot butcher protestors on the streets of Bahrain.That PP thugs illegal imported hundereds fo foreigners from GURKAS ,to IRISH as polcie officers ,is not only illegal for a soveiregn Nation but a copy by Michel of his Arabes friends.Maybe ,he was adivced by Khalfia to do so,hoping this would ensure there and secure the rogue and falling system.Pp recruit them to do the dirty works,and thus hope it could wash it hands in any murder committed,insinated by the regime.for Seychellois police persons might refuse order of astrocities from Michel the Butcher,So recruit foreign thugs and get them to the dirty jobs.This also shows that PP has little trust in its own police forces.

    Guraks.Scully,and other recruited by PP,are not consider by International norms as LEGAL.(regardless if they were recruited by private persons or states)Article 47 of the Portocol of Geneva convention--s--mercenaries are exempt from it for they donot meet any requirememnts entailed in the Geneva Conventions.PP argument "That we lack personal and must recruit mercenaries is a joke,and illegal.And morevoer Pp has no rights to decide in the people names and ask in away that rape Constituion,which the recruitemnt of mercneaires does--thus Pp recruitemnt of mercenaires regardless of PP's attmept to justifies it,is simply ILLEGAL).That means if they are executed no International norms would protect them.For they are considered as criminals by International organizations-

    A Soveiregn countrymust rule itself,it people only have the legitimate rights to defence thmeslves,be part of their National deence forces etc.. these are norms partices by all soveiregn Nations with the exception of Arabs Despots and Michel the monkey.

    All foreign boots out of our territories--all mercenaires out of our soveiregn land.And i means ALL-from gurkas,scully,N?GOLA and the other under qualifed foreign judges,to all those foreigners acting illegally as our Ambassadors around the world.etc..etc..etc..
    And there is no nogociation,conditions,excuses for it PP.We want our land is freed from mercneaires,Intenraitonal criminals.and son.and that immeidately without delay.

    Jeanne D?Arc

    1. Instead of reducing foreigners more are being recruited, especially Indian lawyers with fake qualifications.

      One foregn judge has been granted citizenship so that he can continue and give judgements in favour of the government. This is called Perera syndrome.

  16. Jean Toussaint telsl us,he is investigating the case,What we need to see is not only an investigation,but culprits punished,Morgan and Quarter sanctioned,reparation paid to victims,and all those many previous cases,like rape by police thugs,and other abuses investigated and culprits punished.We want to see our police forces free from mercenaries as well as ,our institutions free from foreign occupation.And democracy ,rule of laws florishing.

  17. All are responsible.the first responsible is Michel,the Commander-in -Chief.

  18. I took Michel a year to send support to the Kenyan government in regards to the bomb attack in a Nairobi's Mall in 2013.Once Again,Michel send condolences to Kenyan,Chinese victims but not to family members of all those Seychellois he butchered in 1977.He did not even send a message to victim or make a comment as Commander-In-Chief and President, regarding the gross Human rights abuse by mercenaires he imported and control.

  19. NDEA operation!!Serbian currencies found with those dealer,but were those Serbian currencies come from not exist in our bank.I bet Russian mafia using those currencies.Russian mafia Serbian mafia are on our soil we have to get rid off them before it get worst than it is now.
    All Seychellios been arrested dealing ok! but what about those foreign mafia importing dangerous chemical on our shore? To get those kind of dangerous must be some foreign mafia or escobar importing this drug on their private plane on the island till now NDEA have not knock on one those foreign escobar or mafia DOORS.

    NDEA BAN Liki zot manman search those PRIVATE PLANE THAT ARE LANDING WITH KILO LIKE THEIR WANT AT OUR INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT.Seen a long time you don't catch any Seychellios at sea it must coming in those private plane from Russia,Serbian mafia.

    Just few days ago a Serbian escobar gave himselves to Serbian authority who was on a run in the South America and was on CIA list.There are some hiding in Seychelles.

  20. What i see when i seeing him laying in this bed it seem his not getting care when been admit in hospital ward.Those cops should be punish and this guy should seek compensation from NDEA for the damage.

  21. Jean Toussaint himself is useless, he is just reporting what he has been told to report. Next thing you will hear is that Morgan has ordered an ad hoc enquiry just like last time and nothing will come out of it. The enquiry is manipulated by having the right presiding judge or magistrate and the right witnesses to testify. Lately someone described the Seychelles judiciary as 'just a phone call from the President's office'.

  22. This is what Russian Ambassador Vladimir Belous wrote in the Seychelles Nation yesterday, "In a situation where the people do not have an opportunity to gain their status and protect their rights in the framework of the State, in whose territory they reside, such people have the right to self-determination by the removal of that State and/or adherence to another State". You want to tell me that the Russians in Seychelles have the right to self-determination if they feel that they do not have an opportunity to gain their whatever status they desire? And that Putin has a right to send troops to annex part of Beau Vallon including Coral Strand, to form part of his dream of Greater Russian Federation? And what about Alaska? there are plenty of ethnic Russians living there why Putin does not take it back into the fold of mother Russia? Answer us Ambassador Belous!

  23. Too many Chiefs and not enough Indians!
    Plenty of useful IDIOTS!

    sESEl sa!

  24. What a stupid question for an headline! Nobody is going to answer because the topic is more important than your ism. A good way to take attention away from the issue and promote fascism.

    nikol roz

    1. Mr Roz, this is an impotant issue. One that cannot be ignored. The sim ilarities is between what we had before the 5th of June 1977 and now....For Seycjhellois it seems like North Korea!

    2. How much do you know of North Korea other than what the US control medias wants you to know?


  25. What Vladmir Belous said"is bullshit"Ukriane is a indepedent state only Ukriane Government has the legitimate right to decide if there should be a referendum or not,not foriegn occupanied force.What about CHENIA Mr VLADIR BELOUS?Whatabout Syria Mr VLADIR BELOUS,can you then tell us why RUSSIA is protecting ASSAD?Becuase like in CRIMEA Russian has a naval base there.The only two naval bases it has left since the fall of SOVIET UNION.Secondly,Putin himslef is an autocrate who robbed the last Election to grab and hols on power as he has equally robbed billions of tax payers money make him the richest Russian in Russian History.

    The inquire who be teemed on lies as in the case of the TAZAR solider whose head was chopped by mercenaries.They would tell us like in this soldier's case that the victim felt while running away to escape police brutality.As to the judges,UN has reconfirmed what SFP has been saying for long.The use of illegal foreign judges purpose is to rape justice,as the same way GURKAS were illegal brought in in order to commit the crimes of PP.We saw this in BAHRAIN protest whereby Michel's Arab Firends recruited Pakistanis as riot police to come a do the dirty job of murdering its citizens .And you noted only CHina supported Russia annexation of CRIMEA ,-For like RUssia ,Chinese is one of those rogue countires who raped and annexed by force others country namely TIBET and even want to annexed islands in the ASIEN SEA belonging to JAPAN.They share the same crooked mentality.

    What we can learn or waht CRIMEA teaches us,is that should we have let PP allow CHINES to build Nalva BAse in our territories,we would have experience the same thing namely CHines protecting PP in order that it stays forever on püower ,ofr such a rogue system only would allow a communsit dictatorisal state to abuse their territories.


    Jeanne D'Arc

  26. RUssian living in Ukriane In CREMEA lives' were not under threat,nor there was any ethnic conflicts,genocide aginst whoever in CREMEA,This is an excuse,support by only CHINA to rape others from their territories like China did in TIBET.When would PUTIN holds a refernedum in CHECHNIA?

  27. Nikol Roz is the one who is stupid or ignorant. The issue under discussion brought out all these questions because they are inter connected by similarities of past atrocities which could be the probable consequences of the future.

    1. Show up or shut up!

      nikol roz

    2. Call yourself 'Tricot Rouge' then we shall know your true colour!

    3. I guess your name must be 'Tricot Jaune' or Lazonis!

      nikol roz

  28. May be Nikol Roz wants to keep every thing under the carpet like Michel, yet Albert Rene is calling for Reconciliation and that will start with a Commission of Truth, all details of those atrocities will have to be made public and those responsible will apologies and ask for forgiveness! Time will tell Nikol Roz.

    1. Yeah! Who is under the carper? You are trying to attack me from the chicken coop. Take off your yellow coat and face me if you care for the truth.

      nikol roz

    2. Good morning everyone. For your information Mr Roz is Mr Terry Payet. Hiding behind an iron curtain like usual.

    3. Congratulation your dumbness!

      nikol roz

    4. A wanna be democrat, but in his heart a dictator.

    5. Terry Payet who was in Canada? If it is him then he is on Facebook wearing his red t-shirt. Quick guys before he deletes it.

  29. RFAR is calling for RECONCILAITION --the wisest idea a thug can have.But the problem is thast crooks like Michel,Morgan,and small gang within the PP have been committing crimes more the FAR,thus they feel afraid and conscious of their crimes and their consequences thus they would opt to keep the statusquo becuase they think with Khalfia mercnearies their change of survival is bigger to the contary of FAR.Morevoer,FAURE won't change though FAR his master told him to do so,for FAURE has a dram ,the dream of being dictator like CATROS someone his inspoired by during his study(in nothing) in CUBA.

  30. Badges don’t grant extra rights. That’s why it’s important for citizens in a republic to guard against the impostures of pretend patriotism, couched in blind submission to authority, even if it wears a badge or a funny hat.

    Every human being is endowed with natural rights and a government is instituted to protect those rights. If any government is to exist, its sole claim to legitimacy flows from its dedication to the principles of individual liberty. As such, individuals cannot be harmed if they are not harming anyone else. Even if a person is caught in the act of committing a non-violent crime, they shouldn’t have any more force done to them than is necessary to secure their arrest. The job of the police is not to punish criminals. That is the role of the courts.

  31. North Korea !Aljazzera was showing a report a prison in the North Korea were their execute prisoners.May be Seychellios who don't have access with those kind of international media there don't know nothing about North Korea Nikol Roz th at's why your chief allowed only one TV station to broadcast for poor Seychellios to watch only your crap on SBC.You don't show them the rest want is going on outside the world Onzemie and how it done in the outside world.

    1. Excuse me for I do not know how to be political about this!

      People are brutalized again and again because there are too many FUCKING ANONYMOUS and FUCKING OBSERVERS sucking up, afraid of coming forward because they are spineless and too selfish! Yeah!

      Aligning Seychelles with North Korea is not going to solve the problem of Police brutality. We have to support the victims and find ways to prevent it from re-happening.

      nikol roz

  32. Are you saying that North Korea is the only country that execute prisoners? I don't think so! How many films of Qatar's prison have you seen from Aljazeera? I haven't seen any! By the way, I have no chief, I have my opinion! Your opinion of a Seychellois is a bit old and naive!

    I do not think that SBC is any different than FOX, BBC, CNN or Aljazeera; they are all in the same boat! They are in the same order!

    nikol roz

  33. What we need is an Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) a non-departmental public body responsible for overseeing the system for handling complaints made against the police.

    1. That would be a good start!

      nikol roz

  34. How many Boards will we create, to hide the pathetic leadership in Seychelles?

  35. Nikol Roz you cant stop it happening again because its been going on and on for years now to stop it you have to change this weckid sytem and those bags of criminals in power.

    1. If you keep on saying you can't, you will never be able to do anything about it. You cannot change the system overnight but you can start by standing up for what you believe.

      nikol roz

  36. Independent Police Complaint Commisisions and an idenpendent police forces.We might need a kind of POLCIE DE POLCIES as in FRANCE trained in dealing with police abuse of power,brutality, has the sole duty of investigating and taking legal actions aginst police officers who misuse power.

    The country needs,new breed of police officers twith a new Polcie Culture,which needs to start at the time of recruitment,in police school and follow constantly by those responsible.Police officersshould also have a mimim of education at least O-levels (thus possibility fro them to sit for their A-levels or advance studies etc..)We cannot recruit under qualifed persons or thugs in the polcie forces.

    Of course,All mercenaires should leave our shores,an independent country cannot and should not have its defence forces or part of it control,teemed by mercenaires.

    And the many other things needed for it to be proffesional and modern.

  37. We have to withheld our names comrade Rose, because some people in Seychelles cannot handle the truth very well, hence persecuting us and our families everytime we stand up for our rights or saying something they do not like.

    1. I know! You cannot bite the hand that feeds you.

      nikol roz

    2. Comrade Anonymous, give me a break! I think you are too afraid to tell the truth if there is any. Those who are persecuted are often the first to speak up.

      nikol roz

    3. Even if I am a minority of one, the truth is the truth.

    4. The truth is the truth, but you, you never stand up for anything! Am i right? You have been trained to look the other way and to only speak in the dark.

      nikol roz

    5. Roz, may I ask how old are you? It appears that we will have to agree to disagree on what you and I believe in, politically and morally. No hard feelings.

    6. Tell me your name and I will tell you how old I am!
      nikol roz

    7. That is ok Roz/Payet, If you are that clever than work it out...... The ball is in your court, so play with it :-)

    8. I do not trust any supporters of PL to tell me the truth anyway. Nothing new there Roz/Payet.

  38. Nikol is a very trained IDIOT.

    And Nikol, a trained APE can do a better job than JAM.

    1. I am definitely not a coward like you! Show yourself and bring me a few bananas, otherwise put your foot in it.

      nikol roz

  39. The comparison for North Korea, is relevant in many aspects.
    North Korea uses fear to control the population, I see no difference in Seychelles. Degree maybe, but not much difference.
    North Korea is building up its military instead of feeding and caring for its people. Seychelles it is the same, add a little tambola and moutia, bakka to the brew occasionally, its the same. We have had 3 months of military build up campaigns on SBC. So this is confirmed.
    Human rights are respected in Seychelles, only as lip service, and Minister Adam has shown that very well. There is no genuine attempt to respect uphold andlift up human rights in seychelles. The effort is geared to cover up mostly. North Korea does the same and reinforces what it does on national TV, like Seychelles. North Korea wealth is controlled by 2 families, like Seychelles.

    1. People like minister Adam were slave drivers in the past they are vile, he does not give a damn about human rights........ A leopard can't change its spots.

    2. North Korea is a lot like the USA but far from the Seychelles!

      nikol roz

  40. May be this zako roz aka pissdoff want Seychelles become North korea in Indian Ocean.

    1. No! I only want to shut the Macaw who repeats words from people like Rumsfeld.

      nikol roz

    2. This roz is something of a kind I have never seen before...... An idiot, ignorant, brainwashed and politically bankrupt. If these are the people supporting PL, then paradise is truely lost. Arabs, you are welcome to it!

    3. Anonymous is nothing, less than an idiot and an ignorant!

      Nikol roz

  41. The day of reckoning will come and I am certain they will do a Jim Jones mass suicide rather than answering all the questions relating to the dark and medieval period when "paradise" was lost and thousands of its citizens fled to other parts of the world. They can't rewrite the past, however we can learn from it so it does not happen again.

  42. If partilepep.Govinden,Morgan,Qatre fialed to punished culrptis and send back those mercenaires to their home,we will have to take actions agsint ourselves.We should not hessitate to ambush them and machine gun them dowm,Note mercnearies are not covered or protected by any laws for they are considered criminals.Those crook must feel insure that the only way to make them stop.

    Seychellois must refuse that GURKAS challenge them,in their country.GRUKAS are not Seychellois and should be doing polcing for us:We are a sovereign country and our defence forces must be made of Nationals not foreigners.

    03.04 .>YXou vtottally rioghts,that is laso why culprits should be punsihed for their actions in order to ensure that history does not repeat itself.Fialing to punish those crooks ,we are bound to then see history rerpeat itslef in the future.Toerrorirsts must be dealt with by all means,including their execution.

  43. Brutalizing individuals is a state policy thus state organized crime.Seychelles is faced with a broken judicial institutions illegally controlled by foreigners,lacks of training,ethics,good police culture.Police brutality is Seychelles has a long history,ç decades of history,While we donot have CAPTIAL SETENCE(Which in fact,is not needed to be made official or offically have such laws in palce)for Dictator butcher their people with or without CapitalSentences Like PP has butchered Gerald,and many othwer innocent Seychellois.
    It seems pp has a doctrine of National securtîty that says our Oppostion must be kill,muder,brutalize.The failure to punish culprits drives the killings, brutalities to continue.This is not a individual failure (that is the police thmelsves)but failure of the system or its policy.Seychelles p0olice forces has lost the real meaning of authority ;it associated instead with brutality and violence.The state doesw not hears its people;it does not rerpesent them;so people do not trust it thus look foir their own voilence solutions.There need to create a real relation between state and society.For that we need to get Pp terrorists out of power and send then where they really belong namely at Montagne Possee or their graves.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  44. Please refrain from attacking each other personally, we need to focus on fair comments that will help our country.
    Seselwa Unite For Sesel Pou Seselwa!

    1. It worst when an anonymous is attacking somebody!

      nikol roz

  45. Roz are those kind of peoples who benefiting from a corrupt government and them sell-out to foreign like Russians mafia and arabs.And the Seychellios are feeling it every day.

    1. Just like an ostrich, burying his/her head in the sand and pretending everything is fine. They will pay a heavy price one day.

    2. Like those families who has lost loved ones in the Malaysia airplane, they still believe that their ralatives are still alive although all evidence shown that it is all over. Why? Because that is exactly what they want to hear.

    3. I speak my mind and I am not oblige to please anybody.

      nikol roz

    4. Good Roz, you have a one track mind and it is bankrupt.

    5. Roz states that he "speaks his mind and not oblige to please anybody". I bet you he pleases "the hand the feeds him" and says all the right things to them.... Judas, go and hang yourself you medieval ass licker.

    6. I know why Roz is desperately wanting to know who we are, so him and his mafia gang PL can do to us what they have done to Jean-Paul David and others. Dream on Roz you cock sucker, its not going to happen.... lol

  46. Danny Faure is not a Seychellois by birth, he was born in Kilembe, Uganda. He is a graduate in political sciences from an institution in Cuba. So guys you know what is coming. He needs to be stopped now before it is too late.

  47. Yes I agree, we need to stop Danny Faure now!!!!

  48. Stop Danny Faure? Ask Dr. Bibi to stop Danny Faure, this is his challenge, right Dr. Bibi?

  49. They never bet one day we will have internet, they thought they will keep us quiet forever. We are their worse nightmare and they hate every minute of it, so we will keep coming back again and again and again until they tell the people of Seychelles the truth. Maybe then we will start respecting them.

  50. Roz maybe you been brainwash for so long that's why your mind always speak yourself not the poor man and those feeling it these are the kind we have on the island.

    They wanted to know who we are until they lost their nerve taking it on the youths hanging near the road.

    Roz we are better equip and prepare than 1977 and better prepare equip than your gang just try and repeat a genocide again or go after politician leader who are fighting for our cause.

    Faure seen a long time we are keeping eyes on him,his on the radar seen traveling around the world to represent Seychelles a man with no real Seychellios blood.

    1. Roz is sick, too much wacky backy has turned him or her into a pacifist, making him behaving in a strange way. I think we should stop wasting our time with him. Let him bark....... Woof Woof bitch!

    2. Good, because Faure is the future of politics in Seychelles, the porn in Rene's PL game. His public relations person is trying to portray him as a democrate. Let me tell you that is why he was in Cuba learning about socialism and marxism. Don't be fooled by his PR people. Stop Danny Faure Now!!!!!!

  51. Bez zot ek bar tiyo parey dalon Didon,Gin get!! or throw en petar ton dan zot fes.

  52. The community police unit of the Seychelles Police organised an ABC safer sex activity under the theme ‘No Sex Now, Studies Come First’ yesterday at the police headquarters. (NATION 30-March-2014)

    From fighting crime to sexual health experts overnight. Maybe they will stop beating up members of the public.

  53. Maybe they should put a stop to SPUP/SPPF/PL. The largest peodophile organisation ever to operate in Seychelles.

  54. Social responsibility, not state control!!


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