Stella G. Port-Louis Involvement In Offshore Scandal

13:22, February 3, 2014

Despite the continuing resonance of the Cyprus financial imbroglio in Armenia, AmeriaBank, a major ‘player’, seems intent to push the entire process to its logical conclusion.
AmeriaBank, registered offshore in Cyprus, has to date failed to respond to the numerous articles in Hetq calling into question a number of its financial practices in the imbroglio.
None of the top managers at the bank have been replaced or repositioned as a result. The only change at the top is that as of Nov. 27, 2013, Ruben Vardanyan is no longer chairman of the bank’s board of directors; a post he held since the bank’s founding.
Vardanyan was replaced by Andrei Mkrtchyan, who also serves as the CEO at the America Group of Companies. (See: The Keys to Unlock the Ongoing Offshore Scandal Exist)
AmeriaBank continues to sell off the property of businessman Paylak Hayrapetyan, appraised at US$30 million, and is trying to complete the process before the trial of Ashot Sukiasyan gets underway. The bank wants to get its hands on the cash now, before any undue surprises pop up.
There were no prior notifications regarding the auctioning off of Hayrapetyan’s property. And this is the bank’s right. But everything becomes clear when you realize who have become the owners of the property originally placed as collateral. Moreover, all these transactions have been concealed as ‘top secret’ by the bank.
Below, we present two of these transactions about which we were able to cull some interesting information.
1. On Dec. 12, 2013, Limassol Project LP obtained the rights to a piece of property located at 4 Hrachya Kochar Street in Yerevan. 
There is no information regarding this entity in Armenia’s State Registry, signifying that the company isn’t registered locally. An internet search, in Armenia, only reveals one link located in the RA government’s website. The company shows up in a list entitled “Purchases enacted by one individual”. 
It turns out that the RA Ministry of Territorial Administration’s State Migration Service signed a lease contract with Limmasol Project LP.
Stella Port Louis

Limassol Project LP Director Stella G. Port-Louis gave a writ of attorney to one Aram Khachatryan to sign the contract. The writ was certified by a notary in the Seychelles Islands. 
We still have no idea who Aram Khachatryan is, but given that Limassol has an account in AmeriaBank, we can infer that he has connections to bank management. 
We know more about Stella G. Port-Louis. She’s the director of some 388 companies, two of which are implicated in illegal arms trafficking cases. 
So how did Limassol wind up purchasing Paylak Hayrapetyan’s property? Most likely, Limassol’s stockholders are either AmeriaBank officials or closely connected individuals. 
Now, while I don’t know if there’s a criminal element to all this, but let’s review the scenario. The government transfers money to a company whose director is implicated in illegal arms trafficking. 

2. A piece of real estate located at 9.3 Shahoumyan Street in the town of Jermouk is registered to a company called Ibitsa Group. It’s an Armenian company listed in the RA State Registry as of May 6, 2013. 
It’s quite clear that the company was registered solely to take possession of the property (9,700 square meters and the former gym-culture complex) located in the center of Jermouk. Hayk Hambardzoumyan founded Ibitsa and was the sole shareholder until Nov. 27, 2013 when the company was taken over by Noston Capital SC, registered in the Virgin Islands. 
Photo: (from left) Andrew Mkrtchyan, Paylak Hayrapetyan


  1. There will be no reconciliation as long as the Stella GATE keep pooping up.
    Flies everywhere no wonder it's sting. Even I can smell.

  2. Stella the wonder girl,has become the queen of thieves.Like in the classic fantasy-hostory tale of Eygpt and Nubia by Gillian Bradshaw entitled:The Dragon,The thief,and the princess.Protected by Chief-of -thieves Michel,she walks shamelessly in our streets without shame and without fear of being arrested and investigated.She part of the Pp gang of-thieves.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  3. What a mess this Seychelles offshore Business. Who will risk using a Seychelles offshore company when there is such bad publicity and lack of accountability.

  4. To all foreigners or exile Seychellois, my greatest gift of advice is keep your hard earned money where it is now don't invest in this trap of PP administration. They are like hungry wolves watching the weak preys. So many horrible stories of what happened recently to people who invested in. PP think Aspecreme cure Hemorrhoid!

  5. Stella we have to arrest her our self and punish her,there is no law on the island if there is one its a jungle one.She been working for those pp criminals also give them advance how to bank off shore.

    Were are those anti-corruption peoples are there exist on the island?There are some foreigners work for thing like money laundry on the island but they can not bring any one under investigation and be prosecute seen years.Are those peoples on holiday on the island and why they don't their jobs to bring criminal like Stella to justice? And we continue hearing Stella is at this at that over and over again.When you will stop her?

    Even his speech this donkey head Michel don't even mention a word about corruption in his country are on high level in the red,because Michel himself are Mr corrupt.

  6. On reconciliation

    Michel would never takes the inicitative to start reconciliation--we the most wicked of the gang of thugees.But,FAURE can and should listen to his grandmaster FAR and start wlaking the reconciliation path FAR has traced for him-FAR does not want to ende up as a sewage rat like Ghaddafi,he is clever enough to understand that adaption is the best mean of survival.As to FAURE,this is an opportunity for him to become his own man,he must not follows in the Butchers' foot steps for thr butcher has always act unilaterally ,he is a /SOLITEUR let him ends his life in the gulag he built atMontagne Possee alone.

    Jeanne DÂrc


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