"Seychelles Police Brutality Sanction By State"

The culprits Ernest Quatre and Romano Songor


  1. UK government must be a shame of themselves.

  2. Chief QAUTRE does not look like Police Chief but rather a police thug,representing a police thug state.

    He has demonstrated unproffessionalism since he holds the post of Chief-of-police-thug.Repeated Huamn rights abuses perpetrated by KHALFIA/MICHEL mercenaires NDEAWhich i remind you again is Khaflai's private army disguise as Drug squad to keep GURKAS busy).

    Police butality,in Seychelles is not isolated incidences,but pre-meditated bcrooked actions roganized,approved and ordered by PP governemnt who illegally imported those mercenaries on our shores to protect both Pp and Khalfia.

    GURKAS and foriegners controlling our polcie forces must go to their homeland.We are a soveriegn country ,and we cannot accept that part of our defnce forces is control by imercenaires imported unilaterally by Pp to brutalize our citizens.--CRIMINALS can not be allow to serve in the organization responsible for law and orders.

    Police forces is a visible features of governance in Seychelles.Thu brutality reflex Pp rogue system.I think soon we would have to start advertising Seychelles not as A unique tourist destination but WELCOME to the Police brutality STATE.

    Mercenaries must leave our shores.Their rpesent on our shores are illegal and that both under Nationla and International laws.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  3. Seychelles police force and justice are in dysfunction because in our police force and justice are full of foreigners brought by this sytem.

  4. Partilepep sponsors and organzise gangsterism.

    Down with partilepep gansters!

  5. And 40 years of a crooked one-party state thugish system,the root of all evil in Seychelles.

  6. Can anyone load a supporting document in English about those pictures so it can be forwarded to the appropriate dept. Date, time and place it occurs would be a great advantage.
    Thank you.

    1. We do not give documents to people we do not know and afraid to sign his name. Do your own research for a change.

      What appropriate department are you taking about Mr Songor? It does not exist in Seychelles. Everything is swept under the carpet.

      Let me get on with my work and please do not come on here to waste my time.

      Bon soir

      Seselwa Unite!

      Gary Tall

  7. "Supporting documents" So you can shoot the messenger? It is the duty of the government to investigate and open a public inquiry into exactly what happened. That is what we pay our taxes for.

  8. Morgan in the future let chief of police Qautre come out first to explain Seychellios about this evil act.

  9. Why is it that "Kominike lapolis" from The Nation paper always in Kreol? Let's stop lying to ourselves.

  10. "Supporting document" Suddenly everyone in power has amnesia. It's like the devil asking for documents about hell.......lol

  11. In the Kingdom of the blind the one eye man is King!!

  12. It is always in CREOLE to hide the truth from begginign known (accroding to PP)Abroad.Donot forget Pp has always been attempting to portrays itself as Demopcractic,human,Patriotic,good goverance and all the rest. though every body knows Pp is a crooked one-aprty dictatorship to the likes of N.Korea.

    Donot tell us that PP who has all kinds of systems in palce to spy on Seychellois and now tries to give us the impression you cannot or donot know how to down load documents on the net.Appropriate deaprtments are window dressing-----they serve for nothing bucause in a dictatorial state in the end the idctator dictate and over rule others.And SONGOR,all those deaprtments are they not teemed with one-aprty state followers?

  13. A string of allegations have been levelled at the police over the years, and that has eroded public trust in the force........ The people need answers so we can have cognitive closure and hopefully restore trust in this institution.

  14. Who ever the Seychellois police thug invovle should be op8nished-As to GURKAs all must leaveour land

  15. Institutional racism from Seychelles Police, victims appear to be young black men or coloured. Shame on you!!

  16. Liberté, égalité, fraternité...... well is it? You decide.

  17. The Irish government has set up an inquiry into allegations of widespread secret recordings by police. It is understood the practice of routinely recording phone calls went back for decades. I wonder where are some of those Police officers now?

    1. Those Irish ex-Guardia are right here in Seychelles, at Sate House and setting up secret recordings for Michel.

  18. Remember the beating of Ramkalawan and Ferrari? well the commanding officer for that operation was Superintendent Guy Roucou and shortly afterwards he was promoted to Chief Superintendent! Wow! that was a slap in the face of good governance. Really there should be a panel of independent investigators to inquire in the standard, governance and culture of the Seychelles Police. This Romano Songor has been placed there to do the dirty works like Guy Roucou. His head should roll after a proper investigation ops! did someone said "promoted?" Would not surprise anyone in the least.

  19. It is not about racsim but about STATEORGANIZED Criminality ,Teeorirsm or better known as Dictatorship.It is the addictions and amusement by brainless tob the likes of Michel to butchered,brutalized,abused people.

  20. Why do we always have to blame the police or the Government don't you think sometime its the other way around, and its the perpetrator that should be blame we should not jump to conclusion.

    1. Yes because they are in charge to protect and to serve the public, not beating them up. We suppose to be living in a democratic and civilised society. This sort of behaviour is destroying the fabric of who we are as a people. I'm sorry to say that we are going down the road to national suicide. It is very sad cause I love my country.

  21. The Seychelles Police does have issues. When honest decent hard working citizens shun the Police, the problem is not the citizen, it is the Police Force it self and the leadership at the top.

  22. The government is in charge of the Police, the buck stops with them.

  23. everyone in the Ramkalawan and Ferrari beating got public housing and raises like christopher gill wrote in his article. It is true.
    SPPF even paid Ramkalawan and Ferrari for the beating.
    They took that money aswell.
    That is true as well.

  24. Seychelles police are not professional ,police and the government are unable to handle 80,0000 +20,000 immigrant them brought on our shore and this government are corrupt and a corrupt regime always turn brutal to public when hearing things they don't like to hear and they are laso afraid of their own shadow getting no sleep making them acting like monster on public and they are taking it on the youths hanging near the road, but it will be the youths who will remove pp out of power youths who want to see Seychelles clean and youths who want a better future for their children after you crooks have gone your fucking government seen 1977 till 2014 have been killing and beating and brutalize.

    Anonymous 15.58 and your government don't respect human right and toxicated our youths then them blame the youths and we have seen enough in this 35 years.

    1. LOL what do you expect? The reality is you cannot envisage anything better from a group of thugs that nominated themselves as GOS!

      Now it is up to the young locals to get their act together, even with petrol bombs, stones or broken bottles mon tia kass liki sa bann lengett.

  25. Maybe if Father Wavel Ramkalawan and Jean Francois Ferrari did not take money for the beatings, and they stood up to the government to insure concrete steps were taken so Police brutality would become a thing of the past, we would not be in this situation today. That was in 2006.
    While I blame PL for all this, SNP sleeping on the job all these years has not helped the matter much. If my memory is accurate, they each took about 150,000.00 scr, after heavy negotiations with SPPF. That is indeed, pathetic. So a pti men like Jean Paul David will get how much? Scr. 25,000.00 for a set of missing teeth? This is the legacy of a weak opposition under SNP.
    Say what you want you fanatics of Father Wavel, there are still some "blindos" out there, mostly old ladies whose Husbands left them, and time is slipping them, who think he is some sort of messenger from God.
    He is not even close to being a messenger of God. The proof is there to see he was out for himself every where, and he is nothing but a cunning opportunist priest.
    The only thing missing is a Rolls Royce from the picture.

  26. QATRE were are the culrpits?Why are they still disguise in police uniforms?Why are they not suspended?Why have hey not be interrogated,investigated QATRE?

    You knOWN what QATRE,we reserve the rights to sue YOu,MORGAN,GOVINDEN and other crooks for failing to make proper investigation,and the willingness to do everything to cover up repreated crimes commited by locals thugees and mercenries on the innocent people of Seychelles.Maybe QATaR and pp think ,state sponsored criminals should have immunity fro lawsuit and are not only above the law but the psersonification of the law.QATRE passed the case ot under-qualfied and Chief-escobar GOVINDEN but also known for obstructing justice in many cases involving PP thugees-WOMAN RAPED BY 4 POLICE THUGS -WENT FREE--REASONS FROM pp--NOT ENOUGH EVIDENCE.aLWAYS AN EXUCSE TO COVER PSTATE ORGANIZED CRIMES.


    Jeanne D'Arc

    Jeanne D'Arc

  27. Not a single Police officer suspended from duty.
    Joel Morgan, Minister of Internal Affairs has written to the Police distancing himself from the brutal conduct of officer.
    Minister Morgan, you would not have to write that letter if you did not violate Article 160 of the Seychelles Constitution and make Commissioner Quarte your lap dog.
    As Minister of Internal Affairs, you have gotten to close to the Police Commissioners, to the point that he is scared of you.
    You need to distance yourself, to allow democracy to take root, and the challenges of the Police force, to be met by Seychellois.
    Send Raymond St. Ange to help Commissioner Qaurte, not you.
    Seselwa Unite For Sesel Pou Seselwa!

  28. Morgan as interrior minister should not try to get himself out of the brutality but rather take his responsibiltiy as minister of interrior by dissolving NDEA--for it is a waste of vtax payers mojney,it is and has not reduce Hard drug dealers ,the causes of increase crimies,prpostitutions,domestic voilence,and the use of Tax payers money to built REHABS.There is enmough local police officers who can get the job done without GURKAS or other merCENARIES LIKE scullY WHO HAD NO PoLCING EXPERIENCE,TRAINING ETC....

    What is needed is an indepedent police forces,as judiciary,etc....
    We noted also that not a single Assmebly member came public to either support or condenm the on coming astrcitites by police thugs,dito to RAM,VOCLER and PIERRE all Pp collaborators,even the churchs seem silence,

    WHen would they take their moral responsibility?

    Jeanne D'Arc

    1. Moral responsibility? These guys wants to hold on to power at all costs. Why? Because they do not want to be judged for what they have done. That is why they are preparing Danny Faure to take over when Michel leaves. Castro and Rene's little boy.

    2. Stop Danny Faure now!!

  29. How long shall their brutalize our peoples
    All we stand aside and look,some say
    is the law.
    But my peoples see this a evil act.
    All we have to sing is another act of evil
    another act of evil.

    Burn Babylon!

  30. The two officials (Supt. Jean Paul Ernesta and Raymond St. Ange) are both unqualified for this type of investigation, just look at their profiles. Here is what it was said at their conference "The process is now in play, this with the internal police case files being sent to the Attorney General’s office so that legal advice and action can be taken where needed" They said it themselves "the process is now in play!" and earlier Ernesta mentioned that witnesses are not obliged to give written statements - why? because it is a prelude to the conclusion from A.G's office - 'insufficient evidence case closed' And those witnesses from whom statements were not recorded have been bribed or put under duress, their statements would have been damning!

  31. They have already decided what the verdict will be, to make it look that they are doing something about it. Same old story, no justice. I bet you the DNA on the Police baton would have nailed this case once and for all. Unfortunately it is too late now because it has been cleaned.

  32. Yes indeed!SONGOR told us to bring decumentations-What didi Pp thugs did when the Soldier above in the photo were attacked and have his head chopped.Well PP send two crooks one who is supposed to be forensic experts to lie on SBC "They told us the osldier fell down"while any eprsons with good eyes could see that the guy head were chopped and CTTV even proved that,but pp thugs did not hesistate to come and lie as usual.

    If nothing is done ,then we have to defecen ourselves for we cannot depend on a police forces tmade of criminals that do not protect indiviudals but they are themsleves criminals.We must not hesitate to ambush them,and machine gun them down.GUAKS are mercenaires and there is no single law that recognize them.

    Jeanne D'Arc

    1. The injuries are not consistent with "falling down" Mr Songor. Well done for trying to fool the people of Seychelles, it did not work. They cannot even do a good job lying to the public.

      Honest person at Seychelles Police.

  33. No justice, No peace!!!!

  34. Will this newly appointed human right commission work?or they will just seat on their lazy butt in a office getting fat salary like always?Moron you don't need only peoples on the commission board you need also peoles who are qualify to carry out investigation,cases been reported to you.

    Better make it work pp otherwise SANCTION will come your way soon or later then you will all have your fingers stuck in your a***.

  35. They do not have the facility or know how for DNA evidence, this is new and beyond the knowledge of the so called experts in the Seychelles police. And as for the verdict, be it at Govinden's desk or at the Court, it will be just like the Special Reporter said "what is Seychelles Judiciary? - it is just a phone call from the President's Office". So do not expect anything positive.

  36. They donot know how to investigate ,yes ,but there is also no intension by Pp to trained Seychellois to be proffesional ,for the less they know the better to protect,hide ,PP's crimes thus allow them to get away in impunity.
    What message do we receive from PP each time a pp offical or paid killers are invovle in a crime--like Three police thugs who raped a young lady.-? PP told us there is not enough evidence,or in the case of TAZAR soldier whose head was chopped by mercneaires ,PP told us it was an accident indure by vicitim himslef,and many other pp 's organized crimes .It has been like this since 1977.

    Jeanne D'Arc


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