Crocodile Arrives In Seychelles

Ministry of Health of Seychelles, have announced that the dangerous drug crocodile, has arrived in Seychelles.

The slang name crocodile refers to the scaling on the body area where the drug is injected. Eventually th area of the body where the drug is taken, rots, dries, and starts to scale. It affects the immune system, nervous system, leads to a quick death.

One only wonders if this is a grand plan to destroy Seychellois people.

The Ministry did not give details of what it will be doing to deal with drug addicts, who are a victim of crocodile.



  1. Thats why they are fighting cannabis to bring crocodile to kill more seselwa and let arabs conquor.Any way UN are working on to legalize
    cannabis and other drugs,because the world have fail the fight on drugs.

  2. Avec ces drogues dangereux dans notre petit Seychelles avec une telle petite population. Bientôt nous serons quittés seulement avec des Arabes sales. Que Dieu bénir notre pays.

  3. I just goggle this on the internet and find that this drug has a russian origin.It very popular in conclusion is that the russian mafia may be inporting this fucking thing into our country.

  4. When would partilepep starts putting in place comprehensive and aggressive control at port of enteries --habour and airport to apprenhend drug dealers?When would partilepep start searching ships coming from africa and asia ,the main and safer source for import? when would partilepepe starts checking bags of its diplomats.private planes,cargos,containers,and so on.And fianlly when would Pp escobars that Michel told us in 2008 knows them all,start being arrested and jailed.?

    How can a small country with only tow points of enteries --habour and airport and without having physical borders with other countries cannot deal with this fleoh?And it must be reminded that we a small popualtion of 85 thousands --when you have taken away old people,children,handicaps,ad people who make a legal job to earn a lving ,then the amount left of whom are potential drug dealers seem not that hard to target and apprehend.In a population of Praslin with 90000 inhabitants----minus old people.working pople.children ,handicaps ,what left is probably the handful of persons left into which the governemntshould search for the dealers.

    Partilepep excuses not to be able to deal with the drug dealers is not acceptable when one take into consideration how big our poulation is,its geographical position without physical borders with other countries, and having two ports of entries only.The governemnt should be able to apprehend Partilepep escobars without difficulty,and even more successful than any other country in the world.

    To do so there must be the determination,seriousness,willingness,well-established system and bodies to deal and apprehend partileppe escobars.

    Befroe independence many illness,diseases were radicated by Brits in Seychelles--since partileppe took over illness and disease long radicated have resurfaced on our sohres.mainly brought ot our shores by Indians,Pakistanisand other Asiens from countires where there have never been a national prgramme of radications.

    The causes and epidemy is a result of the fialures of partilepep to control foreign workers health records on entry8in fact should be done even prior to their arrival in Seychelles .With crocodile illness ,Seychellois are experiencing all kinds of misfortunes from dictatorship,illegal sell out,lost of their patrimony,identity,resurfaced of long radicated illnesses and diseases and now crocodile illness.It seem under partilepep,Seychellois know only misfortunes,mishaps and all the vice the world could experience.

    When would Chief Judge Idi Amin investigate Dr FAURE,he is beleived firmly by many seychellois together with Govinden to be the mastermind behind the drug invasion in our land.Where is Houreau the transporter ,the courrier?

    Jeanne D'Arc

  5. Not be they are ,seen years i wrote a comment i mention russians mafia.They are the main escobar on our shore with some pp escobar that jeanne mention and many more.They are importing this toxic drugs russian mafia liki zot manman wait till i come russian mafia. Pp have import those sucker on our shore fucking communist there's a few of them russians escobar on our shore.And same group of russian mafia that kill Pikoud. Russian mafia have private plane they land with kilo in the night at international airport like they want with out been control by Seychelles authority or by Seychelles gardbo or NDEA that always on duty drunk or high what they took on the streets they consume by themself or brining it back on the streets for some $$$$$..


  6. But before pp and foreign mafiosi destroyed seselwa for invaders to conquer action will come soon and very soon we have warn pp so many time thats why we have stop warning you,because action its nearly to happen any time..


  7. Next drugs russian mafia will bring will be crack and may be its already on our shore, also one dangerous drug around the globe..

  8. Jeanne not only this two entries o Mahe their use,they use also those island far from Mahe to land or dock Savy knows a lots about drugs trafficking in Seychelles.

  9. U means Glenny Islands?Good transit hubs indeed!For drug transportation,for organizing illegally BIG GAME fishing for his Mauritius and other ofreign friends and not to forget the unregistered illegal hotels Glenny operates.,Plus bird eggs.There were not a single egg for local market this year due probably to higher demand on Asien markets,salted turtles^^ meat etc.. all stuffs that could generate millions on Asien markets.

  10. Yes i mean Glenny island!

  11. Then he is God like Michel ,therefore he can do whatever he wants with our islands.i am sorry with his private islands given to him by FAR.

  12. One key question that is rooming the seychelles now is can Danny Faure has the power and influence from the army for him to instigate a coup detat and claim power?

  13. Well,there are continued speculations that people like the Herminie brothers,marielouise poteur,simon gill and a few hardcore rene supporters are pushing for Danny to take over the Country.those guys don't like what is going on in the country actually.Time will viendra vera.

    1. Danny is another hard core Communist from Cuba, the little brother of Fidel, cousin of Hugo Chavez and the young baby face of Mugabe. We deserved better. Sorti dan labarb bez dan moustas e entre dan tro nennen.

  14. Azemia and pp you gona fight crocodile?i dont think so you can not not fight heroin all those years now you want to fight crocodile to fight it you have to stop it coming on our shore,but this you and pp can no make it happen, pp crooks are working with Russian mafia in drugs bussiness.Seselwa must kick out russian mafia on our shore to stop crocodile coming on our shore.You pp peoples are full of crap and just bla bla but dont no how to make it work and because pp are hungry for money that why you will never STOP and make it work and stop hard drugs coming on our shore.May be stop fighting cannabis a drug that Far himself brought use it to get sleep and fight hard drugs ban donkey and goverment can have more control on this kind of drugs like alcohol and cigarette tax money can come in your empty coffer pp.


  15. Danny come in power seselwa gona eat shit dont forget seselwa this guy bankrupt our country togethere with michel.


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