Seychellois on Krejcir Hit List


  1. I am sure should anyone ask any Seychellois on the streets who the think those Seychellois O^`Sullivan is refering too.most of them without hesitation would probably tell you "they are the same Pp thugs"the only known organized crimiNAL GANG IN Seychelles history.

    Making public that Seychellois are invovled put more pressure on Pp thgotcrats .They having pressure on all side--from SFP,ICC,USA govt for human traficking,and now from their porominent foreign collaborator O'Sullivan.And two days ago RENE,MIchel,FAURE,Bastienne,Mancham,RAm and the rests told us "RECOGNITION STARAT AT HOME"refering to RENE who would like to be worship like North Korea Dictator and glorify him for committing crimes on the people of Seychelles.Praised him for him crimes.Well RENE RECOGNIZATION does start at home--and often naturally as the example of MANDELY .The latter never called South Afirca Public meidas to pontified him,nor his people they do it naturally because he is real,genuine not blood stain of his hands.That is a real leader and that is why he is recognized naturally not by focing others to love him.RENE might be dreaming of the scene he saw when Moa die,people forced to cry and fall into trance.But Seychellois are not stupid and the yxoung genration love freedom and the GOd not fake prophets.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  2. My apology mr Gill, sorry if I'm breaking your stride. I have just received some information about the murder of Gerard Hoarau. I would be please if Bonte could prove us where he was in November 1987. The guns was hidden underneath his sister's bed. Pass this information to Mr Tall so he can look into it further. Bonte is guilty!

    1. It adds up to that letter, which says the person was in charge at one time of the prison at Grand Police right? Raymond Bonte has been in charge of prisons!

    2. He will forever look over his shoulder, and it will be his own fear that will kill him.It is the way all cowards die.

  3. then again he would have different passport that son of a bitch!

  4. If some pp criminals is on his hit list who care and who give a dumm for those bastardo.

    1. I'll say, flatten them PL bastards down, you will only regret your bullets and effort.

  5. Lets dont forget there are still more dangerous peoples like krejcir pp have brought on our shore have to leave our land,pp have been working with mafia seen the coup,foreign heat man and mafia who carried out those killing in Seychelles in the seventees eightees killing peoples like Morgan,my bro and others and then left the country..PP was it russian heat man?Seselwa have to prepair themself againts foreign heat man and mafiosi.


  6. Wouldn't this be great news if his target in Seychelles in James Alix Michel. I will be restoring his citizenship back if he can do that for us. It's very easy to hit James Michel cause all of his bodyguards are capon.

  7. I am sure the butcher feels concern and is thinking "not againafter ICC,now that again",they will kill me before enjoying my stolen tax payers money"

  8. Interesting developments. Ironically, Michel's personal body guard teams are very thin.
    They do not even say good things about him.

  9. Ignore Michel's bodyguards,they would be useless should Michel be targetted.You have seen how Taliban does it-- ---with the road- side -BOOOOOOOM,- they inject you into the air,and you land back into pieces.

  10. What about the innocent by-standers?

  11. A noble sacrify for the nation.

    1. well said mate.For victory some of us have to die, freedom come with a price after all.

  12. Live by the sword...die by the sword.
    Unfortunately till now.... some malediksyon bouse pa pran lobef.
    Maybe slowly slowly slowly one by one it will happen.

  13. Each time manchan flies to attend whatever meetings aborad ;Partileppe advertise it on SBC;NATION.This time Mr sell out travelled to Austrialia,And as stated in Nation ,partilepe mouth piece,He is attending a meeting for EX_democratic President.One could wonder Why RENE never attented such meeting.Well,the answer has lalready be given by Partilepep namely THE MEETING IS FOR EX DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENT.HNECE SINCE RENE NEVER ATTNETED IT,IT MEANS PARTILEPE RECOGNIZED RENE WAS NOT A DEMCORATIC PRESIDENT.One would have think FAR would have gone ,thus the opportunit for him to visit his mango farm.No he didnot becuase he was not a democratic elected president.

    Albert Rene is a living contradiction because he is probably the only person to have conducted a coup d'etat against his own government, according to former president James Mancham. Mancham was speaking at the joint SNP/DP rally at BelOmbre on Sunday July 2 2006 in front of a large crowd.
    The former President said that he had deliberately stayed away during the month of June as a protest against the manipulation of the anniversary of our Independent by James Michel and the SPPF for purely partisan propaganda interest in furtherance of Michel's presidential bid.Mancham said that the month of June should have been dedicated to a reflection by the whole nation about the economic and political situation the country finds itself in today.
    "What liberation are we celebrating"Mancham told the crowd, throughout 200 years as a British colony we've never had one person classified as a political prisoner,in contrast to the period since the coup in June 1977 and many have also been killed,made to disappear while a large number of the population have fled the country seeking asylum in foreign lands.The Seychellois have been more divided and suffered terribly since Rene introduced his one-party state after the coup than during the whole of the colonial period.
    Mancham said that Rene's SPPF propaganda has tried,over the years to castigate the illegal take over of the legitimate government of the newly indepent Seychelles as a coup against the Mancham Government."In reality Rene staged a coup against his own government because Rene swore allegiance to the government that took office with independence as Prime Minister."
    "If when Mr Michel had gone on an official trip overseas Vice-president Belmont had staged a coup,would it have been justified?" Mancham asked.That is what Rene did to Mancham the crowd was told.
    July 14,2006.

    And today you are with the same bunch of %^&#@.
    Who is bourik gran zorey?
    Who will be watching the Arab camels soon!
    Yes YOU are!


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