Seychelles Airlines Industry Coup In The Making

Ahmed Afif Didi, the former Principal Secretary of Finance, and the man, that led Seychelles through the dark days of national bankruptcy, much like Churchill led England in the darkest, hollow moments of Blitz Krieg over London is back in form and made numerous announcements this week on the new airline Seychelles Airlines.

Mr Afif, fired from his post, because he raised numerous issues of malpractice in the Air Seychelles operation, has been chosen by INTERSHORE Airlines to run the new private venture, which was announced by Mr Louis D'offay on the occasion of his 15 anniversary as SHTA Chairman, the day, he resigned from his post as head of Tourism Trade. Intershore Airlines was presented to the Public as a concept, to the dismay of Mr Steve Fanny Principal Secretary of Finance, recently, booted from the Ministry of Finance.

An Arena of Government People
In attendance this week was an arena of government ministers, Principal Secretary (s), Directors, and anyone in the Michel Administration.

Mr Afif along with former Air Seychelles staff, laid out the game plan that Seychelles Tourism Trade has been begging for all these years, since Air Seychelles underwent a buyout of 49% and loss of management control by Etihad, from the UAE. The move, intended to keep Air Seychelles afloat, resulted in a deadly blow to Seychelles national pride. We are yet to recover.

The Direct Flight Option From Key Markets
What the new airline offers, that Etihad-Air Seychelles does not offer is direct flights from our main markets in Europe. This is exactly what is needed, to increase Seychelles performance as a Tourism destination. Flights from Germany, will work, because its economy is humming at nearly 4% per annum consistently. Germans prize a holiday in the Seychelles. Seats will be booked and sold. Flights from Paris, Charles de Gaulle is a no brainer since it is the hub of airline connections for most of Europe and still our main market. Code sharing with Air France and KLM in the near future, an arrangement broke by Air Seychelles, would increase seat accupancy in no time. Visitors will have direct access to Seychelles, spending 2-3 extra days in Seychelles, instead of spending that time in dreaded Abu Dhabi, which is not as bad, depending on the hotel you end up in.

I personally believe, though i have not seen figures, we are dealing with a 4% increase in GDP potential. That will take Seychelles to 6% GDP in the first year of operation. Closer to the 7%-8% GDP performance we need to get the country back on its feet.

The arrangement is like manna from the skies for the Seychelles Tourism Industry, who has been suffering under the subjugation, and enslavement of Etihad that has used Air Seychelles to open routes to Hong Kong, Vietnam, South Africa and Australia for itself. Air Seychelles has lost routes to Jo' Burg, Mauritius at times. Staff have become demoralized. Inter island ticketing has become madness. Prices are volatile and uncompromising for residents. Excessive charges on baggage from other airlines, has soured relations with Emirates, Qatar left, Visitors on holiday, grumble endlessly about the harsh charges. The whole country, even the President has resigned themselves to the mercy of Cramer Ball and his little toy Air Seychelles.

Mr Ball does what he does well for Etihad, but he just does not have a heart for Seychelles, its just a job for him, posting before he can move on to somewhere else.

Seychelles Airlines Will Have Trade Full Support
There is no doubt, Seychelles Airlines will have the full support of the Tourism Trade. The only issue is now the Government. I suggest to the government to set these wings free to fly. The country needs to move forward. Having a national carrier, run owned by Seychellois, is an excelllent way to do it. IMF will be clapping all the way. Give them your full support. The country should unite behind this call for a private airline. It's time we take our destiny back from the UAE.

All the way To Paradise with.........Seychelles Airlines!

Congratulation to Mr Afif and all the team at Seychelles Airlines for your effort, and risk of course. The Trade will not let you down.

Seselwa Unite!

Sesel pou Seselwa!

May God Bless All Real Freedom Loving Seychellois!


  1. I have on many occasions critized Mr Afif for pparticipating in the one-party state.But there is one thing that distinguish him from other PP members namely that he speak out his mind and disagree with the system when he thinks things are worng.Waht ofr courage !Not even RAM has the guts to do so.

    However,That Mr Afif is now leading a group of Seychellois to retore the pride of Seychelles with a new Airline probably made up of Seychellois Rasin crew is something we must praised.Though originated from Maldives ,i can howver say he is more patriot than those monkeys to the likes of Michel,Morgan those brainless and crooks that have sold everything to foreigners.

    I congratulate Mr Afif for speaking the truth to power and equally Mr DÔffay a real patriot who has always strive for Seychelles and Seychellois.

    RISKS--under a dictatorship we all at risks--including Mr Afif though he worked for the system.We saw Morgan passing his Imm .Laws--part of stated"Foreigner holding Seychellois passport might be forced to give up after riceiving it---a Huamn right abuse as SFP pointed---maybe when Morgan dictate this law he had Mr Afif in mind.

    Hope Seychelles Airline would be licenced soon that it could start direct flights to our main market very soon.

    You are making Seychellois find their pride again.Thank and keep it up,for this is still mountains to climb.

    Jeanne D'Arc

    Jeanne D'arc

  2. There is a saying that goes"a man can change"..Mr Afif is the physical example of this saying.This is a man one can forgive.He recongized his mistakes and acted to correct them by defending the interest of an Air seychelles for Seychellois not for Khalifa.You a brainful and courageous man, Mr Afif.

    1. Hopefully Afiff can convert his dear brother soon!

  3. Germany will work for it is the biggest world known supplier of tourists.The other destination as well.And allowing tourists who save years to allow themselves a holiday to Seychelles,not to waste their time,and money in Duty free in Dubai is an imporvement in itself.Money spent in Dubai duty-free would be invest locally in Restaurants,excursions,etc...

  4. Hey Crammer Ball! your balls are being squeezed and soon you and your female executives will have to search for better pasture. Seychellois has started to re-take back their country, you are a shameless opportunist Crammer! go play your ball in the desert sand as you are used to. Bet you will try to put obstacles on the Seychelles Airline's runway, like playing hard-ball with the licensing rights etc. That will be war in Paradise!

  5. Good luck to the new airline and it will have my full support. We need to restore some pride to our nation and regain our identity as a hardworking people.

  6. What a name! - Crammer Ball! Don't tell me Air Seychelles could not find a better person with a better Seychellois name to be their CEO.

  7. I feel good and proud like most Seychellois, seeing our conpatriots taking things into their hands.I feel good that i want to encourage Mr Afif to entice especially small and medium hotels,guests^house to together set up a strategy for the low/off season period whereby both Seychelles airline and hotels can offer a package(reduce price)that incorporate both hotel and airline ticket toattracts visitors who might long want to visit seychelles but becuase of the high price could not afford espeically during the high season.This i beleive would help increase seat and hotels room occupancy during the low season.Mr D'Offay an expert in the tourism industry could surely help developing a strategy among other experts .

    Awaiting to fly Seychelles Airline soon.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  8. I know a few young and energetic Seychellois people residing oversees who can take over Air Seychelles CEO. The main reAson why pp don't favor them is because they are not SPUP enough.

  9. Has anyone notice on facebook page of le seychellios bishop changhim is wearing an all red outfit posing for the cancer council.
    What a surprise eski li aussi e pe baise kas unbas?sa pep pe gayne abiser dan differnt fassion.fuck you man.

  10. This changhim bishop is an. Attention seeker.I juat don't understand why he did not stay as bishop in the Anglicab church in victiria.eski e anvie converti?Don ki son zafair bannla,inn parey pou li kas anbas parey son dicip.

  11. Don't try to be ignorant about colors and don't bring Bishop Chang Him in this saga.
    Breast Cancer Awareness is pink color and the picture might look red to you
    St Patrick is green.
    When you are in mourning is black and white.
    Deman'n ti misel ki kouler rob per ti mete dimans pase?
    I pou dir ou rouz akoz sanmenm kouler ki i konnen.
    Swa di zan i al lanmes tou le dimans.

  12. Can anyone give me a head up on the Seychelles Exchange?

  13. Not to fast.In chirstianity the use of colors to deferentiate liturgical seasons is a common practice--For instance--yellow syxmbolises light and purity,RED=charity,spiritual awakening,joy of life and love etc......Nothing to do with communism or Pp tyrannts.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  14. Condor has not codeshare with Etihad or other Airlines.should Seychelles Airline maybe look into enticing Condor in codeshare.There might b a win-win benfit there for both Airlines.

  15. During low season---reducetion of airline seat plus reduction of room at hotles/guests thne combine to provide an interesting,attractive package price(seat and room on BB or HB)^^ only no other related services)Eg.when Sey.Airline could reduces it price once by as example 5 percent--smalls hotles/Guesthouses would play the biggest role for due to the different size and serbice---different intersting prices can be offered.

    There are special passagers that can be targetted during the low seasons---groups of oldies,groups of youth,those who cannot afford to visit during high season too expensive for them etc....

  16. I think this is a good idea.Seychelles Airline can have a fixed reduced price and when combine with price reduction form the different hotles and guesthouses ,it could provide a package price with different prices depending on the guesthouses,hotels services provide.For eaxmalpe a guesthouse offering self-catering would assumely cost less than a guesthouse provding BB abd HB ,or a small three star hotel providing Full board.Since there would be different of categories of prices it is likely that it would attracts more tourists.

    In the past reduced Airline priced was only combined with reduced price offered by Big hotles,guesthouses were left on their own,though they could have bene invovle to provide attractive prices and different prices that would have attracted more toursists.

    Seychelles Airline could always entices CATCOCO and find an aggreement whereby passengers booked on Seychelles Airlines on transfer to Praslin/La Digue can favored taking Catcoco instead of Domestic Airline often providing bad service with astronomic price ticket even higher than trip to Maurituis,etc...

  17. Carcoco as means of transport for passengers booked and tranported by Seycvhelles Airline --Those rtansfering to Praslin and La Digue.For that Catcoc must provide a special price for Seychelles Airlines passengers.

  18. Special bus shuttles could be used to transfer pasengers from Airport to the Habour.

  19. Good idea.then partilepep would be able to rob tourists with high unjustified domestic cost of flights from Mahe -Praslin.One must also recognize the hight quality and standard of service provide by CATCOCO and the duration of the trip by CATCOCO is as that of Domestic Airlines 15 mins.So why pay so much for 15 mins flight?

  20. Breaking News:
    Seychelles Airways are planning to start in June 2014 with (2) 767-300.

  21. "Over my dead body" said Crammer Ball when he heard the news.

    1. afif could not waite to piss over his dead boby]

  22. Seychelles Airways shall need small planes,helicopters to fly Praslin and other islands not forgetting own land transportation.


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