US Dollars 40,000 Trip for James Michel But No Forex In Seychelles Banks
Seychelles President James Michel heads to New York this weekend to attend the United Nations Climate Change Summit, at the invitation of UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon. The Seychelles President will be accompanied at summit by the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Jean-Paul Adam, the Secretary General in the Office of the President, Lise Bastienne, the Ambassador to the US and Permanent Representative to the UN, Marie-Louise Potter and the Ambassador for Climate Change and Small Island Developing States Issues, Ronny Jumeau. President Michel made strong statements on the issue of climate change recently in Samoa at the UN conference on Small Island Developing States: "It is time that we recognise climate change for what it is: a collective crime against humanity. Climate change will be the single largest reason for displacement of peoples in the next 50 years. Climate change is already robbing a generation of its livelihoods. Climate change is robbing isla...
This report clear confirmed once again that Seychelles under Pp is a Prison -Nation.The holy cows of corruption.
ReplyDeleteJeanne D'Arc
ReplyDeleteSeychellos check this website. James Alix Michel from Sans Souci, Mahe Seychelles listed on it as someone who is hiding money in overseas offshore comapny
He names the company in KREOL. Real smart dare, Jimmy boy.
ReplyDeleteHow to bring down a dictator.Check, this detailed manual written by Srdja Popovic " CANVAS" .
ReplyDeleteNot only Michel the Butcher,Far, but most PP thugs.In fact stealing one's people wealth and hide them abroad while playing to be the poorest of the poor is a common practice among Dictators.
ReplyDeleteJeanne D'Arc
The Butcher in his monologue,said he moved Seychelles from one-aparty system to democracy.Waht for a bigot.The system we have now is called a "Competitive authoritarian system or hybrid sytem.In such system autocrats submits to meaningful multi-aprty elections but engage in serious demoncratic abuse--Vote manipualtion, rigging,spoiled ballot etc... that has nothing to do with democracy.
ReplyDeleteWhen people think about ELECTIONS the word "DEMOCRACY and some might think Michel is right "we have democracy.You wrong!In democratic countires governemnt rotates among diffrent politcal parties.if this does not take place you can be sure there is no democracy and thus Seychelles is not a democratic country as the Butcehr wants to sell us to give himself legitimacy.
Jeanne D'Arc
With ihis demeanor armored with stone-cold arrogance and hubris,the butcher gave us an obstentatious public vindictation of ignoble principles"might make it right" as he dispalyed the sang-froid of a Raw Machissmo dictator.
ReplyDeleteSemi-god Michel proclaimed his socio-economic policy is a PHENOMENON:who dares telling the Butcher his socio-economic is not a Phenomenon,he the Semi-god with devime power.In fact it was not a hpenomenon but a sign of prophecy.------There is perhaps no phenomenon which contains so much destructive feeling as a moral indignition which permits hypocracy to be acted our under the guise of virtue and dinity.
The reality of the Butcher's fake-onomy is that it is a desaster.Experts will tell you,economic collapse is always accompanied by social collapse and which carries with them other collapses namely cultural,financial,politcal ,commercial collapse.And note the butcher compares his economic figures with that of 1999 af if it is in that year that Pp forced itself on Pp and since things have imrpoved so much that it has become a Phenomenon for Pp not to say societal collapse.
The economic meltdown is not the result of a cyclical economic phenomenon,but it is a desperate governemnt policy combine with acute coruption,nopotism ,cronyism,patronage,theivery ,mismanagement,bad economic strategy and planning etc...and with the monopolization of Khalifa of our economy pushing other FDI to come make things more precarious and unpredictatable.Under Pp we have been living in a bubble of hope that has been fuelled by crushing amount foreign debts,and bailout.Our economy is like a giant sand caslte that has been built on a foundation of debts and tiolet paper money,not by sustainable developement and productivity.And the actaul solution imposed by Pp would create even more dedts.The butcher makes a sand bowl looks like a cereal bowl and the politcal grindlock is certainly not helping the matter.
High unemployment,high poverty,high rates of crimes,inflation and a growth a fragil growth built on the ABUSES OF CHEAP FOREIGN WORKERS thus leving most Seychellois unemployed and unable to make a dissent living.Continue borrowing ,keep the aprty going,crushing debts,
Jeanne D'Arc