
  1. Lager inn Araze dan SFP. Gally Toll Rouye V/S Neuro Surgeon Isaac. Gilly Boy Refree

  2. My name is Christopher Gill, not "Gilly Boy".This is but a small storm in a tea cup. We will not take our eyes off PL sellouts and their collaborators, like you, who choose peanuts over our patrimony.

  3. Jean Paul Isaac, i am asking you to take the a lawsuit against me for comments posted Facebook in regards to your drink driving offence and the damage to Mr Gill truck. If you do not go ahead with your threat than i will have your ass in the dock.

    I will advise you to get a job and get on with your life. Stop with your bullshit on facebook.

    Gary Tall

  4. He Gilly Mate no need to pran laraz...you will always be our littl Totof Gill mate!

    Zis Isaac ki pou apel ou "Mr"

    P.S. En, en grenn sak fwa mon le post en mosyon la mon bezwen rempli sa bann karleng wa kwar mon pe anbli en form...it is putting people off your blog bougla!

  5. Eoula Gally Toll ou vin abou kas lipye Isaac!!! La ou ounn vinn pli gran makro ki li!

  6. Isaac y un fake.....y zis content larzent...pa ine prend dis mil avec El Materi!

  7. Issac y un gran voler...attension tou seselwa qui en vi pren par dan son pati politik!

  8. Finally I could find the website. Gill you need to do more to let your supporters know your new website. Thank God that illiterate Isaac gave it on his blog.

  9. Now we know what he'll has been going on. Man this police report says a small child was hurt in this accident. Isaac was drunk driving. Shame on you jean Paul. My brother was killed by drunk driver you make me sick to think that people were looking up to you because mr gill told us to trust you. He was only trying his best. You are let down to all of us looking for the change. Shame. Next thing we will learn you are a drug traffic man.

  10. Gill has the reason to dimisst this guy as a Sfp member ,because seen working with Elmateri this guy has become a sell out,like this person said i araze largent jp you come in politic to be a servant for Seselwa or for money and being alcohlic.Seselwa who want change need peoples with reponsapility.That's why you see our country is fuck up peoles that is in power now have no solution and no responsability.We will keep you on our
    radar your move with Elmateri.


  11. Indeed, Johnny is 100%.
    SFP is the flag bearer of "SESEL POU SESELWA".

    SFP is the protector of SESELWA RASIN Dignity.

    SFP is the defender of SESELWA RASIN PATRIMONY and HERITAGE.

    We stand intelligently for these principals because they are the greatest principles we can stand up for our children, our generation and the next generation.

    It is not acceptable to become beligerant over these ideals. Leadership must be smart enough to know where to push, where to release pressure. The practice of extortion places pressure on all people, hoping to see who makes the loudest noise, to get the biggest pay back as fast as possible.

    SESEL POU SESELWA has nothing to do with extortion and extortionists. There are three other fake opposition parties that ply this trade full time.

    If SFP turns to extortion, we may as well not exist.

    We must be pro SESELWA not anti Foreigners. We need responsible foreign investment in Seychelles, and we cannot do without it. But we need a government that stands straight and will not bend its knees to autocrats that actually weaken our country with their investments.

    Seselwa Unite!

    Sesel Pou Seselwa!

    Christopher Gill
    Seychelles Freedom Party

  12. SFP new blog going to 4,000 hits per week. Thank you all Freedom Loving Seychellois!

    Spread the address to all your friends, let's get our blog back to 10,000 a week where it belongs.

    Christopher Gill
    Seychells Freedom Party

  13. Zenpol go find you a job , and try to be somsboby ............

  14. I to encourage Isaac to go find a job. I also encourage him to return stolen property of SFP including the blog he stills run. I encourage to cease extortion prractice, if he persist he does so at his risk. SFP will not compromise on sesel pou seselwa for any sell out.

    Jesus close confidant was judas.

    Man ham no.1 man on this day was France Albert Rene.

  15. Some one comes politely, leaves politely, he is treated politely. If you come into SFP house and tear it up without remorse or even good cause,how do you think SFP will deal with you and your charades?

  16. Bring it on zen pol ,we ready for u .

  17. New immigration office open at Mont Fleuri.Pp impliment things without Seselwa voting on it.I never heard Seychelles have signed something with international community to take immigant?This kind of foreigners we dont want on our shore like Bengalis muslim to come and burn christians houses down like they are burning budits houses.Pp are continuing to bringing cheep foreign workers on our shore to took Seselwa jobs.How can your economic grow up Michel
    voler de la rebuplic.They are million immigrant from Syria displace bring all if them on our shore Michel,but i thingssome of them are on their way order by arabs to Michel to take some of those immigrants
    when 30 %Seselwa are out of jobs Michel want to bring immigrants in Seychelles.Seselpou Seselwa.


  18. Johnny has hit an important issue I will write on soon: Importation of labor under PL regime, creating Fabrikes, has resulted in Seselwa Rasin having to compete for low wages under James Michel Administration. Salaries have gone up only 3% since 2004. Yet, Inflation is 58% in that time.

    Wages are unbearable because PL treats imported labor like Gods particularly in construction.

    Seselwa Unite!

    Sesel Pou Seselwa!

    Christopher Gill
    Seychelles Freedom Party
    Sesel Pou Seselwa!

  19. Johnny

    That is how things in one-aprty state works,the Omnipotent dear Leader like In North Korea decide in the citizens place without any consultation with other politcal aprties,no debats,no public etc..

    We could also ask Meriton under which law his taking this illegal action for Seychelles does not have Asylum laws.Moreover ,Johnny,Seychelles is a samll country with limited sapce for it own people in a few edecades and we have already thousands of imported foreigners in our land.For this reason Seychelles should no sign any interantinal laws in regards to Immigrantion for i beleive we should do it to encourage foreigners to opt for our country as Asylum destnation.

    I think Pp illegal step to unilaterally opened a office for immigrants is a way fo help9ing Khalifa fullfil his dream namely colonizing Seychelles and making it a muslim state.With an immigrantion law,Pp would be able to gifted thousands of Pakistanis,Bagladeses,Nepalese and others the possibility to invade our land and help make sechellois slave in their ccountry.It is also seen as a way of inderetly buying votes becuase i can be sure that should we have such law,those who would benefit would be foreigners from islamic countries.

    MFurtheromore,PP illegal deal,is mostly aim at paving tht way to gifted El MAteri our residency andlater our citizenship.Who say immigrants say giving thme our Birthrights in the future.

    As countires known for the recrutment of foreigne workers Like Singapour,Michel friendds in the Arbian countries,Europe,Canada,USA all are working hard to reduce immigrants invading their lands,Seychelles does the contary in goes herself and bring foreigners to our land.For instance.this year 2013 Suadi Arabia was deporting foreigners by force because after decades of importing ofreign workers to work for them now they realize that foreigners are possing a security threat to their countires and own existance.E.g 80 percent of Emirates today are foreigners and 20 percent only indginous.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  20. PP convinced Khalifa that with his multi-billion he could convert Seychellois into Muslim over night.P even attempted to illegal gifted hundreds if not thousands of our citizernship to accelerate the neo-colonization and islamization of Seychelles,but it has proven mission impossible.

    Now,PP owing Khalfia millions and not being able to satisfy Khalfia wishes has then concoted a new crooked idea namely opening an office for immigrant in a country without Asylum law or law on immigration.Seychelles is not a country knownfor attracting potential immigrants and foreiners apart the African juornalist who was deproted and illegal immigrant El Maetri ,no foreigners come on daily ba^sis as for instance in Europe,USa Canada to ask for Asylum,so what the use of an office for immigrants?Who are those supposed immigrants that PP wants to give residency in our land and last citizenshgip?Well, GOP who came here to work and who do not want to go back.Those persons one must point out are not people being persecuted,or countries are at wars etc... that could should we have Asylum be granted Asylum.Thgat hasd nothing to do with the definition of immigrants or asylum sekers.Well PP GOP are here on contract to work and then leave our land not to stay.

    Pp think after failing to convert Seychellois into Muslim by the influence of Khalfia dollars that has not work,it can still dispossess Seychellois from their land,gave it to Khalfia and turn our land into a Islamic state by simply OUTNUMBERED US WITH FOREIGNERS (REMEBER FIJI ISALAND where now Indains expats have became the majority ,Dito to EmriatesKhalifa's home.PP think the only possibility to turn Seychellois into a Islamic Republic and muslim state is by accepting immigrants and which at the same time ensure PP has Supporters in order to stay on power forever.(Seychellois as the people of Takama have shown and who were mostly PP surporters that PP is breaking apart and won't live long for Seychellois regardless of their polical orientation no longer want PP thugs.

    GOP must go home after their contract ended not give residency to over popualted our christian land iwth ofreigners who one must keep in mind most of those ofreigner from countires like India,Pakistanis,Bengladesh and other Muslim countires have aculture and tradition of not using Aobertion pills but also a tradition and culture of making many kids(no family planning as here thus would outnumber us in a decade if let PP with it illegal and crooked poilcy.

    Seychelles without immigrantion law and Asylum law is much better and should stay this way.

    And fianlly ,cvan someone tell me what the hell was Bishop Weihe doing there?he could not speak out againd tyranny,he could not speak out for the victim of Coup Deat but was present to inaugurate an illegal office for immgrants.Who told PP and Weihe that Seychellois want foreign immigrant on their soil.

    There is another crooked practice contacted by Arab despots to promote Muslim invasion--For instance in the capital of Ethopia where )0 percent inhabitants are Orthodox Christian,the crooked Ethopian governement like were bribes by Arab now in the capital of Ethopuia there are more MOshe than churches though 20 percent only are muslim.This could be a future tactic that Pp and Khalifa maightr use."Just build moshee here and there amke the land looks Islamic and maybe in the end the people would gwet use to it and accept it,think Arb despots.

    It is time to chase those crusaders and despot islamic fanatic out of our christian land.Seychellois do not want Arb despots regardles who in their christian land.

    Jeanne d'Arc


  21. illagal gifted hundreds of ofriegners our passport to accelwrate the invasion policy and neo-colonialism.

  22. Just watching the news on Aljazzera immigrant in SAUDI ARABIA are making violence demostration burning shop louding,just because king told them its time to go back home their works have finish.And this donkey Michel want to bring them on our shore.

    And is for that reason Arabs want to invest more and bring more foreign workers to make Seychelles a islamic state in the future.Michel you want to bring troubel and voilence on the island.if it happen one day we will not take only you responsibel for it,we will take all PP members responsibel.I think this are the last 3 years and half of PP ruling its coming to an end.

    And we dont want any law in the future to be past on asylum and we ask PP to shut down this imigrant office at Mont Fleuri.

  23. In uk gov cutting immigrants. In France the same. In Saudi Qatar UAE the same. Migrant workers under existing situation keeps wages low for Seychellois as rightfully highlighted by mr. Gill. We need foreign labor but we need a formula so it does not. Affect Seychellois wages. As Jeanne Darc says after they finish contract they must go home. Why does pl
    Et them stay is this liberation?

  24. All around the world,even countires like France,Uk.Canada,USA are inforcing law ans takibng action to reduce Immigrants from invading their land.Even Michel's lazy Arb friends in Suadi Arabia,Emirates, Qatar are taking steps to reduce immigrants in their land(it has become a burden for their society,putting their security and their own existance a Nation in jeopardy.In Saudi Arabia for instance,thousands are being forced out.

    In seychelles under Pp organize state terrorsim,foreigners are imoprted and Meriton is even trying to encourage them to stay by opening shortly an illegal office for immigrants(For >Ex-GOP workers who failed to leave our land after their contract terminated and PP because of lack of sytem of control has failed to ensure that EXPATS respect our laws).

    GOP workers conditions in our land is difined by laws-- it is about recruiting Foreigners to deliver a specific duty for a specific time period in return for MONEY.

    No laws in our vountry say,after GOP terminated their contracts they can apply for residency,buy land,gifte our Nationality etc...

    Seychelles does not need to implement neither Asylum law or open illegal office for immigrants.No having Asylum laws have allowed us to be safe from foreign invasion,potential Terrorists.

    We will not let PP state terrorists create more divisions---no creation of ethnic,cutural,religious,tribal conflicts on our Christian land without all those traits of division and conflicts.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  25. Christopher you need to do more to make your website visible. When you type Seychelles reality in google the old one pops up.

  26. Type: "seychellesrealitytoday".

  27. The eeasier way -without difficulty is to--type simply"Seychellesrealitytoday.com .....then you will find the word SEYCHELLES REALITY in block)capital leters-Just click on it.

    Jeanne D'Arc


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