After PRC Army Marches In Parade They Head To Orphanage In Seychelles

SEYCHELLES, June 20 (ChinaMil) -- Wu Haihua, political commissar of the 14th Chinese escort taskforce under the Navy of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLAN), and his party went to the Elizabeth Orphanage in Seychelles to visit the teachers and children at the orphanage on June 18, 2013, local time.

The officers and men of the 14th Chinese escort taskforce walked into the Elizabeth Orphanage at 09:00 on the day. Wu Haihua, on behalf of the officers and men of the 14th Chinese escort taskforce, presented cultural and sports goods including Chinese paintings, Chinese knots, cultural shirts, basketballs and footballs, and extended their cordial greetings and good wishes to the workers and staff as well as children of the orphanage.

After that, the officers and men of the taskforce conducted interactive exchanges with the children of the orphanage. Female soldiers of the "Harbin" guided-missile destroyer of the taskforce including Gao Jie, Kong Xiangyun and others successively played Chinese traditional musical instrument and staged such performances as folk dance and magic show. The children of the orphanage also sang songs and performed dances they had carefully prepared for the officers and men of the taskforce who came to see them.

A ten-year-old girl named Shirley, could read out the names of several servicemen of the taskforce in Chinese by reading the name badge on the uniforms of the servicemen. Shirley told the reporter that she was willing to learn Chinese very much from the elder “brothers” and “sisters” coming from China and hoped that she could go to China to study when grown up.

Children are the world's future. The concern about children is the concern about our future. "There are no borders to express loves. This visit to the orphanage by the officers and men of the taskforce represents the concern and love for children from the Chinese military and people. In addition, it also enhances the understanding and exchange between the two countries," said Wu Haihua.

People's daily.


  1. Creole in 1977....Russian in 1980's....What's next ....Arabic and Chinese?

  2. The Chinese are coming. The Mayor of Victoria Jacqueline Belles said when the Seychelles flag flies, it represents the PRC Communist China Flag in the Indian Ocean.

  3. That foreign navies transit our EZZ and docked in our habour is nothing we use to.

    However,i am disturbed when i hear our children saying that s/he is learning Chineses because i might one day study there.While it is encouraging to see our chldren already thinking and preparing him or herslf for his or her career and success in kowledge society.
    But the thing that distrub is the fact that our children are being encourage to learn Chinese instead of Engish,French two language we mastered and part of our tradition and two languages used Interantionally in all fields.

    China is becoming a world power Yes which taking in to consideration of it population it should have long been dito to India,but however this is not a reason to forced our children to learn Chinese though they might take it as an extra language later in their life.

    Moreover,Universities in France,UK,Canada etc.. where Seychellois students traditionally go to are more advance and profeesional in the field of provding high education to ex colonies etc...and Students coming to those ex-cloninies due to the traditional,cultural,education system they share with Uk ;france are more likely to succeed in those countries universities than in Chinese ones.Western univewrsites have the expertise in providing foreigners with high education and their education sytem and methods recognized interantionally.Why shouod then our children by forced to take Chinese when they are already infested and boombarded by subjects like creole etc.. that just stress them .waste time thier time and durbened them when they should learn science,the use of new technologies etc...

    Pp the world best Universities are still in western wrold and that would be the case for decades to come.Our people mastered English and French two Interantional languages why billshit them with Chinese when most of our students would still prefer to study in western countires than in China?As a small country Michel with limited man power
    ,we must provide the best education to our chuildren and youth and forcing to learn languages that they would rarely need just to waste their time and overlaod them with programm and methods that do fit our system is inacceptable Dr Michel.

    That is Michel's achievememnt and successful Edu -corruption and mis,education plus indoctrination.That is now a Raw machissmo(Michelsiatas/michelissmo) dictator act.That is what you got when tyranny is in the academy.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  4. If my child is goimg to school to learn chinese,its better i let her or she stay at home.Fuck those dirty corruption communist.

  5. Pp is wasting the time of our children y forcing them to leran creole and soon Chinese to please the Chines goveremnt rather than our children's interest in going to study in China-Our children can better and faster master two inrernational langauges enough to study in western no need for that.NB lots of Chinese students go to western Universities probably becuase the consider still western Universities offer better Education than in Chinese Universities otherwise i donot see why thousands of Chinese are sent to Europe, Cananda and USA Ûniversities.Those who think they need to so do can do it in Evening School and payable.

    Stop brain-washing our Children PP,the best Universities are in western world not in Africa,or Asia.

    Jeanne D'Arc

    Jeanne D'Arc

  6. I think foreigners must stop amrching in our is becoming too much at last it would not be a parade by Seychelles defence forces for Seychellss but an Interantional military show.

    It seems Pp wants to bring Khalfia army too,but to do so in order not to angry Seychellois ;Pp is slowly starting by Indain,French,Now Chinese then UEA army and maybe even North Korea.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  7. That mean Pp comminist are thinking bringing chinese communist teachers on our soil.Pp why you want seselwa chilldrens to learn chinese?

    Michel you know what kiss my ass i better prever make my childrens stay at home and study online on internet than go to school to learn chinese.

    I have to supply a few fliers with some slogan on it at every school all over Seychelles to tell our childrens soon that there are danger coming in their school to stop them getting a better future by learning chinese.

  8. Our Education system under Pp is a mess,obsolete.Michel does not understand that in the 21st century we must give our children the kind of education that provide the prerequisites that would make them more successful in knwledge society.Indoctrination ,Michel thinks is stil the mothds thart works,thus that explain why our instituions in infested by foreigners.

    In today's economy driven by innovation and knowledge...In society facing complex business,technological,health,environemntal challenges,...the inguinity,agility and skills of our people are crucial to competivtiveness.Our ability to compete as a Nation and to attract growth industries and create job-Demand a fresh apporaoch to education.We need to recognize that education is the bedrock of competitivesness-the engine ,not simply an input ,of the economy.

    Therefore Michel--it is not Chinese and Creole that would make that happen science.maths,use of new technology,etc...

    Stop durbening our Children with programms and methods that are overloading them.Let them concentrate on the Langauges they mastered easier and love speaking and enough for them to get access to western universities.We have two interantional languages that any other countires would like to mastered like us,Why bullshit our children with Chinese and creole Michel?They have more important and useful subjects to learn and mastered Michel.

    Stop your EDu-corruption and miseducation MIchel.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  9. Phillip Buolle wants to create a New Airline to fill the gasp left by Airline thus help bost our Tourism industry.This is a welcomed step for PP with his Arab friends have destroyed our National Airline making it a regional Airline thus not serving the National objectives it was supposes to.This would make Airline almost inexsisting and we could ask if it worth for Tax payers to continue throwing their money in a National Airline that no longer fulfill its objective.

    I would ahve like that our National Airseychelles re-start direct flight to Europe thus generate money that goes into National coffer thus more beneficial for our small economy,but on the other hand we must encourage this move B Boulle for PP has failed to deliver and prefer to paly Khalfia's game and putting National interest before anything.

    I would hope that the new Airline is mostly owe by Seychellois,and that Seychellois are recruited not foreigners ,especially that there are many trained personals ex-AIRSEY employeees,unemployed after PP decided to destroyed our National Airline.

    Finally,many questions could be asked in regards to Buolle's ambition.Was PP deals with Arab a first step to destroying AirSEy to repalce it by a privateowed Airline whose owners are Arabs?we could ask where does Buolle would get the money to operate an Airline;has he become so rich in his sell out and lmoney launderying business or a way for Pp thefts to washed their stolen wealth like Guy Adam did by building a five star hotel at Port Launay?

    Jeynne D'Arc

  10. Jeanne you donot like Boulls Airline a join venture with Arabs?

  11. The questions i am asking my self is?If AIRSEY bailed,fianced by Taxpayer's money ,we were told by PP is not profitable ,i wonder how Buolle won't do overwise,unless there are rich Arabs sponsoring him.Would he comes up with a name similar to Airsey that would literally grab Airsey for ever.

    Moreover,A private Airline would generate wealth for a handful of persons not the country.Likewise,a private Airline can never be a Nationa brand or our country's the Ambassador,this only A National Airline can achieved.Not haing a National Airline is like loosing your National registration card which is one symbol of personal idetification and status of a country.
    Without a National Airsey,Seychelles stands like a destitute seeking someone to come to its rescue.

    When one analyse deeply the after effects of PP liquidation or sell out process of AIRSEY ,it is not a rocket science to learn that those who made th decision to sell out AIrsey never understood how to run an airline.Secondly,they didnot foresee that the absence of National Airline was bad for the Nation and the life line of Tuorism industry and business sector.The ramification of its sell out ahve become a cancer so difficult to cure as evidenced by its effcets on the Tuorism industry .

    Buolle can do what he wants ,but i strongly beleive that wahtever Buolle wants ,it is his rights,shouold be a reason for PP to tell us now we liquidate AIRSEY and repalce it by BUOLLE AIR and that for the reasons given above.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  12. When a country and its leader like Michel gran voler de la rebuplic and his ministers are corrupt,they will be no economic growth,when you will get it Seselwa!

  13. What growth means producing as much as we can.Ability to produce goods and services and it does not happens in isolation and by fake economic strategy.And the key driver of growth are: 1)use fully its production potential,2)economic efficency and employment,3)The economy must use its resources in the least costly ways(productive efficientcy)to produce the specific mixed of goods and services that maximazed employees(people well-being(allocation efficiency) ,other factors are level of infratructure,Human capital(Human capital is the productivity of workers)determines by lelvel of education,training and motivation.Developemnt of new technology(a key factor of imporving productivity and higher economic growth).FISCAL policy -if fiscal policy is seen as being at odds with monetary policy the credibility of the latter could be undermined leading to risdk premia in interest rate and pressures on exchange rates with reprecurtion on Capital accumulation.

    Above all the source of growth is productivity, the corner stone of economic growth.productivitiy also affect our competitive position:the more productive we are the better we can compete on interantional market.

    Depedneing of charity,foreign aids,and attempting to create a one-man economy(thus allowing Khalifa to compete control and make us depend on him)is not the way forward for economic growth nor is it by depending on cheap foreign workers.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  14. Bravo! A new Airline is just what Seychelles needs to teach Michel and his Camel friends a lesson. It should be called 'Seychelles Airways', operates by Seychellois, in Seychelles islands and for the Republic of Seychelles!
    Since the Arabs airlines receive subsidies from their Governments such as fuel etc, there is no reason why the Seychelles Government should not give preferential rates to the new airline such as airport tax etc.
    Seychellois wake up, do all your wheeling and dealing around your own hub. And travel in a Creole carrier with a Creole spirit!

  15. Good for Seychelles and no one care if Seychellios operate a Airline.Only one question we are asking our self were those guys like Boulle got the money?Are foreigners that have enter our country like El materi being their new sponser.

    We want Boulle to come public and explain himself about this deal.There must be some one behind this deal were Boulle got the money?

  16. Well done Cramer Ball! Skyrax ranked Air Seychelles 2nd. in east Africa but thanks to Etihad. Seychelles survives on borrowed money and hand-outs there is no time to waste on petty schemes and protests. JRM in Bonn Germany spoke in favor of our development plan and refuted the idea of empty-stomach Seychelles.
    Sahib Cramer will continue to use his wrecking ball to demolish any threat to our Arab airline hub!

  17. We could then ask why still operating at a lost when you the second best Pp?Empty stomach--Did Pp promised Seychellois wealth after forcing communism on us.Why are Seychellois still having empty-stomach?Mis-mamangement,corruption,cronym,theft by Pp i guess.

    Captain Joel Mrogan and ilks are advertising Chinese Naval present in our waters and even asking them to come more often.Well,Morgan the reason why Pp sold two tug boats is becuase cHINESE is planing to transit here with there Aircraft carriers,so no need to try and make a comic show with Chinese visiting children,parading on our soil .Tibet is annexed by Chinese military,condemmed International ,did Pp ask the Chinese to Free Tibet?

    Jeanne D'Arc

  18. It seems that in the 21St century airlines that run at a lost are named as the best.

  19. Boulle is the Benificial Owner, which means a "straw man", hiding some other players through offshore companies.

    If he wants us to fly this thing, he should disclose the full ownership.

  20. I heaRD iNDAIN WORKERS ARE COMPLAINING ABOUT RELIGIOUS INTOLERENCE.Did they came to our shores as apotles or workers?Do they think we should construct Hindu temples all over the country a christian land to pelase them?

    We told Pp that foreigners would distabilize our land,a threat to our peace and security and could even create ethnic,religious conflicts --Protests last week,now they even trying todictate to us on religion issues as if Seychelles is Indai.

    India they burnt Chirstian curhes,kill them,with centurries of religious conflicts between themselves ,do they now want to bring their religious conflicts on our shores?

    If the want to practice their relion,especailly on important festivities i have a solution__AirSeychelles can organized(they can charter Airsey)each time they have an important religious celebration bakc to india for a sepcial ticket prize thus give Airsey a means to collect some money dollars.

    They want to go home --Very good!That is waht Seychellois have been asking Pp to do,that they go alone is even better.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  21. Right to Freedom of Choice of Religion is for Citizens, not guest contract workers.

  22. Seychelles Government should insure that Christian workers only are recruited. In India there are many millions of Christians.

  23. Sfp have to give Edith Alexander a stick on the head,its because of her cheap labour she is bringing on our shore causing proplems and will affect our society.Sa ban dezater must pack and go back home when their contract is finish son son zot pran kanal ler liki i sal.
    Built more hidu tempel that mean your are telling them to stay and get Seychelles citizenship.Stop it Pp before Seselwa start to take action with them.

  24. In switzerland also muslim ask for more mosque Pp,you want swiss politicians told them if mosque is not engouh you can pray att home or go back in your land.

  25. Pp should ensure that it creatw jobs firstly for Seychellois and reduce the amount of foreigners,for the have the potential of creating ethnical,religious .security and disturb the peace and stability of our land.Last month hundreds of illegal imiigrants brought chaos in the streets of Sweden asking to hve the same rights as Swedish,though they are illegal immigrants.We saw immigrants brought to USa to give them a bteer life turned torrirsts,and it was noit the first time,dito to terrorsit attacks in UK,France,Spain etc.... all conducted by foreigners.

    Time to stop PP.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  26. Faek and self eclected opposition leader Juddas says We Do NEED foreigner GURKAS in our polcie forces.Does Pp and Juddas understand what sovereignty is?
    Police ofrces of a country is a part of her self defece forces thus no foreigners should be part of our defences forces.Gurkas are illetarte trained to be killers not police officers they have nothing to do in our forces just a Scally,NTENDE controlling our judicicary etc...

    Allowing foreigners like GURKAS to illegally be polcie officers in our sovereign land is an abuse of our sovereignty by Pp thugs and breach of our constitution.

    Origanlly GURKAS were not brought here to be police but rather as mercenaries in case Seychellois forces attempt to oust PP.And since PP cannot put them seprately in a Camp(seychelleois would compalin)and to keep thme busy Pp has disguise them a police officers.

    Foreigners Pp have no palce in our defences forces as they have not place in our instituions.We soveiregn PP.

    GURKAS,NTENDE and others should leave our land.
    they have nothing to do here.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  27. Cheap labour,Gurkas who are trained soldier illegally integrated in our police forces as if it is constituionally right that Pp even promote it.A sovereign country defence focres PP must be of National not ofriegners(GURKAS are mercenaries)and have no constituional right to be present on our shores in whatever defence duties Pp want to sell us.

    Pp is copying his Arb auttocrat firends who in his country recrut foreigners as mercenaires in order to butchered those of his people that oppose him.Like Khalfia ;Pp think it can do the say and use ofreigners to protect them.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  28. We told PP the danger posses to our stability.peace,culture ad soveiregnty-They are now importing the religious conflicts endemic in their country to our shores.

    Time to clean our chirstain land from the maasive invasion prepertuated by PP who is trying to initate Arabs just as with recruiting GURKAS.

    A police officer as it is for the miliatry must swear in and ensure that he or she will defence the country and repect the constitution and that can be done by citizen not ofreignerPp is recruiting GURKA under which law?On which bases do gurkas swear in,and swearing in the name of which country.The coutry that they not national or citizens?

    Give us a break PP!

    Jeanne D'Arc

  29. Pp dont want to stop,they want that we take action immidiatly.This what you Pp you can get it if you are asking for it.

  30. Who was watching Aljazzera last night?did any one of you hear what this guy said about Qatar in his interview.Qatar is a country that sponser terorists like taliban ect.Watch the outside world Seselwa then you will see what kind of friends you are dealing with and bringing on our shore.

  31. Amazing how the Arabs are taking over control of the whole Seychelles. The latest infiltration is in Cable & Wireless, Dubai will have its tentacle in the internet system of Seychelles from now on. Nothing money cannot buy when you are a beggar country and its leaders are gutless. Watch out for the next cabinet reshuffle, the Emir and Sheik had their say long before you!

  32. cABLE AND WIRLESS has always operate at profit what the use of selling it to Arabs?Who took the decision to do so PP?

    Arabs want tomonopolize our economy ,have compete control over then they could better ensalve us for our economy would depend on them.They could use it as weapon to dishumaize ,ensalve,disposses,islamize our Chirstain country.

    Seychellois have aright and duty to defence their chirsitain from any attempt of annexation,colonization by any foreigner as any other sovereign countires and that be all means.

    Time to chase those primitive Camels out of our Christian,peaceful land.They are going to import their arcahic bediun menatally ,primitive religoin and stopene age tradition to our land forcing us to be their servants and slave and that with State terrorists in their PP and conpirators to the likes of Mancham.

    Jeanne DÂrc

    Jeanne D'Arc

  33. Pp thugs report of human trafficking is adistortion.No Pp it is not such reports are well-commented after long and miticulous research.

    In the past even Seychelles local press has report human trafficking namely East Europe ,Austrialina girls brought illegally to protitute with Arabs.That Khalfia brought Indian workers in Containers to La Misere to hide from Seychellois was commented and proven PP.
    Moreover,the USA governemnt has the best agents in the world and hearing crooks who have a records of crimes committed in the last 35 plus year could be proven.Mabe Pp think USa government should tell protect them.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  34. Obama said african countries must show democracy first.Michel you were waiting for him to visit you to bring him on Derosche island to drink shamppoo ass licker,but his not coming,because Obama want to visit country that are trying to bring democracy and stop corruption and no more dictators,that african country can start devloping their land under a democratic sytem.

  35. US dont protect corrupt politician like Michel who dont promote democracy they know a lots about PP already.US will help us bring democracy and CHANGE like they been doing with some coutries around the world and stop this group of criminals continuing sell us and our land to arabs.

  36. Al Tania family in Qatar eat bacon!

  37. .When Mr Obama took office in his first term,many asked would Mr Obama be on the side of those Brave Africans who are fighting for freedom,democracy etc...

    Mr Obama as in his visit to Ghana in 2009 said"Make no mistake history is on the side of Brave Africans not with those who <COups and change constitutions to stay to power.Africans do not need strong men but it needs strong instituions....Governemnst that reprect Huamn rights and the will of their own people ,are more prosperous,more stable and more sucessful".

    His message so far has been inspiring,upbea and passionate.

    You ahve the power to hold your leaders accountable and to build instituions that serve the people.You can conquer deseases
    and so ofrth and amke change the bottom up.You can do that ,becuase history at the moment is on your side.

    President also made a solemn promise to Africans.

    WHat we will do is increase assistance for reponsible individuals and instituions,with a focus of supporting good goverance---on Parlaiments which checks abuse of power and ensure that Opposition voice are heard;on the urle of law that ensures the equal administration of justice;on civic participation,so that young people get invovle;..on concret solutions to advance transparency and accountability.He also said that he bleive change come from within and so a lot of emphasize will be on how to help local actors,change agents,civil society,religious leaders etc... trying to change thier societies from within and amplifying their own voices and give them the support them need.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  38. One can ask why Chinese sign waiver programm with PP and not countires which Chinese can benefit more than Seychelles?Do Seychellois travel that lot to China that it is so importat to have waivers deal with CHina?

    Well the reason seem straight forward.It is a deal in an attmept to promote the CHinese ambition to operate thier Navy in our EZZ after we refused thier Navy Base in our waters.

    That Chinese was invited to parade on our National day was not a conicident but a premeditated act by Chinese and Pp thugs.

    That Pp told us we need bigger tug boats though we donot see bigger ship coming to our wtaers is just to emsure that Chinese miliatry boats can operate as they wish into our Waters under the guise of fighting Piracy while International communitee has publicly said Piraca has been reduced by 80 percent and the 20 percent left operate in EDEN straight not in Seychelles EZZ.

    Pp wants ot allow Chinese to abuse our EEZ to achieve their objectives.Soon Chinese would come with their Planecarrier and Pp would tell us is for helping us fighting Pirates.

    Jeanne D'Arc


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