More Mess In Seychelles Paradise Under PL

June 5th Quagmire For Danny Faure

This June the 5th celebrations seemed to be on the puff and puff mode for Danny Faure the Vice President. He placed a little flower at the foot of Zom Lib. But behind him was the cadre of PL from Ministers, to MNA's District officials, tea ladies, cleaners of the party apparatus and "fast track want to be's" like Renny Bijoux who has had a full busar to University of Seychelles, and recently, sent to the North Pole on an expendition usually reserved for brave and courageous people. I was surprised not to see James Mancham placing at least one rose at Zom Lib's foot, given his close work these days with PL as a De Facto Ambassador at large (ex officio-ass-o).
 Danny Faure of course, is using the party apparatus to solidify his political base when Michel moves on. He is the only person in Seychelles that needs a wreath at Zom Lib's metal foot.
Aside from meeting Danny Faure's needs, Zom Lib and June 5th, remains a deep, very deep wound in the minds and hearts of the People of Seychelles.
The wound thrashes a division in our country, that debilitates Seychelles and hinders it of the ability to move forward and make progress relying on her own people. PL must rest the hopes of the future on foreigners to move the country forward, because to celebrate June 5th means to also castigate 30,000 Seychellois exiles, and the other 45,000 victims of June the 5th.
The June 5th Fiasco must be opposed by the People of Seychelles if they are to keep Seychelles as their patrimony and motherland. A program to oppose June 5th, must start every June 6th. 

Education System Has Failed This June 5th!

Many say the Youth have many opportunities that the past generations did not have. This is true all around the World and Seychelles is not an exception to this rule. Similarly after World War II we were all poor around the World, and we would have been much poorer if Adolf Hitler succeeded in 1945. This includes all you PL that have forgotten fat living off the blood of the People of Seychelles.
The reality in Education under PL as it was under SPPF is that the educational system remain a failure and catastrophe. Why? Because what is being taught in the schools are simply not preparing the Youth for the real world they will live in. PL is still Youth to start working when they are 21. People need to start work when they are younger say 15 or 16 years old. Instead, PL has promised to continue teaching in Creole, a language you can learn in your outside kitchen, and does not have enough vocabulary to allow anyone to adequate express themselves in the real World. How does teaching Creole in primary school help students do computer programming that you tell them they can do when they go to Seychelles University? Wake up PL.
How can you discipline children if the leadership of the country lack discipline? 
It is June 5th celebrations that make students lack discipline. Because it is June 5th, that teaches Seychellois, that they can even commit crimes and become high standing members of society. June 5th, teaches all pupils, better than any teacher, that to get a head in life, one does not have to study, one does not have to work hard, and one does not have to be honest and dedicated to succeed.
End June 5th celebrations and remove Zom Lib from Public and we will bring order back into our schools.

Lack of Discipline in the Workplace
Did you see all the 3,600 unemployed workers linind up to witness the laying of wreaths at the Zom Lib statute? Thet were here for a reason. They stood right behind the Minister of Employment egging her along to sing whatever songs she had on her song sheet. The Minister of Employment when she took office, was shocked to see so many people lining up to her office. She immediately, said her office is too small and she needed more luxurious offices and she immediately booked out the new Oliagi complex office just off State House where her best of the best friends Lise Bastienne works as Secretary of State and other duties.
After doing a survey to find out how many unemployed we have, the Minister realised the most of the unemployed, are not employable. They are drug addicts (4000) and drunks in hiding even in employment, and thieves in waiting. This group of 3,600 are highly vocal and are a political block. It is for this reason that the Minister reprimands hotels with SBC in hand to force them to hire local workers. But if you do not have local workers that are employable, Minister, who do you hire? Gurhkas, Filipinos, Indians, Somalians, right Minister.
PL cannot take politics out of the employment arena because these are the same people that line up every June 5th for 500.00 rupees, a burger, and 2 beers to watch Zom Lib receive flowers.
In return, PL forces all of Seychellois to import 10,800 workers, because PL does not create a program to repatriate the 30,000 plus Seychellois or even a portion thereof back to Seychelles. Where is the land bank program for returning Seychellis? There is none. Why? Because PL would rather keep these decent Seychellois overseas eternally and import Gurhkas, Filipinos, Indians, Somalians to work in Seychelles. This is PL June 5th 2013. What is worse, the Minister herself recently declared in the National Assembly that we will now need 25,000 GOP workers in the next five years. I suppose they will then apply for housing at Ile Perseverance.
It is June the 5th celebrations that cause 30,000 Seychellois to leave Seychelles and make our economy dependent on foreign workers and foreign investors, and foreign UAE technicians even for Planning Authority works.
End June 5th Celebrations and remove Zom Lib from Public and we will see how many Seychellois return to Seychelles to start a new life in their homeland. We will see the dependency on foreigners reduced drastically; we will see wages go up for Seychellois.
June 5th is a chain around the necks of the People of Seychelles. Only the fat cats that lay roses and wreath at the foot of the metal man enjoy a good life in Seychelles.

Seselwa Unite!

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

Written by Christopher Gill, Leader of Seychelles Freedom Party.



  1. Mr Gill, it is very funny how you are going on about 'wake up PL'. Let me tell you something PL/SPUP died a long time ago even before they took over your country, what is left are walking zombies sadly the evil zombies/. Manipulating the people and the rest of the world. SEYCHELLES IS DEAD! Do yourself a favour pack your wife and kids get out of that hell! I feel very sorry for you and many others like yourself, dreaming of change.IT WILL NOT HAPPEN, THIS COUNTRY IS NOW UNDER ARABS LAW.

  2. They look like a group of criminals from wild wild west high on drugs.
    At time we were still this young and this group of criminal did not face any resitance from its peoples.

    We will come and change arabs law soon or later,we can to hell but before we have a job to do bring an end to Pp and arabs law like you said and bring change.


  3. "Education is the most power weapon which you can use to change the world"said N.Mandela.For thebutcher and his apostles ,the reverse is ture,Ignorance is the most power weapon to manipulate,emasculate and sugjugate the masses.Keep~´em ignorance and improvished and the won't give you any trouble.

    For Pp education is indoctrination.They feed the youth a proganda diet rich in misinformation and disinformation,distortion,misguided opinions,worn our slogans and sterile dogmas for a begone era.

    Our childrens and youths need the kind of education in order that they master the basis prerequisites needed in kwolegde society and the world of technology.Creole,is not a prerequisite in the 21st century PP,but science,technoloy,foreign language etc...That is the prerequisites needed in the 21st century not forcing them to learn a fake history ,forced them to worship the same criminals who murdered members of their families on 5th June conspiracy.

    Pp thugs has dicided that Seychellois are not capable of designing and make planning for future developemnt on their sovereign country.Arbs despots and crausders dislike by Seychellois for the ignoranve,arrongance,primitive mental are the one to do so and that without any consultation or even authorization.Seychellois Pp,are people with brains they can think thmeslves ,they donot need Arab Mullahs to design our cities.Pp would like us to believe that Arbs know better our creole Architects then us.

    Pp is saying that in the 5 coming years we will need 25 000 expats workers.Thus roughly ONE QUARTER of our popualtion and should we allow PP thugs to continue doing what they want and the way they want,in 20 years Seychelles population will be foreigners.

    Our country has recruited enough foreigners to its shores and the negative consequences have prooven devastating for Seychellois job creation,our economy,landuse,transportation,water resources,wastage,electricity,housing,health,etc.. hence Seychellois do not need more foreigners on their shores in fact what Seychellis have been calling on Pp to do,is reduce the present of foreigners on our shores.

    Importing Expats to modify our society,culture,tradition,mentalitiy,religion etc...must be stopped immediately.Seychelles has since her existance never had ethnic ,religious,tribal,clans,Cas conflicts on her shores ,but with its illegal,unauthorize policy of importing foreigners inot our land is paving the way for such conflcits as we have seen in other countries and Seychellois should not allow a handful of crooks to modify its soceity and allow foreigners to amke them slave of the 21st century.

    Seychellois must act against the improtation of more foreigners,some potential islamic terrorists to invade our land.We need a redcue of foreigners inSeychelles not an increase.

    Stop palying fool games with the people ,for if you insist you might soon pick up their lethal blow.We will not allow Arbs and crusaders and state terrorists to evict Seychellois from their land.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  4. Renny Bijoux was at the North pole ,he came back he could not even descript was he ssaw there,for he saw nothing--the cold broke him down.North pole expeditions are ususally for scientists,ecologists,etc not for a unpopualar bad musican who can ot sell a single record locally,for his lyrics are rediculous and archaic like PP state terrorists organization policeis and tpractices.

    I am sure should you ask him what colour is the North Pole Bear,he would not know.

    Jeanne DArc

  5. Jeanne what do you mean by 'Stop playing fool games with the people ,for if you insist you might soon pick up their lethal blow.We will not allow Arabs and crusaders and state terrorists to evict Seychellois from their land.'? They already have buddy. are you allowed back into the country Jeanne? I bet the answer is no! PL are under Arabs influence, there is no way out. No one is daring enough to walk the talk, not even Gill or Tall. May be Volcere has got what it takes, but can he do it alone?

  6. No i am not.You should be more concern about the invasion of foreigners onb our shores than who i am.KUWAIT is planning to deport 100 thousands Expats,Saudi implememnted Expat tax in an attmepted to discourage them,Oman,Qatar,Emirates,singapour,Uk,FEuropean Union,USA,Cnanda and amyn more are all taking gratic actions to reduce the invasion of foriegrs to their sohres ,In seychelles ,Pp thuggish governemnt invites them to invade our land--without taking in ocnsideration the long term negative consequences on our society,people and country.

    Seychelles need ofreign workers ,not shgeap laoboureres but Skilled workers.That Pp says we would need 25 oo foreigners to colonize our country in 5 years is based on the illegal developemnt plan being done by Pp terrorsits and Arab camels,which probably over-demensioanl countruction projects,Arab architectures,etc..

    Pp must know Its Arbs dvelopment plan must be cscrutinze,analyse,consult.apporval by Seychellois before any implemntation.SEychellois is the owner of Seychelles not Pp not Arabs thus Seychellois would be the decsion makers .

    Jeanne D'Arc

  7. OOP i missed that .Chris and GILL can not be blamed but praised for Chris since his present back in the country made up lots of things change that other exisiting oppostion leaders combined could not do.Unity of oppostion parites as SFp has said repeatedly can bring PP and foreign conspirators down overnight.but unfortunately there are leaders who still keeps darking like a chihuahua dog while failed to act as the person of RAM.

    Thge next 5th June memorial MASS should be an opportunity to obilize Seychellois ad by then we must do everything to ensure that it is a success and there is no doubt that it won't be and make it the beginning of a new Seychelles for Seselwa.

    PP already sees the danger ,Mancham,Michel all where in the churhc to intimate Bishop Wong,probably brbing him ,not to hold another meass next year because it might generate a mas protest.I hope Bsihop Wong does not let Atheist dictate to him which path he would take he as a messager of god and representator the poor,the surfering.the dispalced,the victims,the innoncents,and so forth.

    And as to those carton boxes PP are opening at the airport to search for arms.The delivery has been received long before.It was just a new stock for new recruites-Pp does not have to have sleepless night now,but in 2016 should they rape election and put FUARE illegally on power.

    You will change vonluntarily or i will bring change to you PP.Make no mistakes about this.

    Jeanne D'Arc

    Jeanne D'Arc

  8. Having what it takes does not mean extortion from Arab investors.

    If you are not happy with our work at SFP, and believe we can improve, by all means step forward, and help with the cause. We need all the help we can get, and a few cannot do everything themselves all the time for the many.There is much room for improvement. I am the first to say. But what we have intact, is our ideology.

    SFP has clearly outlines the ideology that is the vehicle for keeping SESEL POU SESELWA. If Seychelles should become a territory of UAE, then we will be duty bound to resort to resistance tactics and covert operations to undue this intrusion.

    We note with caution, the UAE advisers from the Abu Dhabi planning authority instructing Seychelles Planning officials on development of Victoria Mahe and all of Seychelles. We are watching this development and we are deeply concerned as Freedom Loving Seychellois. If this is Michel's NOUVO SESEL a la Abu Dhabi, sorry, not interested.

    Behind this, is the promise of the 3rd Republic, that we ask PL to keep. The promise of the 3rd Republic was a promise of inclusion, sharing, caring, of our People. It was not a promise of perpetual division drawn along the lines of JUNE 5th.

    Michel's sell out to UAE is only a footnote in the big picture. That can be undone easily.The challenge is to undo the division of JUNE 5th in all Seychellois mind and heart.

    Seselwa Unite!

    Sesel Pou Seselwa!

    Christopher Gill
    Seychelles Freedom Party

  9. Gill what happened to all the support you have had in the past? By all mean you are a fair and highly intelligent person, hoe come you don't have enough people to support you? Things look bleak here on the outside. I would have love to help but I lost a leg which Rene roasted for his dinner and now with lung cancer. But if any party out there I think you have the balls, intelligence and integrity how unfortunate you are riding on a three legging horse that do nothing more than dropping you in mud.

  10. Yes,we must fix the broken link in the chain of unity that Coup D'etat has procduced for the only thing neccesary for the tiumph of evil is that good men do nothing.United we will be undefeatable.Where there is unity there is always victory.
    TIme for RAm,Voclere to take their responsibility as the church leaders,NGos etc...

    Jeann DÀrc


  12. "Buzz Ou Fes"-

    Support for "Sesel Pou Seselwa" is stronger then ever today. We have no illusions of our support. The pressure placed on Michel to cut land sales and go to leases is an SFP victory. No other party has placed more pressure with clearly thought out ideas then SFP under my leadership on this issue.

    What has happened in SFP is a fall out of some players, who thought they could rattle our political base with some childish moves because they, like spoil brats, were not getting me to do what they wanted me to do for them,materially and financially. I do not feed snakes that one day I know will bite me and deliberately try to hurt SFP and sell her. The recent activities coming to light, are a clear indication what has happen. We in Seychelles must not be surprise by such acts. It only shows that SFP has a good cause, it is NOBLE, and it is for the courageous and strong hearted, not the meek and weak.

    Perhaps, I am guilty for allowing these now sell out collaborators to think that I am easy, soft, and a push over, because when they say things, I laugh, smile. Well, these people know who they are;they misunderstand my laugh and smile.

    I have wound down affairs at SFP for this time, because we had a rouge SG in place and we are not in any election period. The people need to reflect on what they have and what they want in that time.

    We are still clearing the air, and SFP will be back to work sooner then you think, in the meantime, it is a good moment in time for everyone to reflect on whether they are better off today then they were in 2004 when Michel did not sell Seychelles yet.

    Those that stay on the outside and critique the cook in the kitchen, need to know, that change in recipe does not come from onlookers outside, it comes from people getting involved.

    Where we have had shortfalls, we recognize them, we will make changes where changes have to be made. We will stand strong when confronted with internal extortionists. For that we are stronger then any other party, because SFP will not tolerate insurrection against Sesel Pou Seselwa as long as I am alive.

    Seselwa Unite!

    Sesel Pou Seselwa!

    Christopher Gill
    Seychelles Freedom Party

  13. Well said Christopher Gill. At least you recognized your shortfalls and willing to change, now that is the spirit of a true leader. Let us hope that PL monkeys can learn from you! Good luck mate.

  14. It not recognizing the shortfalls,but adapting to change --which is a quality of good leaders.Good leaders always adapt to change,only fools do not.A good face the music even S/he does not like the tune.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  15. Mr Gill for your information Sesel will always be for Seselwa. We will not let any Arabs or any other nation take it away from us. If you investigate well, you will find out that Sesel is still for Seselwa and nothing has changed under Misel. All Misel has done is allow more foreigners to take up Sesela citizenship whenever there has been a need. Such has been the case with all new Seselwa. I will not be surprised if Khalifa holds a Seselwa Passport ! Somehow, I feel a lot of high profile businessme such as yourself and the likes of Marc Houareau does not like this new strategy because these new Seselwa has more money than you to invest in Sesel. I know there are rich Seselwa abroad, it is up to them to pack their bags, catch the first plane out to Mahe and start investing in their homeland. If these rich exiles start returning, then Misel will consider not selling our passports to new Seselwa.

  16. See Misel is a good leader, he adapts to changes and creates new seselwa to maintain Sesel pou Seselwa. SFP is just trying to cause chaos rather than focus on developing Sesel

  17. Michel is a good State Terorist not a stateman.If Pp was good there would have been no need for coup D'etat ,Far,the butcher could have fight at the ballot box,but they knew they would have no change.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  18. Before the rich Seychellois abroad pack and come to invest we would like to see Mukesh, Michel, Rene, etc bring the stolen money back into Seychelles and invest. We do not need to sell our passport to bring investment into Seychelles. Now here is something for you to think about before asking me to bring my hard earn money back into the Seychelles.

  19. Dont blame Gill for the mess,blame politician like Ram,BOulle and others that exist seen 25 years being in politic and still they can save Seychelles from this mess just participating in the sell out.Gill and his team are doing the best they can to bring a brighter future for Seselwa.

    What make a child become child labour,because their family are poor.Some seselwa are getting poorer or father or mother are in heroin and alcohol no money, thats why you see child labour in Seychelles are increasing.

  20. Jeanne D'Arc, I could say the same about any political party in Seychelles. Be it SNP, DP, BOULLE, SFP...none of these party will ever win at the ballot box. If any of them wish to come to power for the good of the average Seselwa, then start planning a coup because noone will unseat SPPF/PP.

  21. Thank you to everyone who have helped bring this new blog to 5000 per week this week. But we really need to have it sitting at 10,000 per week to keep the ideas fluid and to keep ahead of pl.

    One comment says misel adapts grants citizenship to Khalifa and other rich people and Seychellois businessmen are jealous us. This is nothing but a false perception of our motivations to heighten the call o f sesel pou seselwa, after SPF was ashamed of it and pl took this shame to a new level under mr. Michel.

    Reality one is mr. Michel has sold tens and thousands of passports to foreigners rich as Khalifa and as poor as the carpenter next door and everything in between.

    Reality two is people do not raise this issue because they are jealous of Khalifa interest in Seychelles or jealous of mr. Michelson interest in UAE Khalifa has given him to hang us like salt fish as a people. People raise the issue because they love their country inspite of all its problems, and we raise the issue because selling passports violates the constitution of Seychelles, as citizens we are duty bound to raise the issue, and it is an ongoing international scandal.

    Reality three all the money Khalifa has, his country is as ugly as the providence dump site. That should warn even the most prolific sellout that indeed Seychelles has areal problem with Michel policy of selling Seychelles when he fails to run it well. If selling ones country is smart to cover ones failures, then we must of course disagree and agree you are likely off your rocker much like Michel is.

    Remember under Michel with Khalifa influence,we went bankrupt. Salaries went up 3percent since 2004 and inflation compounded to 58percent. This looks more like Khalifa covers Michels failures just to keep him alive.

    Seselwa unite!
    Sesel pou seselwa!
    Christopher gill
    Seychelles freedom party

  22. 13.06--8-08

    You think when the inhabitants of Takama and La Misere took into the streets it was about jealousy.If so,they could have accepted bribes to stay silence.It about the colinization,dispossession,enslavement of our christian by a islamic ,primitve Arb call Khalifa who think Seychellois should be his slaves and our country part of his sheikdom.

    Many VIPS,important persons long before Khalifa some aslo rich had in the past found refuse in our Lnad form REZA PAHLAVi the son of the Shah of Iran,Maacarios,Prempe and many others,all on them had something in common that Khalifa does not have namely they Did respect our people,laws and love our people for the had brain and knew they were a foreign visitors on our soil not a crusader.They did not destroyed hectares ofland or build palaces in National Resverses or land protected by laws but accepted what we offered or least existing buildings.

    Do not confuse jealousy and resistance to defence our patrimony and dignity.Trying to find execuses to defence PP state toerrorists by blaming Seychellois of being jealous can only be words coming from a brain-washed-lazy,ingnorant,indoctrinated cow.

    Why should Seychellois who inherited a civilized culture from the European by jealous of a guy that still using his finger to clean his arse(even our Ancestors still stupid did used coconut fibres),still walk around in robe,still eat with his hands etc...?

    Are you kidding us?

    jeanne D'Arc

  23. Sfp will win if in the ballot box the dead are not include and fair election not being munipulate using foreigners to vote for them and playing field is fair to all party.And all Seselwa abroad have a right to vote.Those things we are waiting for Pp to come up with otherwise we will bring change to Pp .


  24. There is no doubt that Pp would be defeated in free and fair elections,otherwise Pp would have not find it necessary to fake,rig,manipulate elections, especially when Michel has convinced himself the Seychellois people love him and stand united behind him.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  25. The Seychelles NATION has finally been forced to admit that Qatar Airways are pulling out of Seychelles. But the reason quoted in the article is still shrouded in secrecy. Seychelles must learn that there is a price to pay when wrong decisions are taken when dealing with different factions of Arabia. This is detrimental to the well being of our citizens and our economy. This folly is now clearly being played on our soil, much to the chagrin of our workforce and to our economy.
    It is widely reported that when Mr. Sakri El Madri, a Tunisian fugitive, arrived at the Seychelles airport recently, international travel regulations were broken, primarily by Qatar who allowed him on the plane illegally. By implications Qatar was embarrassed and were unable to account for their lack of applications of international travel rules. Can you imagine what would be the effect on Qatar if they allow the rules to be broken openly? Qatar would be deluged with refugees, without valid passports. The arrangements for Mr.Sakri El Madri to fly to the Seychelles unlawfully was supposed to be a deal made behind closed doors. The Ministers of Seychelles were committed to keep the deal away from the limelight. They failed - and Qatar had to face the jury. To compound the problem - only today the UK government has issued an alert not to allow an American citizen by the name of Edward Snowden on any airline destined for UK. It is believed that Mr. Snowden is considering seeking solace in the Seychelles; as it is known that Seychelles might offer solace to dissidents.
    Going back to the Qatar is understood that the Seychelles government has further upset the Quataris recently by refusing to allow the Qataris to buy prime land for hotel project in the Anse La Mouche area. But the government has gone out of their way to allow Abu Dhabi to buy prime land for their projects.
    It has even been said that recently the CEO of Abu Dhabi project threatened to pull out their airline, if they did not get their way. The different factions of Arabia has already started to show their differences on our land.
    The morale of this sorry story is...Be aware. We must learn to help ourselves and in despair, we must not attempt to put our entire living in certain sections of Arabia. We have become like a prostitute. Our pretty face, and pretty little island is being misused, for the pleasure of a few. But it is the citizens of Seychelles who are made to suffer the pain.

  26. There are different factions in Islam and each faction hates the another. Michel is an illiterate and therefore will not be able to understand how all this plays in the middle east. Therefore he allows all of them in without realising that sooner we will be dodging suicide bombs when they start their war with each other just like they do in the land of the savage call MIDDLE EAST. Go learn history Michel before you sell us to animal of Arabia.

  27. The followers of Ali, now called Shites, never forgot this insult and hold annual mourning rites for the martyred grandsons of the Prophet Mohammad. They have never recognised any leadership in the Muslim world to be legitimate to this very day.Shites from Iran make pilgrimages to Iraq, where Ali and his sons were buried, their tombs in extravagant shrines thought to have magical properties. These annual pilgrimages are now waylaid and terrorised by angry Sunnis, resentful over their loss of power.

  28. Michel is hanging on the back of arabs like a monkey.Its a matter of time arabs will get rid of this monkey off their back.But when Seselwa also wil realise that arabs are troubel makers their like to wear bombs underwear and those hotels they want to built and some already built will be filling with prostitut for their freinds in other arab countries coming to Seychelles on holiday having good time sniff cocain,keep a eye on this Seselwa.Arabs have money yes thanks to the US.Ban ki araze largent,largent pou fer zot maler.

  29. SESELWA TROU KOUYON!There are themself to blame and some politicians.Seselwa have to know more about politic you dont have to be a politcian but interesting in it.

  30. May be next time Seselwa can do the right choice,to whom to give their vote and start to realise that time has come for change.

  31. Seychelles is ready for change and want change.The inhabitant of Takama as well as La Misere have proven that Seychellois are ready to stand up for the country.They have proven that they can organized themslves in hours without problem and ready to protest should it be necessary.What is needed is UNITY within the Oppostion that would allow the people of Takama ,LA mISERE to get together and not only wait when Pp is about to commit a crime in their districts to rise.

    A Leader we have namely Chris,he has proven himself to be the best fit to lead this country in the 21st century:He has been calling on several occasion on to the Other Opposition leaders to come to a round table and formulate a common programme of purpose to get rid of PP,unfortunately still there are some who refuse to do so for the interst of the people of seychelles and country.

    A leader we have,the people are readyx,now the ball is in the court of SNP,NDp to act.I hope they do it rapidly.The faster the better.

    Wake up RAm.!

    Jeanne D'Aec

  32. Takama and La Misere population have s^proven Seychellois is ready,a leader we have namely Chris,waht is needed now is for the other Oppostion to join Chirs,then the change can be aciheve without difficulty.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  33. The inhabitants of Takama and La Misere have shown that Seychellois are ready,A Leader we have ,what is missing is the Unity of the Opposition.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  34. Brother Ghadifi as J Paul Adam calls him,also forced his people to celbrates his coup D'etat and even refused to recognize his country's indepednce day just as PP.Since endemic to dictators.

    The atmosphere in the country is not a happy one and we not felling any independence.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  35. sorry for the repetition folks.

  36. Unfortunately, there is no unity within SFP. How can we achieve unity with other opposition when JPI has decided to resign.

    1. We need people who stays sober in politics...It is impossible for someone to carry his or her duties while intoxicated...You should ask your friend to seek immediate help.....His problem will not be solved by blaming SFP....

  37. Janne D,arc

    Come out behind your computer , take out your mask , start first join Chris face to face , or indentiflied your self, as you saying Chris should do this do that , come out and help , sitting behind a computer it,s not going to bring us far. Build a political party can,t to it with one or 2 persons


    1. The Observer is a daily newspaper in the UK with sound and prudent judgment based on a simple perception of the situation or facts...

  38. "Soleil Overseas Holding" is where James Michel is hiding his money overseas. He should do the right thing now and resign

  39. Am an observer leaving in Seychelles , who also observe 5th of June every year ,

    Come out janne d,arc make the deferent ,

    observer in Seychelles , seselwa

  40. Michel creates an offshore company using KREOL. That made it easy for SFP to find the company. Thank you Mr. Michel.

    Now, we ask you, Mr. Michel, create some more.

    Now, what was our poor Mr. President doing creating offshore companies in 2007, right after an election, right about the time Lehman Brothers was issuing $400 Million in Bonds, which today, we have to repay,according to Mr. Michel, which according to him is why we must sacrifice our environment, sacrifice, our patrimony, and territory.

    Seselwa Unite!

    Sesel Pou Seselwa!

    Christopher Gill
    Seychelles Freedom Party

  41. Reply on the matter of "allege division in SFP".

    This is a totally false statement and it is malicious.

    There is no division in SFP. SFP stands strong and untied on the principles of "Sesel Pou Seselwa", as espoused by SFP.

    The issue of the Secretary General submitting his resignation and the surrounding circumstances, were personal to him in nature and does not touch the leadership or ideology of SFP.

    Once Mr. Isaac has resolved his personal problems with his drinking, and other problems that rise from it, which has hurt the party, he will be able to participate in political life like any Seychellois can under the SFP banner, though I would not trust him in a high profile leadership role, since he has clearly abused this power and position with impunity.

    Seselwa Unite!

    Sesel Pou Seselwa!

    Christopher Gill
    Seychelles Freedom Party

  42. Noone is telling Chris what to do ,he knows what he is doing,what to do and how to what he does.Unlike Pp thugs that Arabs must babysit them ,feed them for with their half-little donkey brain they are uncapable of think and doing things thmeslves.

    Donot confuse the word unity and having someone sacked for irresponsible behavior as synonym,they not.

    We are making a different every day.You havenot seem the results.Lert me remind you of some:Lucas who was exposed is still hiding in a drypit.Exposing Semi-god R Payet and PP premeditated crime at Takamaka,thus avoiding the destruction,disposition of Seychellois by Arab crusaders.Finding 2,5 Billions stolen by PP and so on.That you keep crying show that you not at peace with your conscience that also is a different,for traitors must be pressured,exposed,named and shamed.

    To ease the pressure ,maybe you can buy Michel new Book .it is about how to banrupt an economy,how to live of charity,how to beg and be a beggar,how to sell out one's Nation patrimony,how to pervert history,how to kill unborn babies,how to butcher people and many more peices of advice for terrorist Michel.He should have called him Rubbish "The ABC of crimes" instead of How classic policies retored sustainabilty".Just ot educate this little donkey Michel on sustaianbility"it about about people culture.environemnt,jobd ,money .It is about tak8ing waht we need to live now ,without jeopardizing the potential for people in the future to meet their need.Dispossing Seychellis for their patrimony to gifted to Arabs,destroying environemnt,eco-system,all that are the opposite of sustainability donkey.

    Jeanne D'Arc

    Jeanne D'Arc

    5th is the distortion of History ,and distortion of history is a dictator's mantra and a Human right abuse.Josef Stalin,Ghadafi,Mobutu to name a few did it t to get more prominent.So nothing new that PP try to do the same.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  43. Obsever Sfp dont tolerate,pp and other political parties tolerate,never sack them or punish them for their wrong doing like at Pp homes mother and father let their childrens do what they want after end up in heroin or prostute.Take exampel on Lucas csse obsever and others Pp members that fleed Seychelles with million pp never take action and others continue in the same foot step and Seychelles end in a mess, because its President has no responsability.


  44. Michel calls Seychellois HYPOCRITES in his Message with President, for pushing issues of the Environment and selling Seychelles to a few autocrat rulers from UAE.

    People of Seychelles, we must deal with this issue.

    I will prepare the next article, to focus in on Michel's allegations and we will see who is the HYPOCRITE and who is the PARASITE.

    Seselwa Unite!

    Sesel Pou Seselwa!

    Christopher Gill
    Seychelles Freedom Party

  45. Miche lthe butcher darsw calling Seychellois hypocrite.What for maron.Hypocrite Michel,when you speaks lies,whwen you make a promise and break it,and when one is trusted and detrayed this trust.which are traits Michel holds.

    It is thigh time to get this monkey to the zoo where he belongs.

    Jeanne DÂrc

  46. Michel SESELWA hypocrite you are murder e voler.

  47. Seychelles has one of the best health service around the world,i have to laugh ha ha ha,this you can tell Seselwa that never went abrod and never live abroad.Seychelles nation stop your propaganda and lies stop writing bullshit ban amteur.

    What this camel doing with his camera?if you have the best health service.why till today you can not treat Seselwa who are diagnous with cancer?

  48. More and more you are losing hair Michel,but at the end of this year they will be none left ni en bren.

  49. it was the interchangeable cast of a string of absurdity comic of an inexorable disintegrated crook.He gave us in a glimpse of the cognitive process and personality of a ruthless psychopath and complusive bully and the pathos that dirves him.

    The self-mystified and self-glorified himself as a kind of philosopher -king,who has been sent by god to save seychelles.he seeked to mythologized,canonized and idiolize himself.he tried to give us the impression that he has the superantural power and endowed the knowledge in everything and more intelligent than the average Seychellois.he went to the extent of pretending to communicate with demons or even give them instructions.he is the omnipotent iconic leader to take seychellois to their ultimate destiny.

    What was perhaps the most revealing sentence in his entire concatenation in the first place note the word "HYPOCRITES".He sadistically displayed his tyrannical power and has the gall to verbally called Seychellois Hypocrites.Waht for a stark naked wickedness.after all it is a dictatorial instinct.

    Did tzhe Butcher looked confident?No!He had a devil-eyed.The goggled-eyed crook was looking more like a quack,anymphomaniac,with a excurciating perversion whose world is spinning out of control.Political windbagger alone ca not seek really deep in people's heart,Michel.

    FAr abd theButcher forced to power to supposedly "Holy grail" of Seychelles the two holy men instead made Seychelles a devil-grail.Their reckless adventure ended seychelles inot disgrace abd left her ruins,while they swim into the pool of blood and stolen wealth.
    In 2008,in an act of unashamed declaration,the Butcher promised to democrratize the polical sytem instead demonized it.He told us he had a National vision,the vision of division.He wrapped the idea of a kind of Ethnic (clan)federalism(new Seychelles)which lerely aim to create homogeneuos sectarian state in seychelles ,effectively scrubbing out any meaningful notion of National citizenship and merly a kinder reincarnation of Apartheid.His fictitious theory of New Seychelles(interanal colonization) is unknown in the annal of politcal science or political theory and has been justified and glorified his atrocious policy of divide and rule against 85 thousands Seychellois.

    Under the Butcher few years tenure ,Seychellois is poorer,state organized crimes has become a leisure.Seychelles has become the poster for interantional alms and charity and rushing debt.Seychelles in regards to her seize and population has become the larger recipients of;economic,development,relief,technical aid(BONDAID) ,which the tyrannt has successfully used to keep Pp on life-support.
    The cancer of corruption has metastanized in the Seychelles body politics.Stripped of his collection of hollow economic slogans,cliches,buzzwords growth,growth and more growth and transformation paln is a Sham-o-economicas .A legacy of sky-rocketing infaltion,mismamagement,destruction of environemnt,land eviction and so on.

    The butcher konws he cannot fool Seychellois anymore,he knows better.He has to keep riding the Tiger to stay alive,because he knows if he dismounts,the tiger will ride him-

    Jeanne D'Arc

  50. Michel this open ceremony you doing with arab and this UAE flag on this board we wil put some black paint on it.A lot of country have help Seychelles with infustructor,why every things arabs give to you,you have to put UAE flag or show thier flag are Seychelles going to colonize pou pa aret ou pou mange en bullet biento.It seem my message you are not taking it serious.Taliban have 12 years to get rid of invaders
    We will take only mouths.

  51. You mean opening ceremony of Michel ugly wind mills.I think it was the second opening ceremonies,the reason why Michel found need necessary for a second round of ceremonies is because since the first opening the wind mill farm has produce Zero electricity.A second ceremony beleived the Butcher "would make it work this time around.If not there would be a third one on the "9th June on Independece day.

    Dotio,to his hospital sponosored by Chinese communists ,it has been closed for months and for the celebration of coup dEtat communist China sent the Butcher some bed but otherwise the building looks nicefrom outside with shiny windows but literaaly no equippment in it.

    Thinking that this is spupposed to be the second hospital after Victoria constructed during the Brit colony, i had thought a new hospital would provide services like ICU unit,and other specialed ser ices like Operation unit,more beds in amternity(4 only for the Butcher thinks with his policy of killing unborn badies there is no nee ofr more bed)and thus a hospital that would provide more services ,better services and reduce pressure on staffs on Victzoria hospital.No that is not the case.That means the population of Nase Royal,takamaka etc.. would have to continue be transported to <Victoria when their is an emergency etc.... What a shame PP.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  52. La la kouyon foreign workers making voilence this is just the begining Pp more to come in the future if Seselwa dont stop them landing on our shore,soon they will remove you also out of your house.

    Just because kahlifa has to much of them in his country,and told Michel to took some of them,arab still threat human being like mordern slave,now Michel is playing like he is also a arab threating peoples unfair.i will make human right visit you soon Pp.


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