UN report: Seychelles is one of the highest rate of injection drug use in the world.

Azerbaijan has recorded the highest rate of injecting drug users in the world. This is stated in the UN World Drug Report 2013, which was published on June 26 in Vienna.

 Thus, according to the document 5.2 per cent of the Azerbaijani population uses drug though injecting. In Seychelles and Russian Federation they make the 2.3 per cent of population, in Estonia 1.5 per cent, Georgia - 1.3 per cent, Canada - 1.3 per cent, the Republic of Moldova - 1.2 per cent, Puerto Rico - 1.15 per cent, Latvia - 1.15 per cent and Belarus 1.11 per cent of population.

Azerbaijan is also on the list of high rate use of opioids, especially heroin and opium in Central Asia and Transcaucasia. Thus, the annual use of these drugs among the adult population in Azerbaijan is 1.5%, in Georgia 1.36%, and 1% in Kazakhstan.

As noted in the UN report, the fight against the use of opioids, especially heroin and opium in Central Asia and Transcaucasia remains of primary concern.

In the U.S. State Department report on the control of drug trafficking was noted that Azerbaijan is a transit country for drugs from Afghanistan, Iran and Central Asia to Russia and Europe. The report also says that Azerbaijan has increased the number of addicts. Heroin is the most popular drug in Azerbaijan; other narcotic plants grow there too.

In September 2010, the Deputy Prosecutor General of Azerbaijan Rustam Usubov stated that about 35% of the illegally produced drugs in Afghanistan is carried through territory of Azerbaijan.

According to the UN report, "North Balkan route" drug trafficking from Afghanistan to Europe lies through Azerbaijan. Drugs on Azerbaijan-Turkey-Iran route are transferred freely. The second "Old Balkan Route" lies straight from Iran to Turkey. People engaged in smuggling here, mainly apply to the help of Azeri and Kurdish population of northern Iran. The third route through Azerbaijan and the Caucasus lies through Turkmen seaport after Turkmenbashi in Baku, where some of the drugs easily smuggles into Russia.



  1. Shame on this donkey Michel and PP.Seychelles in pi with those dick heads PP,its time to get them out before 2016.
    PP been involed in human trafficking.arms,drugs you name it,NO wonder!devil is in their soul for bucthering Ssselwa.cAN NOT CHANGE DEVILS AND MAKE THEM ANGELS.

    Publish it in La Verite Mr GILL on Praslin and La Digue peoples are asking for more La Verite.

  2. Over 3000 drug addicts using needles. That is the reality of drugs I seychelles.

  3. Is that really bad.
    You guys in the opposition should get your acts together and compromise to get rid of PP. There is no time for POLITIC SABOULE.It will be almost four decades.Don't let this one goes by.
    The time is now. Only three more years! The more the oppositions are divided,the more PP likes it! So Gill,Ramkalawan etc....get together solve your differences and be like grown ups.

  4. It is a warning to Pp thugs who had illegally sold our passports to North Korean speis and traffickers.

    Drug trafficking in Seychelles is state organized cartel,that explain why No single Pp Escobars have been apprenhended to date.Each time Seychellois raise the issue,it is always follow by an arrest of a Grass Pusher.Pp thugs even tell us that there are too little evidence to apprenhend Pp escobars.Well Pp evindence you must find them and for that you would need proffessional CIDs,etc.. not GARD BOU. In origanized crimes things like Drug dealing,corruption,theft,murder etc.. are part of the business and as long as Pp escobars and State offical are invlove and not aprrenhended the problem would ampliy.

    In the middle of nowher ,without physical boarders with other countires,and the fact that Drugs are not produce in Seychelles there are two ways that Drugs can enter our shores By Sea and Air.Thus well-trained,professional custom officers at Airport and using new Technology to Scan cargos etc... the Pp thuggish governemnt should be able to deal with its uncontrolled Escobars.You know what PP failed to delvier.It fails to deliver for its members,high officials are the main CAPOS and escobars.

    Time for change!Time to radicate state Teerrrorists.As Mr Obama put iton his visit to a Cape Town University"There are terrorsit gruops who would do all to compromise Democracy,progress,Human rights,some even sold their land to foreignrs etc...to perpetuate their own Agenda"America will stand at the side of those who want democracy,good governance,respect Huamn rights etc...

    We must finish with what President Obama has publicly called "terrosist groups"of which Pp thugs are one of them.

    Jeanne D'Arc

    Jeanne D'Arc

  5. Liberation day!Michel prayed that we remain unite as peoples and that we are spraed from poverty,crimes and bad influennces.
    Are you telling us we are animals you sucker?Anyway donkey animals are more united than human being to defend their teritory.

    Michel poverty,crimes,bad influennces have increases and human trafficking also and money laundring.Drug user need more niddels because of you and PP.A man like you with no responsabilty no vision is to be blame you and your gangs have been abusing POWER seen years and still continuing.

    Sselwa are a long time divided and your are dividing them more by bringing more Tamil Tigers and Taliban,Kamels you name it.

    You just signed three cooperation one you mention about Air Shrilaka to bring tourists,seen when we get tourist from Shrilanka?you and your donkeys are real funny.
    Air sHRI is to bring more cheep labour on our shore and increasing our population and one day voilence of regilion will be on our soil and this Seselwa have to speich it in their heads.

    And we will not unite Michel until we get togethere as brothers and sisters in our nieghbour hood and bring change and remove you and PP at State House this is when seselwa will unite.

  6. Michel is now selling lor blue to Sri Lanka.

    He is even trying to sell membership to coi.

    Michel will sell his wife, ex wife, even his own mother if someone makes an offer.

    Pl a you not a shame of this Michel, today?


  8. Michel is in fact trying to find a new firend for after USA exposure of Pp's Human trafficking record IMF.World Bank money could be taken to a hold.

    Sir Lnaka is not Michel favorite Big borther country,but rather China.Pp is advertising China everywhere even calling our second business aprtner.Since when?Only Michel know the naswer.

    Michel feels that Euroepan ,USa might stop sponsoring his dicatorship thus China Michel thinks would be the righht partner that could not only sponosor Pp dicatorship but Chinese also communsists donot ask questions about good governance,democracy,accountabilites and transparency,and always ready to bailed out dictatorships who are ready to satify China's ambitions.Chines does it under the guise of not Interfering in Interanl affairs of other countries.MAy Michel should aks the Chinese why are they annexing Tibet when the proclaimed not to interfere in Interanl Affiars of other country.
    New tug boats have4 been odered to ensure Chinese Navy ships can dock into our port,some even want to froced our children to learn chinese etc..etc..etc..

    Jeanne D'Arc


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