Israeli visitors experience special Creole hospitality as they land in Seychelles

 Sep 22, 2013
“After travelling to Seychelles many times this is my second home! I love the Seychelles and I love coming to Seychelles,” said Tali Dative, Owner and General Manager of Medraft Spirit, after her flight from Israel landed in Seychelles.
The arrival of the Israeli visitors at the Seychelles International Airport, was a colorful and lively affair. The National Cultural Troupe from the Seychelles Ministry for Tourism and Culture was at the arrival lounge, gaily singing and performing traditional Seychellois music and dances at the delight of the visitors.

For some of the passengers of the landing in Seychelles this was their first time experiencing the bouncy and catchy sega, moutya dances – all performed in the colorful attires that have become the small group of islands in the Indian Ocean’s trademark as well as a good indicator of the people inhabiting this paradise’s characters.
In addition to the entertainment, the guests were also each handed a copy of the SeyGo publication, an indispensable free guide providing visitors with a map, vouchers, and the plethora of activities available to them during their stay in Seychelles.

The Seychelles Tourism Board and Mason’s Travel representatives were also at the airport to welcome this fresh group of visitors to Seychelles’ shores – occasionally joining in the festivities to give the visitors a further view of the joie de vivre found all over the island.
To recall earlier in March, the Medraft Spirit had landed its 25th flight into the country – all of which had been handled by local Destination Management Company, Mason’s Travels. Mason’s Travel is also the local ground-handling agent taking care of most accommodation, transfers, and excursions. Alain St.Ange, the Seychelles Minister responsible for Tourism and Culture, has welcomed the arrival of this latex large group of visitors from Israel saying that the diversifying policy of the island was working.

"We must continue to leave no stones unturned as we work to diversify our target markets. We need to continue to touch every niche market looking for a special holiday destination. Seychelles is this special destination, and we must all continue to say so everywhere we go. On behalf of the Ministry of Tourism and Culture we congratulate Mason's Travel for their continued efforts on the Israel Market," Minister St.Ange said.
Medraft Spirit is the only tour operator in Israel dealing with Seychelles on a permanent basis, providing two charters a year during their country’s holidays. Although the company also operates tours to Mauritius and Maldives, Seychelles has the highest percentage of visitors.
The relationship between the Medrift and Seychelles began in 2009, when they brought in a business group. Since then the company’s focus has shifted to FIT clients, who are in turn given the chance to sample some of the best tourism establishments in Seychelles such as Fregate, Maia, Denis Island, and Desroches Island.


  1. If only they knew the truth behind all those welcoming. Alain St Ange is a fake person, do you think he cares about anyone's hotels beside his families? No, he only cares where he gets he's thrilled.

  2. We need daily flights from Israel.

  3. I am not sure that PP means by "UNited With Israel" and i donot see what such a slogan has to do with tourism for it sound rather politcallly motivated.I beleive Seychelles has to stay a Non align country and should not invovle and take position in Israel and Palestinian biblical conflict .

    While tourism must be pampered nad all visiotrs regardless fro where they are orignated must be welcome to our shores,it must be stated that regardless of how much non western visitors Seychelles attract to her shores.Western Euroepan is and will stay the main touristic market in the owrdl and that due to their tradition.

    St Ange is blah blahing about diversifing our market,that is okay ,but what about the main market St Ange?Why not flight operations to our main market St Ange?

    Moreover,Seychelles needs sustainable tousim that is devloping small and medium tourist establishment that could really have a positive effect on our economy,job creation for Seychelles,avoid financial leakage,etc.etc..etc..
    Five star establishment as have been proven ,do not generate revenues for our economy but for their own bank accounts and they not creating job fro Seychellois but helping the invasion of our shores by foreigners something bad for a country's economy.

    Jeanne D`^Arc

  4. Bringing in mosard /sheenbet agents into the country to spy on khalifa.

  5. Wonder what blah blahing St Ange will say when Al Shabaab comes to free their Somalian brothers. The attack on Westgate mall in Nairobi has affected tourism in Kenya. At the moment Seychelles has all the ingredients for a Molotov cocktail- Israels, Arabs and Somalians.

  6. The risks of terror act on Seychelles soil(praises God that it won't happen) will be the result of Pl massive and illegal invasion of our land by foriegners from Pakistans,Bangladesh etc...that Pl are breeding,and hatching on our soil.Should anything happen Pl must be made reponsible .

    Jeanne D'Arc

  7. Laport calls for more funds and his asking an extra SCR 100 million.Laport were is your GDP growth?No profit or there are no growth 2013?You know want make your investigation about the trillion stolen from our coffer that those red noise are hiding on thier offshore account in Switzerland then you can get 100 million or Ouvert zot fes dan tivan for 100 million,no funds pou voler.Immigrants on our shore are stoping your GDP of growing, pp have to spend more with immigrants living on soil give healthcare for free ect..

    Laport we are waiting for you to carried out your investigation about those trillion stolen and still they are taking under your noise just words no action.

  8. Each year we hear the same song.Why cannot PP concoct a real National Budget ?Why Pp continues to spend more than it can genrate?Why is there no audits on how those millions of tax payers money is used?

    Note La Porte told us that most revenues of the country come from Tobacco and alcohol.Not becuase of increase arrivals,not profit made by SEPEC(Adam provides no audit and records),not from tax collected on big five star hotels(almost 15 billions in fianacial leakage lost each year not to mention money going out the country through expats).etc.etc..etc..etc..etc..

    Jeanne D'Arc

  9. We dont united with any jewish and we not united with arabs.Instead Sseselwa should unite and remove mafia in power.

    Free Palestine.

    1. I can say that no jews has ever bought land for one rupee in Seychelles but i can tell you that you have been invaded by Arabs and has acquired large piece of flat land for peanuts.....Which one do you prefer and trust? I would rather have the jews anytime!

  10. The real jews (the israelite) are people of colours who were sold as slave to european countries, the Americas. They are NOT the converted caucasian who benefitted from the slave trade.

    MICROBIOME :) :) :)


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