Seychelles Uses Extraordinary Rendition to Send Slovak Fugitive Back Home‏

Marek Trajter
 Last week, after years of legal battles in the Seychelles courts, Marek Trajter, a Slovak fugitive, on the run and hiding out in La Digue, evading the justice system in his country, was sent home by extraordinary rendition via private charter Lear Jet to Slovakia. After three previous deportation attempts, via commercial flight failed, due to his non cooperation, at the crack of dawn of a new day, he was whisked from his jail cell, taken to the Seychelles International Airport, and loaded like baggage into a private jet for Slovakia. Once in the plane, and the door shut, taxi ensued, and then off he went, into the clear blue sky.

Lawyer and SNP Press cry foul
Anthony Derjaques, Mr Trajter's lawyer cried foul. He spread this message on behalf of his client in the SNP press. Mr Derjaques is a executive committee member of the SNP. Derjaques had filed a Writ of Habeaus Corpus to release Mr Trajter from Police Custody. When the hearing started, Mr. Derjaques was shocked to learn that his Client was already three hours in flight. Mr Derjaques has grounds to complain on this issue. A hearing was set (Sub Judice), but it seems the Minister of Internal Affairs had taken matters into his own hands after losing patience with the games Derjaques amd Mr Trajter were playing. It became apparent, that the Captain of Condor, had received a copy of the entire proceedings involving Mr Trajter in Seychelles. The Condor Captain refused to allow him passage. While Mr Derjaques and SNP can cry foul, this is hardly an issue to pronounce themselves on. The underlying morass is shameful for the Government of Seychelles, for PL and now for SNP.
Anthony Derjaques

The Fabrike Slovak Mafia
I was dismayed to learn that the Court of Appeals had cancelled the Seychelles Citizenship of Mr Trajter citing fraud in the execution. According to the Court of Appeals, Mr trajter lied and misrepresnted his entry date into Seychelles in order to obtain citizenship of the Republic of Seychelles. Now who lies on an application of citizenship? No one. We all know the truth. When someone buys a passport, and citizenship, in order to meet the five year residency requirement after paying immigration officials through lawyers usually, they falsely state their date of entry into Seychelles.This has been common practice for years. I suggest we pull all the applications for citizenship and cross check date of entry, after all, in Trajter case, it should have been done in the first place when he applied for citizenship. It was not done. Why not? 
PL takes the heat for this, because it is in power. SNP takes the heat, because defending such an underworld character is sick. It shows you what SNP has become: a party that will defend anyone for the right amont of money. Pathetic.
Document of citizenship issued by Seychelles Government

SBC Airs Footage Of Extra Rendition
In no time after Minister Joel Morgan did publicity stunt to cover up the sub judice violation of sending this fellow off via private jet, did SBC air footage of this Slovak Fabrike arriving in his country with armed men with mask and automatic weapons ready to meet and greet him as if he had some sort of contagious disease. They were of course, dealing with a very dangerous man in their view.
In Seychelles, lawyers walk around with a wig on head, robes, rubbing shoulders with this guy, as if he is some sort of pal paying them off.
Press conference by Joel Morgan

Mr Derjaques should be sanctioned for interfering with the course of Justice just as Minister of Internal Affairs should be sanctioned. Both played to the camera on SBC spouting their side of the story, both tried to make the other side look bad. But at the end of the day, both were doing their jobs. But i think Mr Derjaques was being paid more then Minister Morgan on this one.
It sickens me when i see people putting principles under the carpet for a little dosh, especially from someone who stole our citizenship through fraud. Why is it that Mr Derjacques never disclosed who Mr Trajter had to pay to obtain citizenship?
Once disclosed, Mr Morgan could hire another plane and expel the culprit in similar fashion for selling passports.

Seselwa Unite!

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

May God Bless All Freedom Loving Seychellois!
Written by Christopher Gill, Leader of Seychelles Freedom Party.
Mr Gill and Mr Tall



  1. SNP ilks to the the likes of Derjarques have become automatons,Like prostitutes they are in the business of ruining their bodies for the pleasure of strangers.Derjarcques for so pieces of sivler wait as far as to epitomized the caseTheir slaverishness towards PP cannot be described by words and by any measures.As Darjarques has demonstrated they ready to go as far as PP ask them to rape our contry's institutions and rule of law including the pervertion of justice .

    As Chris rightly pointed out, the charade that has played out in the last few months must no be allowed to go away as if there was nothing wrong about it,.,Dr Morgan,and its prostitutes Derjarques and SNP should be sanctioned for their interference with justice.

    Our justice sytem should stop being a circus and the market place for corruption PP.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  2. How could a Mafia and a criminal like Trajter protect and preserve the Seychelles Constitution?

    What a load of bullshit from the Seychelles Governement....

    The blame lies solely on Joel Morgan as he is the one in charge of the Immigration Department...

  3. With his dollars and the helps of greedy lawyer Derjacques(SNP) with the master of perversion of justice PL thugs.
    The blame lies on all those who attempted and invovled in the perversion of justice and its actions should be taken against them simply becuase Perversion of justice is a common law offence.

    Jeanne D^Arc

  4. Indeed, both Derjacques and Morgan sidetracked the issue of Immigration Department carefully. Both focused on the extradition and both had their version of it played out.
    Neither focused on how could this SLOVAK become a Seychellois Citizen with passport in hand. While he lied on the application, we all know, as Mr. Gill highlights, Immigration runs thru the forms before being accepted. The staff go line by line to insure each section has been filled correctly. The question that Derjaques and Morgan do not address is this: who assisted Trajker to fill in the form, and who got paid to give him citizenship ,since we all know, that you just do not get off a commercial flight and pick up a Seychelles passport in Victoria. Someone helped him and that is a seed of corruption growing in the Immigration Department office. Look around and see who is wearing a ROLEX pushing Immigration citizenship applications. Mr. Morgan needs to deal with this,unless he is the culprit.

  5. Morgan is a culprit,in fact he is a recividist as we all remember El Materi case.At the same time asking Morgan to deal with it ,is asking him to sanction himself.I think Michel chief-of-crook should clean up the mess his ilks have created.Likewise,The Director of the immigration should has long been investigated and dealt with to,for though Morgan is the minister in charge ,the immigration Director have set rule of law to follow ,which includes srcutinizing the genuinety of documents presented to him before taking any further steps.Or should he found that his boss Dr Morgan acting unlawfully s/he has a legitimate rights to refuse illegal orders including from Morgan or any other ministers.

    It must be aslo pointed out---that tax payers money was illegally used to charter a private jet for a fugitive who does not deserve such VIP treatment:How should have PP proceed?Well,firstly Marek should have been escorted by National agents to his final destiantion.Secondly,his passport hold back the agents who would have thên handed other to the Slovak authority on arrival.Ussually that is how deportation is conducted should the deportee refused to live the host country vonluntarily.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  6. PP he will come back to get his money he lost with you pp criminals just using mafia for money.Now you have to prepair more than you ever been pp. He will sent his killers to get you better put alarm on every doors.Mafia you dont make friend and play good man with just for money otherwise you will fill cool.And what is funny criminals are saying the other one criminals you are not better pp you are the same shit.

    This goverment seen 35 years are friend with mafia remember Mario Richie that pp have sell him all the land at Anse Boudin!Now most mafia on the island are coming from Eastern European countries like Russia,Ukrain,Romania.WHo kill Pikoud who live near the football field at Baie St Anne Praslin?.My answer is Russian mafia he was friend with russian mafia like pp with MAREK,but he fuck with mafia for money and for land this guy buy at Anse Prossesion.They makE Pikoud desapear once and for all and i hope this happen also with pp criminals

    God bless it.

  7. Ya, Mario Richie sold Gerard Hoarau to Rene...He was the one who bugged his phone...bastard!

  8. Thats why Mario Rechie got all those land at Anse Boudin for 1 ruppee or for free his pay back..

  9. Reply-
    The legacy of MAFIA connections lives on. Mario Ricci's daughter has applied for citizenship in Seychelles.
    PL has a duty to protect all citizens from MAFIA involvement in our country. They do the opposite.
    SNP has a duty to stand up for what is right and dignified. They take money to defend the MAFIA in the press and in court.
    Who defended Trajek? SNP.
    Who defended Mario Ricci? SNP.
    This has been going on for a long time.
    People of Seychelles, who want a better country, must step up and stand for principles and what is good and right for Seychelles. The hole is deep. The climb will not be easy.
    Just on money laundering, SFP has exposed over 15Billion thru offshore companies.
    SFP leader has exposed the missing $2.5 Billion, while others coward in silence and editorial discretion to extort money from others.
    Seychellois must close the door on extortion.
    Seychellois must close the door on sell out oppositions.
    Seychellois must close the door on corrupted PL who sells passports.
    The next generation deserves better.

    Seselwa Unite!

    Sesel Pou Seselwa!

    Christopher Gill
    Seychelles Freedom Party

  10. Seselwa must realise now,that with gang of criminals connection with mafia there is no way foward Seselwa.Are you fucking blind or
    what?Or you are just stupid to see, some politicians in Seychelles are not gona bring freedom and
    democracy change just bags of sell out working with those red noise call pp.

  11. The sytematic destruction of our birthright by PP rogue government needs to be stop immediately for it disposes Seychellois from their patrimony and identity.Seychellois is opposed to the unconstitutional practices by Pp thugs which is done to cater interantional mafias,despots,escobars and foreigner invaders as a state organized cartel to collect money to sponsor PP party and finance PP lavish life style.This state organized crimes(State terrorism) which need to be addressed as deal with firmly .Seychellois needs a governemnt for the people not for foreign mafias.Stop selling our birthright and aptrimony PP/SNP;JP ISAACS;JUDHA,BOULLE,VOLCERE!

    Jeanne DÂrc

  12. Marek is gone the rest must follow especialy the Russian mafia and Chinese,El materi and so on,one mafia gone but we still have around 20 of them still hiding on our shore.


    1. Johnny, Wavel also is a mafia! What are you people going to do about him?

    2. Profide Wavel with some female monkeys and send them on an Island, they shall find happiness ever after.

      Wavel is not doing anything for our country, whatever he is doing is all for himself and himself only. Hiding behind priesthood, making a spectacle of his so call faith, while doing things that no way represent the teaching of Jesus. FAKE ASS HYPOCRITE!

  13. Reply-
    Johnny is right. With the exposure of Stella Port Louis and the 2000 shell companies based out of Victoria, worth $15Billion in money laundering, the MAFIA connection for Seychelles is second to none. There needs to be a clean up if Seychelles is to secure her place as a credible country in the Indian Ocean.
    Jeanne D'arc is 100% again and shows from her points that Seychelles PL SNP DP(SUM) has stooped to an all time low of doing the dirty work of harboring and protecting rogue elements for dosh. The time has come to change course and the people must openly express their discontent with such sell out practice.
    Seselwa Unite!

    Sesel Pou Seselwa!

    Christopher Gill
    Seychelles Freedom Party

  14. Well they play their parts...That's all they do play around and fool people...Sickens me to see some Seychellois still believe their lies...!!

    Czechs,Slovaks and who next time?


  15. Interpol just released their latest wanted person:
    Better be on the look-out she must be in Seychelles preparing jihad on our soil now.

  16. Note also that UN passed a law in 1994 without a vote.This alw is about to be accepted by member States, which would make massive ecosytems,environment destructions such as those committed by Pp under the butche,r a Crime too.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  17. It seems also that Pp governemnt(immigrantion)has not means of controlling the netery of oforeigners in our land.Should the immigrantion had information of all ofriegners present ,their reasons on our soil then when Marek law Darjaques was formualting a fake application then immigrantion with the records could have in minutes discovered that Marek present in our land was not just illegal,he was not a genuine permanent resident for he ws neither a GOP worker,A tourist,nor a foreigner married to a Sey.National.etc..etc..etc..

    Under Pp our institutions are just disfunctional with incompetent at their helms.

    Seychellois,it is time to wake up and take actions against Pp thugs in order to restore your dignity, back,and have control over your patrimony and soveriegn country.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  18. Just look at the airport immigration how they control foreigners passport. They must learn more about false passport, this regime dont even know if those peoples who come in our country and after left our country when they time have come to go home.I think no.

    Not she must be in Seychelles she already in Seychelles.

  19. Ram!Banla anmarli avek zaret La digue fer li trene sa parasite en politician corrup.

  20. The immigration department has all the tools and the manpower it requires to deal with its mandate but the immigration officers are helpless on matters that involves corrupted MNAs and ministers. However, this should not prevent us from asking the chief immigration officer to explain all the discrepancies that had surfaced from the immigration department and how he is going to rectify the problem and bring back respect to the department.

    MICROBIOME :) :) :)

  21. Microbiome

    Each time Pp raped our constitution they try to formulate explanations that are rediculous and absurb.Lets take Marek case r that of El Materi.Should PP just follow th rule of law set by our people such discussions should have not even happened.In the case of El Amteri,seychelles has no Asylum law but PP just creat it own law and imported a fugitive to our shores and even defence its illegallity as if it is right.Marek case--is that this guy came to our shores assumedly as tourist.He never leave our sahores after his stay was conpleted.The immigration failed to indetified that Marek stay on our shores was illegal .He stay years without legal residency then when on whith the help of PP/SNP thugs to the likes of Derjacques to rape our birthrights.All these are illegal practices,enough to have raises concern from the authority.PP/SNP failed to aprrenhend Marek becuase he bribed PP and SNP members.The latter so greedy ,hungry that they were ready to use all means to legitimize Marek present on our shores.

    Note:Seychelles constituion provides only two conditions to become Seychellois:19A pax is born Seychellois 2)or married to a Seychellois National.All other means are simply illegal even when RAM,Derjacques,and others try to defence thier illegal practices in order to give us the impression it is legal and legitimate.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  22. In regards to Seychelles Nationality, you forgot to add Registration and Naturalization. The latter being the one widely use to create Fabrike and the former is the category of children born of Seychelles parent in a foreign country.

    Which port of entry did the fugitive enter the Seychelles from? What kind of passport was he travelling on at the time of entry? Which country issued the travel document for his trip to the Seychelles? Who was the immigration officer who issued him with a stamp to enter the country? Did the immigration officer in charge of filling the stubs at the headquarters noticed any irregularity, if so, did he report it to his supervisor? Did the supervisor verified the Interpol list to see if the fugitive was on it? Was the Interpol notified of the situation?

    I don't think it is fair to blame Mr. Derjacques for doing his job while ignoring all those who failed to abide to the mandate of the constitution.

    MICROBIOME :) :) :)

  23. Latest news international!Global war on drugs is failing.

  24. That's good! Now I suggest we start fighting a new war on Poverty, one on Injustice, one on corruption, one on Apartheid...

    MICROBIOME :) :) :)

  25. Can you believe SNP protected this man from being deported?

  26. Funny how nobody complained when he entered the country!

    I can't wait to hear the immigration officers explanation regarding the failure to raise the flag on Trajter.

    Will the real Seychellois journalist please stand up and ask the proper question for once.
    MICROBIOME :) :) :)


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