Seychelles Needs Positive Energy and Positive Thinking To Move Forward

I watched Dr. Henry Naiken Attentively while he revealed some positive thinking and energy ideas on SBC with Jude Louange. I was oriented non positive energy, and the power of the individual mind at an early age. It is critical that Seychelles change its approach to the problems it is facing today, that seemingly go unsolved, and worsen. We are living in a hole, that gets deeper and deeper, muddier and muddier each day.

Let's look at some areas where we have lost focus as a Nation and perhaps Dr. Naiken's ideas can reorient the Nation into moving positive energy in the right direction for a better Seychelles, with better people: "the best we can become".

SBC should give Dr. Naiken his own show on positive energy to breathe some positive thinking into our people before we are positively, Six feet under the ground as a nation There is no time to waste. His book should be read and studied critique in all schools for pupils 14 years - 18 years, before they get on the wrong track of life. Prevention is always better than cure.

Youth of Seychelles Going Astray and reckless at 30 and 40 Years Old

Our Youth, the future of Seychelles, are in general, living a life of lack of focus, lack of discipline and lack of challenge. Drugs and alcohol have become common place in their lives and recreation. They lack a sense of decency, to do what is right and avoid what is wrong. They do not correlate the value of their good name with their future. Our Youth have become obsessed with materialism, focusing their energy on the latest i- phone latest game boy. Prostitution in this young group is high and astonishing. Male and female. Morality has taken a back seat to materialism and drug habits. Dignity is sidelined. Self respect has become a foreign idea to many Youth.

Ministry of Youth hold seminars to reorient the Youth as the future workforce to reduce the 12,000 GOP holders and turn out is fickle. The leaders in the private sector that turn up to help them, with solid real life advise, are taunted and not taken seriously. The youth in Seychelles are people from ages 13 - 30. Ten years ago, it was 13 - 40, under the Communist definition of Youth. Maybe that is part of the problem. If someone thinks they are a youth until 40 ten years ago, they will take life easy and remain carefree longer then if they believe Youth ends at 30 according to PL policy today. I grew up understanding my Youth will end when i am 18 years of age. That is the age, that you become a consenting adult in the US. Parents usually show you the door by then, so you need a plan for education, work, money etc...... If you do not have a plan, you join the NAVY, ARMY, or AIR FORCE to get off the streets before the Police pick you up or you get into trouble with the law or gang violence.

Perhaps PL needs to reassess its desire to politically control people by controlling them until they are 30 under their policies, and let them grow up by 18, which is the the world, today. Stop babying the Youth until they are 30 PL.Set then free at 18. What are you waiting for?

Fishermen Catching Drugs

Systematically we are witnessing as a Nation numerous fishing boats coming in with extraordinary loads of drugs, as much as SCR. 50Million a load. Incredible is it not? The fishermen are getting a bad wrap as carriers of drugs from Kenya and Madagascar. Not long ago, yachts coming into Seychelles for bareboat were doing the same. A load of drugs pays for a yacht and all expenses plus cash to spare. Loading boats with drugs is the oldest trick in the book of traffickers. One only wonders what took PL so long to catch on.

The sad thing about these arrests, is that the fishermen are being used by big time drug cartels that finance Scr. 50 Million loads that in turn corrupt and destroy our country. They are keeping the next generation high permanently. Additionally, fishermen have defacto abondoned their trade, which in the past, was very profitable. Who will take the step to reel them back to their trade? As the national catch drops each year, because drug trips make more money, what will happen to Seychelles economy and our national standardof living? PL has shown, it cannot win this war on drugs, and it has shown that it also involves its own people. What positive steps will PL take to rid Seychelles of drugs?

Money Laundering at it's PEAK in Seychelles

The recent articles exposing Seychelles as a key money laundering base by using Seychelles registered offshore companies has placed Seychelles squarely in a realm of disrepute internationally. The amount exceeds $500 Billion according to one report, involving 2,000 Seychelles shell companies, all formed by one person, who is still doing offshore in Seychelles. Incredible. That Seychelles Police, SIBA, Attorney General cannot act on such information when the International organisations are begging for actions. It is as if we are consigned to this type of negative publicity and we accept it as being normal and part of our FAILURE DNA as a Nation. We can do better then this PL.

The Indebted Nation In The World

Congratulations PL! You are No. 1! Bravo! Excellent! Job well done! For what? STATUS: Most indebted Nation in the world: Seychelles. Thank you.

One question: what positive steps will you take to unite Seychelles, to tackle this infamous title to make Seychelles, "THE LEAST INDEBTED COUNTRY IN THE WORLD" in 5 years? 

Seselwa Unite!

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

May God Bless All Freedom Loving Seychellois!  

Written by Christopher Gill, Leader of Seychelles Freedom Party.


  1. Give Dr. Naiken his show on SBC and let's have a national discussion on moving forward as a people to face the problems we are in.

    Seselwa Unite!

    Sesel Pou Seselwa!

    Christopher Gill
    Seychelles Freedom Party

  2. Iotally agree with Mr Niaken and i think Seychellois in general are positive thinkers because they know they have a thought.This have made them resistance aginst tyranny and at the same time bolster them to fight continually for thier dignity.

    But what make a person think negative as Thugtocrats Michel,FAR and ilks?The most universal consebsus is that they have been brainwashed thmesleves in negative thinking habit.Four decades of negative thinking have brought curse to our nation.

    Pp thugs should take the piece of adivce from Mr Niakan and start thinking positive for negative thinking of Pp which first was a habit has become an addiction(mind,body and emotion).Stop negative thoughts by experiencing the positive PP,and i am sure Mr Niakan would not hesitat to help you get out of this mental prison called negative thought that had made you tyrannts.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  3. Its a generation of dispossession.they find solace in prostitution,drugs and lazyness.they don't have the ability to can a lebaness arab got those young girls to strip naked in our christian land is beyong me.what does the churches have got to say about that?seychellios reveyer vous in that deep sleep.fini sa.

  4. Sesel need change to rearange and to move forward,pp are addict in corruption.

  5. if those guys know that,they are not guilty,they should fight for their right and if they have to seat in prison for the real escobars.My advise to those guys burn this prison down.

  6. Indoctrination of communism started with Albert Rene, it affected not only their mental state but also their whole life style. The people of Seychelles stopped thinking for themselves, instead they awaited for what the Government had to say, eat what the Co-operatives provided; consequently it became a land of 'Napa' where every house had iron-bars across the windows to be able to sleep at night, literally a mental and physical prison! And a sure vote winning status quo as far as Pp is concerned.
    As for religious leaders they also are guilty for not speaking out from their pulpits, Bishop Wiehe is not a Seychellois and is collaborating with the grand scheme of infiltration of Muslim in a christian land. Seychelles people should let Vatican know of what is going on and get rid of him. Prevention of Muslim radicalism is better for the future of Seychelles.

  7. Let us have more Churches & Mosques and less night clubs. Promote boy scouts and girl guides. Lets go back to basics.

  8. I think it was the absence of negative feedback that got us where we are! We have been trekking on the wrong path for so long ignoring the voices that said we should go back and take the other lane. Instead, we destroy the spokesperson who tells us that we are in the wrong path.

    I think we should introduce critical thinking in our school curriculum and on TV so that the people can develop a critical mind and make the right decision on their own without having to depend on a positive Guru to live their life.

    MICROBIOME :) :) :)

  9. Microbiome
    I agree with you that critical thinking should be intorudce in school,in fact it should have long been part of our school curriculum,and this simply beucase critical thinking is not only thinking but becuase thinkinh entials self-impovement,it is essential for effective learning and productive living.

    Positive thinking is important,a life of achievement and success is a direct result of the utilizing the power of postive thinking.James Allen decribes it best"As a man thinketh".it likens the mind to a garden;if planted with beautiful plants and carefully nurtured and tended to,the garden will yield beuatiful flowers and be a place of comfort,beauty and peace.If neglected,weeds will creep in and destroy the beauty and yield thorns,destructions and harshness.I
    I would say,it is the same with leadership : a real leader pacifies his Nation ,a crooked leader divides the Nation.

    Food for thought for PP thugtocrats.Any self-imporvement Pp starts with your thoughts.Therefore think positive,pacify the country by recognizing your mountains of mistakes,talk and wor with the oppostion seriously,then Seychelles may realize its dreams.

    As to Weihe,he is a foreigners who like RAm should be a spirtiual leader but turned stooges.This guy should simply go home.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  10. What is there in Seychelles to be positive about?

    Let’s see; we have a president that put money before people.
    We have a corrupted government that are prepared to deal in drugs, sell our patrimony, and I believe other illegal matters, to fulfil their own sickening habits.
    Then we have some opposition parties that are more happy sitting on their asses playing blind to the cry of the people just because there bank account are getting fatter with each passing day that we normal local people are bursting our asses with fatigue just to put a meal on the table.

    If you want to talk about positive go and tell those lazy opposition parties and PL government to get off there lazy asses and work like all of us.

    Seychellois needs hope,in order to think positive. We do not have that, at the moment, all we see is more camel coming in while our population are dying.

    Albert Rene inn gat nou raz ek Tanzanian, ek korea la presen fucking James Michel enman Arab lipou. oli positive dan sa liki Sesel?

    Helen Michel

  11. Politicians are trafficking drugs to raise money, and they go un punished. Fishermen who are used to carry drugs, get punished.

    The cycle is gross.

    We need positive ideas to move forward as a Nation.

  12. Here is some positive idea, bomb up PL government, so that we can move forward. PL government has paralysed our nation with drugs while they get the best of everything.

  13. Helene
    Positive about our determination to get Pp out.Positive that we can achieve better than under Pp thugocracy,positive about the capacitiy of our people.etc....Of course it is not easy to think positive when one has been enslaved so long...but it is possible.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  14. constructive rather than sceptical

  15. Why do fishermen faces charges and politicians get away with drug trafficking?

  16. 04.16
    Right!our people have never fell sceptic about their ability,capacity and in themselves,i say that becuase else they would never had struggle for independence ,they could had just continue to be baby sitted by Brit.Their positive thinking come from the fact that they never think of extraordinary things but simply and essential things like freedom,liberty,dignity etc...That though forced into enslavement by a gang of thugs call Pp have keep them moving.Today their simplicity is bearing fruits,PP we could agree is fading.If they were scpetic they would have fed in the cycle of flase belief like RAM;VOCLERE;BOULLE but guided by their faith,perseverance,they have proven to those sceptics that they are undefeatable.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  17. Is it phoney to have positive thought at of all time? Most people do not care about FREEDOM, LIBERTY, DIGNITY, they are too busy trying to put food on the table, pay the rent, put their kids to school, find a second or third job.

    We all have a negative thought every now and then but our reasoning prevent us from acting upon it or prevent us from stating them publicly. The only way to know that you are positive is to compare yourself to a negative.


    MICROBIOME :) :) :)

  18. Is there any chance that the seafarer that was caught by the Somalis pirates were drug smugglers?


    MICROBIOME :) :) :)

  19. Those fisherman will now seat behind bar for pp escobar like HOUreau,Govinden and corrupt lawers.who can not even defend those guys,because they know fisherman dont have any money pou zot tir lannis banla.

    Michel to your last visit in Vietnam ,Seselwa peoples dont what to hear your bla bla bla any more we all know for what reason you went to visit Vietnam,wE want to see the prove and copies send to all political party leader with your signature want deal you and your goverment sign.

    Is it gave them more our fish cheaper for you to get cheaper rice?Why you dont go and develope a rice farm in Zazibar Michel?They already invite you to do so no money in the coffer?bRING our trillion back that you and pp members are hiding on your off shore account.Ban voler de la republic.Me no say billion i say trillion seen they are taking now we are talking about trillion they have stolen and are on off shore accounts.


  20. Seselwa seen 35 are prisoners of hope for freedom,liberty and dignity,pp have already destroyed our dignity no one care especialy Ram,Boulle,Volcer and this judas seating on his butt in the assembly and Seselwa dont recognized him has opposition just another sell-out in more years to come like Ram in the past.


  21. Report 2013-2014 Economic Forum (WEF)Maritius rank 45 Seychelles rank 80.

  22. Action speaks out louder than words.

    MICROBIOME :) :) :)

  23. Dictators and foloowers like saying such things like "the people do not like this and that "for dictators think that they the omnipotent dicider,thinker,etc.. of the nation.Remember Brother Gadaffi saying The peopel love me,when they took arms to topple him?

    What are Seychellois hungry when Pp promise them prosperity,wealth,etc....and trying to find food to put on the table?Well,becuase they are dignified and refused to depend on others.If they would not want freedom,liberty they would have probably suicide instead of fighting for them.

    Howver,it must be said,that their positive thinking that they could amke things change is bearing fruits,while Pp thugs arte becoming more and more frighten for their lives.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  24. Can you say that Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan are better off today than they were before the US invasion?

    Even in the USA and other developed countries, the middle class are shrinking and people are getting paid less and less. We are force to take several temporary jobs to make ends meet and lay-offs are being used as threat to get people to work longer hours for less pay in order to satisfied the greed of the investors.

    Gadaffi was also a brother and sponsor to the british PM, the french president and donoted millions of dollars to universities in the UK. You can say, he was toppled by his friends.

    MICROBIOME :) :) :)

  25. Drug enforcement must focus on traffickers.
    This includes all drugs.

    Personal use of marijuana and minimal lots of plants for cultivation must be legalized. This is the international trend as marijuana has medicinal properties, and light consumption does little to a person. However, imposing ones will by illicit trafficking to get rich quick and not pay taxes,must not be tolerated.

    Personal use should be a personal choice like beer drinking.

    Zero Tolerance on traffickers and financiers of drugs must be the agenda of the NDEA, not locking up fishermen who do not read and write. They too are victims of the larger fish using them. While they should serve a sentence, it is the financiers, conspirators to traffic that must be dealt with severely.

    Lastly, NDEA and the AG must prosecute as well the PL players involved in these dirty deals.

    This is the only way Seychelles can regain its dignity as a decent country.

    " Remove drugs from politics and remove politics from drugs!"

    Seselwa Unite!

    Sesel Pou Seselwa!

    Christopher Gill
    Seychelles Freedom Party

  26. The mass of the population cannot think positively, they have lost their sense of purpose, they view development projects as totally foreigners' domains where they are ostracized in every sense. The little land there is in Seychelles, is being sold to rich investors who do whatever they want and Seychellois are looked upon as second class citizens in their own country! With no hope of involvement, many rely on Government propaganda, hand-outs and go with the flow. Sadly, the three ills - alcoholism, drugs and prostitution are on the pretty high in the country. Another plus for Seychelles, with being the most indebted country in the world!
    However they say that there is a silver lining in every cloud, perhaps the genius at STB will come up with some new gimmicks now that they almost control UNWTO, as positive touristic attractions for those three social ills that will help put Seychelles on the map!

  27. We have a number of addicts who are on prescribe narcotic that nobody wants to talk about. Some of them are the biggest critics of Marijuana and are openly calling users pot-heads.

    It seems that the medical practitioners are also pusher for the Pharmaceutical Escobar. In that case, they should also be persecuted and prosecuted like all drug pedlars.

    MICROBIOME :) :) :)

  28. Regaulted legalization of Marijuana will put TROU KLER out of bisuness thus reduce millions of illegal income for PP gangsters and drastically put the Cartels out of business too.


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