The Idiocy Of The Seychelles Government

Seychelles burned in offices deal

KHANYI NDABENI | 06 September, 2013 01:03

The Seychelles government has won a court case against a Pretoria attorney and her firm after a property deal for diplomatic offices went sour.

Last month, the Johannesburg High Court ordered attorney Hester Coetzee and the firm Barkhuizen du Buisson to pay the Seychelles government R1.6-million, with interest dating back to 2010, plus legal costs.

The Seychelles government claimed it was duped into agreeing to buy a 97m² unit in Lynnwood Park, Pretoria, in December 2009, for "diplomatic purposes" - only to find that the property was zoned for residential, and not business, use.
Operating diplomatic offices from the unit would have been unlawful.
The government paid the purchase price but moved out a few months later after learning of the zoning discrepancy.

The sale had not been registered and the unit was sold at auction for R700 000 in 2010 after Coetzee fell into financial difficulties, which she attributed to the government not paying rent on the property.
She accused the Seychelles government of owing R116500 in rent.
Attempts to contact Coetzee for comment were unsuccessful.


  1. Parti Lepep is always involved in dodgy deals.

  2. Y a-t-il n'importe quelles bonnes nouvelles pour un tel pays comme Seychelles qui a été continuellement violé?
    C'est vraiment triste, voyant un pays avec tant de potentiel dans les mains des violeurs, des voleurs, des meurtriers et des dictateurs comme James Michel, Albert Rene et leurs associés... Et maintenant jonction d'un race plus mauvaise jamais exsisté dans le monde ""les Arabes"""" . C'EST VRAIMENT TRISTE!

  3. La dernière chose que je pense avant de ferme les yeux pour m'endormir, est la pire situation dans Seychelles. La première chose à laquelle je pense le matin c'est comment se débarrasser d'un tel gouvernement dictatorial. Triste mais vrai, le Seychelles appartient maintenant aux Arabes. Et assez tôt nous devrons avoir la permission de marcher sur notre propre terrain.

  4. Mafia pou tou jour mafia.

  5. PP said it was Duped--Its not the first time Pl was Duped--Morgan was duped £$4,5 millions in a scam contruct deal.But was Pp,seychelles state organized criminalsduped or attempting to act illegally as its well known for?Or is Pl ignorance that it cannot figure out which comapny is a legal registrated copany,agency etc.. or just a tactic not to get invovle directly into an organized scam?Whatever ,the reasona ,Pl has proven it just does not have the minister educated enough to handle the interest of our country proffesionally.Lacks of experience,under qualified minister and advisers,incompetentcy and all that goe with it.

    Seychellois need well-educated,experience,highly qualified Seychellois at the helms of thier Insitutuions not idiots .,thus PP if you cannot represent the interests of Seychelles and Seychellois,remember you are the servants of the people ,therefore just quit and find a life.

    Jeanne DÂrc


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