Breaking News
Seychelles President James Michel unveiled a statue to replace Zom Lib on Independence Day June 29 th today. President Michel called the bronze statute a symbol of liberty, reciting the era of slavery, colonialism that led to Independence. Ironically the statute is designed by a sculpture name Tom Bowers, an Englishmen,cum fabrike citizen who has done numerous favors for the communist party of Seychelles over the years. Monument in North Korea. Mr. Michel would have been more politically correct to have a Seychellois artist sculpture do the honor of designing a statute of such important social consideration. Seychellois artist Steve Marie could have done this job and bring with it Seychellois pride. Michel sought Independence, south Liberty according to his speech, but fell short having his colonial master design his Independence Day statute. Mr. Michel, who advises you?
Partilepep has create OFfshore thus operating a blackhole ,accompanied by systematic corruption by government.Seychelles govern^ment has full responsibility in the criminal activities of money laundering going on in our country.Partilepep pre-meditated,organized,facilitated,and encourage money laundering in Seychelles.
ReplyDeleteSo partielepep must be made fully accountable for this criminal activity on our shores.
We need to see FIU investigate these criminal activities perpetuated by partielepep,and ilks ---- lawyers,Casino owners,recruiters of Expats and so on.
Partilepep must be brought to justice for recidivism.
Jeanne D'Arc
FIU is probably receiving kickbacks from the people involved that is why they are not investigating the issues and simply turning a blind eye. They only want to investigate something that has become a hot potato and damaging the image of the Seychelles government and themselves around the world. Like any thief, if they can get away with it, silence is golden. ///
ReplyDeleteSeselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Seychelles' Al Capone Michel who has also become Africa's Laundering Specialist, plus his gang must be investigated and apprehended,if not the whole partilepep members.
ReplyDeleteTime to get rid of this criminal image of Seychelles created by partilepep and for that Partilepep should be dissolved and forbid in doing politics,taking government responsibility,etc.....
An estimated of 400 foreign banks operates in Cayman,partilepep wants to catch up with Cayman.otday only two new foreign banks namely Ceyxlon,Al Habib Bank has started operation in Seychelles under Dubious conditions.But I m sure partilepep is searching for more foreign banks to come especially from rogue states,then the money laundering machine will be in full operation.
ReplyDeleteWe heard a partilepep minister,secretary telling us,two days ago that foreign banks are being attracted to our shores beucase of our location.No,it is not above location ,but all those like Ceylon bank is here to benefit from the money laundering machine set up by partilepep.Then to that, Partilepep can introduce some SHELL or BRASS--PLATE BANKS that is BANKS which have no physical present in any locations.
We not asking paritlepep to investigate these illicit busineses but have partiepep itself investigates instead .
Michel and PP practice what their preach to stop pp continue preaching what their practice we need action.
ReplyDeleteSfp watch out that no Russians separatist come on our shore after then been defeated by Ukraine army,because they will be more cases of money laundering on our shore Russian mafia are the most dangerous creature.
ReplyDeleteCan you imagine, Russian mafia and Irish republican at FIU? I bet you LePep won't be fucking around with those guys. ///
DeleteWe need to take to the street to protest and demand that James Michel gets investigated for his offshore account. We should not back down in our demand to see what is in his offshore account
ReplyDeleteDo newspapers in Seychelles are publishing article like this blog publish?
ReplyDeleteNo, because newspapers, radio and television are all controlled by the ruling party. They won't give anyone a licence to operate an independent media.
DeleteTaxi drivers complain every day for 35 years. They need to line their cars up at State House everyday from 8.00 to 10.00 and honk their horns. Break down call for 25 percent reduction in fuel tax.
ReplyDeleteNot only Michel all PP crooks and Pierre his also RENPLI SON FES and his account after the next one will be Ernesta sup Leader as opposition leader when Pierre his pocket is full like Ram pp say this to fake politicians come and play with but don't come out and play for real you will get your share some bad players in in Seychelles politic just after money more foreigners land more those kind of game and corruption continue.
ReplyDeleteWe have to stop it Seychellios no will come and do it for you with courage we can take the streets make our voice heard for our cause were are those who ha call themselves leader lead?
Breaking news,50 srilankan teachers is about to disambark at Mahe airport.
ReplyDeleteplus 250 masons,80 carpenters,25electricians,90nurses and 150 labourers.
The best whistle blower so FAR.
ReplyDeleteNow, Mr Ernesta of DP can you tell us your roll in the SPDF while you were a colonel.
We know a lot about you and your gang, but we want to hear from you if you have enough GUTS!.
Come clean I will give you all my support and will also vote for your PARTY!
An ex solda RENE.
You read this scam in Nation---Kenyan coming to learn from FIU.FIU achieve ZERO though the multiples evidence of partilepep multipile money laundering cases.
ReplyDeleteUHURU KENYATTA FAURE's friend is sending a team of Kneyans to supposedly learn from Seychelles `FIU's success.Partielepep thinks by doing so,it would give FIU legitimacy that it has never had it is also a way for Paritlepep to say to the world"We are not going to stop money laundering for we are so addicted to criminality and money laundering bring us multi-millions in revenues thus keeps the party alive.
ReplyDeleteFIU cannot be effective as long as its mebmers are partilepep affiliates and ilks and as long as it takes dicitations from Statehouse.
FIU should be under the direct supervision of the Central Bank Governor not Michel ,Govinden or Morgan.Since,its creation FIU under the dictation of Michel/Morgan and Govinden has done little progress towards being a competent,indepedent agent able to indentify signs of money laundering and terrorist has struggled both at mamangement and operational level,lacking strategic focus,missing opportunities for training,and technical resources,but also because FIU members are direct members of aprtilepep criminal organization.
Having FIU directly under the Central Bank Governor,would likely put the FIu on to a faster track forward and greater effectiveness.Under the Central Bank Governor,the FIU staff must alos get the protection of the Parliamnet inquiry inot how FIu conduct its hiring ,budget,operations and so forth.If the FIu operates under the Central Bank procedures,there would be little of this nature to criticize politicians to challenge.Moreover,the TREASURY ADVISOR would also have to work with FIU Director to prepare for the Governor's reviews a work plan for personnel,procedures,and sytems.
FIU must be seen as independent institution,not partilepep sub-institution.
We nned to see real actions paritlepep not inviting Kenyan in an attempt to hide the real incompetency,ineffective and corrupt actual FIU.
Jeanne D'Arc
Interpol has never name Seychelles FIu as best and effective in Africa.There has been various articles on Seychelles money laundering activites.For instance,by Internationla COnsortium of investigative Journalists(offshore leaks Data)Which proved that e.g Michel SOLEIL OVERSEAS HOLDINGS was controlled by a Maurituis entity called PINES LTD( managed by wife of Clenny Savy).
ReplyDeleteIn 1995 paritlepep enacted the Economic Development Act,to offer foreign criminals(mafias) immunity and extradcition protection to any foreign Nations who invest U$ 10 millions in the local economy.Aprtilepep due to Intenrational pressure back down,but only publicly and on papers.
We have had----Krecjir,Magnitsky affairs and many more,unresovled.Then you have >BOULLE who ran the illcit INTERSHORE CONSULT GROUP(motto:offshore in the Palm of your hand)And his Frim still has offices in Virgin Island,Antiguilla.Belize and Panama.
Has FIu investigatze Michel's SOLEIL OFFSHORE;that of BUOLLE,and others?No.
FIU members must be trained indiviudals with knowledge in financing,economy,banking,accounting not an ex-IRISH military man.
ReplyDeleteLike I have said before, these people at FIU are there to look after the interest of LePep and themselves, they do not give a damn about the rest of Seychelles. ///
DeleteParitlepep imported a foreigner to tell us immigration is good for us.It is not it kills salry,create ethnic problem,put stress on natural resources,modify religious belief,stress onhousing,bad for economy on long -term and a country should create job for its people not foriegners.
ReplyDeleteSeychelles has not immigration law and that must stay this way.
Any change MUST GO THROUGH referendum not dictation by illegal apritlepep.
For development of a country one does not need Exapts and immigrants---PROOF JAPAN for decades two world economy now , the four world economy has virtually no Expat workers but still successful.
ReplyDeletePartilepep wants to import more and more expats to colonize our land and please foreign businesses.
Seychellois want to see a drastic reduction of Expats in our land not an increase.
+4 000 Exapts landed in Seychelles each year and that of a population of 90 thousand natives this illicit policy dictated by partiepep must stop immediately..
Any change in immigrantion existing law--must have the people's approval through REFERENDUM not UN,or any foreign organizations or partilepep .We a sovereign Nation therefore only the citizens can decide on such issues.
Morevoer,countries which for decades depends on Immigration such a UAE;SAUDI ARABAI;SINGAPOUR;Werstern countiries are all taking actions not to increase Exapts but decrease because experience shows they create more societal and long-term problems than helping development.Developemnt that depedends on cheap ,slave labor is criminal and unsustainable and on the long-term destroy a society.
We fought against colonization and became independence now Partilepep wants to re-colonize our land and that disguise as Immigrant workers.
ReplyDeleteEach country has a duty to feed its own people,and it is not the duty of foreign government or Nations to do that.
Instead of asking countires like India,Sri Lanak,Pakistan and others to implement FAMILY PLANNING and stop giving birth to babies like pigs ,paritlepep and its foreign advisor tell us we must import them,give them Seychellois jobs,build housese with tax payers money for them ,allow billions of dollar that should stay in our economy to leave the country and feed others,they put stress water,electrcitiy,increase wastes,disturb opur culture,tradtion,people,introduce by force their religion,culture,ethnicity,primitive behavior etc,,,,,
ReplyDeleteDevelopemnt which fill the pocket of foriegners and allow the bankruptcy of our country is not development is pillage of Seychellois economy by foreign gangs and crooked partilepep thieves.And development must serve the Nation and Natives not foreign workers or contribute to foreign countries GDP growth.
Pl is implementing a policy to import foreign labor which compresses salary rates and opportunity to better pay, better housing for Seychellois.
ReplyDeletePl does not propose a repatriation of Exile Seychellois Citizens who number in 40,000 with their children to reduce the labour problem and human resource problems of Seychelles.
Pl says shortage of labour will continue. Yes I say. The problem will persist if you propose no strategy to solve the problem.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
They say god say give birth as much as you can even their don't have food and money to feed their family and then immigrated all over the world even on our tiny island.
ReplyDeleteYesterday we have all see on Seychelles today how they look like ant when building their house when taking the bus after work get in the bus.
ReplyDeleteI would like SFP to check if all those 16,000 immigrants if they have a original health certificate?before diseases that we don't have on shore arrived and affected Seychellios.
Minister of health what you will do if a epidemic happen on our shore put your finger in your a**?
Sorry!I want you guys to just do a favour your country on this Saturday go at Stade Linite support our national team v Sierra Leon its not pp national team its our national then may be you have more Seselwa support just one that day put politic aside show peoples you also care for our national team give them our support they can make it to the 3 round African cup 2015.
ReplyDeleteAfter the match take a walk around Victoria to protest James Michel Soleil Investment. That will surely shows how patriotic we are!
DeleteSeychelles cannot and should not ,and mostly importantly without the consent of its people,repalce the UN organization for REFUGGES and world poverty by allowing uncontrolled amount of Expats from voer-populated nations like India,China,Pakistan to influx our land,thus create the situations in the first palce that forced indiviudals from those over-populated countires to leave their country--that is demographic prboelm,poverty,environment destruction,socio-economic problems,etc.........Seychelles government concentration should be wasting time to negociate,accept rules oppose by foreigners on how to influx our coutry with Exapts to solve world poverty but has a duty and obligation to serve its people and not that of foreigners.
ReplyDeleteA strictly control migrants(or Exapt workers9is needed,but in any case should expats have the possibility to stay forever and thereby increase artificially our society,destory single Nation concept,put at risk National security,and our Seychellois identity,and sovereignty.
Uncontrol migrants affect both internal and external conceptions of sovereignty,thus Seychelles' status as a single Nation.
A Nation of migrants Or Michel illusionary New Seychelles concept,would lead to disintegration ,hence Seychelles would be a Nation of migrants and would ceased to be a single Nation.
Uncontrol influx of Exapts to the contrary to what paritlepep wants to tell us,impose a high cost of the country by leaving the country without the human Capital necessary to achieve long-term economic growth.In other words,since their is a market for cheap expats,governemnt tends to stop investing in the training of their own citizens and depends( thus create a lack of trained ,unskilled local work force).
Migrantions should not be seen as the solution to development though it plays a role.REMITTANCES should seen as substitues for thoer sources of National fiancaiing such as development assistance and foreign investment.Their economic contribution,channelled principlely to direct family needs,is valuable in tis own rights,not only for the indiviudals and households receiving it ,but for National economies.
Jeanne D'Arc
Shortage will continue-because since expats are cheaper government has virtually stop training seriously locals.Pp has failed to deal with Hard drug problem thus youths (destruction of Human capital).Paritlepep is acting like a government for foreigners,which duty and obligation is to sovle over-populated countires ,provide the jobs to get them out of massive poverty on the back of our Seychellois people.Paritlepep has proven itself as anti-Seychellois,anti-patriotic,and as an irresponsible government.Foriegn interests are oabove that of National interests.A simple question to paritlepep,why do we need each year thousand of rexapts when therei snothing that shows that our small limited resources Nation has a massive development that would need thousands of more expats each year?Well,paritlepep this because Expats are being imported to replace Seychellois at all levels, in all jobs even jobs Seychellois are highly qualified in ,just because they cheaper and to pleased your foreign friends who want to simply use our land to make themselves maximum profits .
ReplyDeleteThis is a threat to the concept of single notion,threat to Seychellois identitiy,Soveriegnty,.It must be stopped.QUOTA should be set to control lmigrants influx--we cannot tolerate that a small country of 90 thousands citizens see a ana mount of literally 30 thousands of expats in their land,taking their putting stress of public services,housing,social services,waters, environment,even being gifted our Nationality like GOP BURHAN --the latter was gifted our Nationality in order that he can continue suck Seychellois bllod by having a pension for life .HIS GUY SHOULD LEAVE Our LAND,HE WAS GOP his contract has ended and as law stipulates ,he should go back to Sri Lankan,back to his homeland.
Aprtilepep tells us there would be more coming because it has signed an illegal deal with Sri LANKAN tyrant to export/import more Sri LanKan to our shores to colonize us,modify our society and Nation
.Partilepep must be stopped.
Jeanne D'Arc
Helping hard drug addicts,unemployed seychellios,dealing with domestic violence,colonization of our land by foriegners etc... seem more important and useful than supporting a gang of men running behind a piece of leather filled with air call a football..
ReplyDeleteMigrants though a uncontrol amount is needed but the uncontrol amount invading our land ,which has already reached tipping point is unacceptable and must be stopped immediately.
ReplyDeleteMigrants is mostly a problem of growing demographic disparition in certain countires due to over-population,environemnt destruction,fialed economy,etc....
Migrants posses more rpobelm than bring development benfit to host country.For instance,after depedneing on Expats too long without real policy in palce Arab countires like UAE S,Suadi Arabia,Oman today find out that the Natives have become minority in their own land while foreign exapt workers through the deacdes have out numbered them in their own land.
Migrants challenge an actor's security by overwhelming state Capaitiy and autonomy to maintain sovereignty across a numbers of areas.
-Increased volume of uncontrolled migrant lead to competition between locals and exapts on jobs etc..
Migrants as partielepe crooked policy shows have already create competition overscare resources from jobsmhousing,waters,healthcare,social benfits,etc....And migrants come with their oen religion,culture etc and often want to impose on host country national(as Hindu expats wanted to do by illegally performing Hindu religious procession on our christain streets.--stopped after inmmense pressure from citizens).
Migrants may influence and serve the goals of National foreign policies(Like we seeing in UKRAINE,our Chinese implanted illegalyly in TIBET )
There are countries who pre-meditatedly use ethnicity or diasporas as means to create ethnic group within a state in order to serve the interest of the foreing country(Chinese Ambassador in Seychelles conciusly wanted to create ethnic group in Seychelles ---the so call Seychellos fo Chinese origne9that could be use on the long -term to impede,influence or create chaos when for instance on Intenrationl stage in cases whereby Seychelles could oppse a Chinese act of which China does not like ,then those so call Seychellois of Chinese origne can create instability to influence our government decision etc
heighten the existing pressure over state institutions that are trusted to preside such as services and thus cause them to fail(as healthcare is proving to be the case).
Migrantion should not jeopardize Single Nationality,seychellois identity,soveriegnty.But the policy undertaken unilaterally and illegally by partielepep without any real control is dangerous ,a threat to society,singel Nation and existence of Seychellois Nation,it cannot be tolerated to continue.Solutions Paritlepep stop its illegal and unapproved migration policy or partielepep must be ready to face the use of force in its most fierceful manner.In other words, aprtilepep does not stop unilateral and illegal poliicies .partielepe members must be prepare for their execution at any given time.They have a choice to make--and they must not think we going to be given Eternity TO CHANGE THEMSLVES OR BE CHAGNED BY FORCRemember--Cia,Scotland yard,and most western and modern countires around them world agree that namely Terorism in whatever its froms be it HAMAS:AL KAIDA;BOKAHAREM and State organized teorrism like in Seychelles and North Korea must be eliminated,radicated by all means find necessary--No one single nations in the weste,would ry for Hamas teroorists as they would not cry for partilepep teerorists too.Their elimination would be a relief not seen as a crime by the world.just as the elimination of GHADAFI,Bin Laden or other criminals.
migrants policy that control,regualte ,ic^ acceptable but not that illegal one conducted by partilepep terrorists without citizens' approval but imposed,and dictated by partilepep.
We need a policy that encourages the 40000 Seychellois overseas with their children to resettle in Seychelles. This will resolve the migrant issue and out flow of hard currency and divestment expat cause when they repatriate funds over seas.
ReplyDeleteThey are using money earned in Seychelles, to build their families up, build their houses , buy their cars, educate their children.
The other side of the coin is this: Ordinaary Seychellois, not business people I am referring to here, but our people who toil hard for a living in the most expensive country in the World, face: 1. Supression of wages and salaries, 2. Competition from the World for a post, 3. Lack of opportunity for advancement, 4 lack of adequate wages to make ends meet, educate their children, build a house, buy a car, generally improve their lives without government assistance.
Pl is promulgating a welfare state system wherein our people have no dignity. This is where and when our Youth lose self respect, and lose respect for others.
With that ball in play, drugs alcohol, creeps in to destroy whatever is left of a simple people facing a complex world.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Cabo verde President returns to Seychelles one month later. He forgot his toothbrush or he is banking money into a Seychelles bank??????????????
ReplyDeleteBanking his money; that's guaranteed.
DeleteI remember in 2009 Dec 3rd,partilepep went public and rejected any invovlememnt in money laundering,15 years later we discover that partilepep is the most active criminal organization in Africa involve in massive money laudering activities.
ReplyDeleteAnd strangely,back then FIU was supposedly investigating a money laundering case concering an account held by LXE Solar Incorporated.END result of FIU and Court investigation is no result as always.
OECD will blacklist Seychelles.
ReplyDeleteToo little too late PL.
You right Chris,Priority should be to engage Diasporas who are better qualified ,and can financially contribute a lot in boosting our economy and compensating the lack of work force bur also creating new busineses etc...
ReplyDeletePartielepep seems not to be interested in the potential Seychellois in the diaspora can bring and the role they can paly to boost economy.I think partilepepe puts their political survival before country'sinternest for partilepep is convivnced that Seychellois Diaspora use to democratic practices etc..would nautrally vote for Democratic Opposition parties than one-party system with communist ideology thus this frighten partilepep.
Now we are Independent and we cannot persue the same practices as in colonial time which consist on depending on foreigners when we have enough Seychellois with great potential living abroad and could participate ,bring innovation,creativity and great benefit to their country.
Engaging,encouraging Seychellois to come and pariticpate in their country's development is healthier,better,a susutainable solution than importing thousands of Expats with all their tons of negative effects on our society.I think any serious,Patriotic,responsible government would take such steps than depedneing of foreigners instead.
To encourage their returns ,there must be a Diaspora department under government ministries.For instance a deaprtmemnt of Diaspora affair to solely deals with Diaspora engagement,(Ministery of Foreign Affairs and International corporation )
Diaspora returnees(the handful who returned by themselves)frequently emphasize the sense of obligation and responsibility they feel towards the their country of origine with education and expertise acquired in their countries of resettlement.While such sentiments appear to resonate with many Diaspora Seychelloishowever,without specific opportunities--a job offer,a business initiative,etc a return is not feasible.
.Equipped with relevant education,expertise,experience,and financial Capital,returnees engage in multiple sectors
Seeing the uncontrolled invasion of Expats to our shores and all the negatives their present create and reading the current landscape of Seychelles,demonstrates the importance proactive engaging with the issue of diaspora return.Partilepep must recognize the potential Diasporas' Capital hold for the development of Seychelles.
Yes partilepep as Chris calls on you to do---It is time for Diapora mobilization for the benefit of home country.For diaspora is an asset and liability for our country.Diaspora can contribute in Direct investmemnt,,portfolio investment in emerging stock market and government bonds,philanthropic contribution,development of global trade and business ties,and the transfer of skill and knowledge acquired abroad. .
Beyond their contribution to economic development,Diaspora will close tie with Seychelles,and may catalyse the adoption of new attitudes such as lower tolerance for corruption,are conducive for development,They can create bridges with transnational citizens which could help Seychelles enjoy the benefits pf Globalization rather than suffering from its disruption.
In a word,Diaspora because of the origine,their know-how acquired abroad,their relationship with their country of origin ,the potential of Capital they can invest etc..etc..etc are much more interesting ,benfitial to Seychelles on the long-term not only economically but to secure its Identity,sovereignty,and indenpedency etc..
Engage our people Abraod partilepep--after all Sesel pou Seselwa let Seychellois build ,develop their own country and benefits from their country' s economy.We cannot replace government duty and rights towards its people by feeding foriegners first partilepep.Partielelp must be the government of Seychellois not Sri Lanakn,Indins,Pakistanis,and somehow be responsible to solve the world's poverty.
Jeanne D'Arc
Seychelles^s FIU is a joke,a window dressing set up by partilepep to fool the world.
ReplyDeleteUsually a FIU should comprise of at least four important branches or all embebbed in one namely:
JUDICIAL LAW ENFROCEMEMNT branch--which is usually established within branch of government ,wherein disclosures of suspicious fianancial activites are received by the incestigative agency.
_The Law ENFROCEMEMNT branch--support he effort of multiple law enfrocemment or judicial authorities with concurrent or sometimes competing jurisdiction authority to investigate money laundering.
ADMINSTRATIIVE Branch--which receives and processes information from the financial sector and transmits disclosures to judiicla or law enforcement authorities for prosecution,It serves as a BUFFER between the fianacial and the law enfrocememnt communities.
The HYDRID branch----serves as disclosure intermediary and link to both judicial and law enfrocememnt authorities etc...
Nd one more thing paritlepep--we must professional economist.account in a word persons with knowledge in fianance,economy,banking etc.. not just appointed friends and party members in order to create jobs for them- AND INDEPEDENCY IS THE KEY FOR fiu TO BE EFFECTIVE,PROFFESIONAL AND RESPECTED.
Jeanne D'Arc
ReplyDeleteAfter the Match take the streets it will be good!But its up to you politicians to pick up supporters signature in the Stadium and supply them some fliers,or you are not ready to do so?
ReplyDeleteSocrates and a few Brazilians world football star and Brazil peoples who wanted a democratic country also did the same to bring change in Brazil in the year 70 .
ICSP tells Partilepep/FIU that it can provide them with nay information of on money laundering going on Seychelles in 24 hours on demand:we will wait and see How long FIU is firstly going to take to open an investigation agsint Michel OFFSHORE company, Buollle Fooshore company,Adam swiss bank acoutn ditto to Glenny Savy ,and other partilepep ilks.
ReplyDeleteIt is kalawan kala keeping PL in power. No one else.
ReplyDeleteSorry Gill! encourage us Seychellios who are living overseas to resettle in Seychelles.
ReplyDeleteFirst we Seychellios overseas we have to get our right to vote and I think no Seychellios want to come and live with a corrupt regime a group of BANDIT on the island must be clean up first.
Our right vote that we can move them crooks in power bring and democracy and we don't want any more corrupt and murder leader A leader that respect his peoples and put them first who come in power.Than we can come back resettle and invest our money and rebuilt Seychelles and we need a leader that can lead the way.
Since 2010 a group of us Seychellois overseas are saving money to come vote in 2016. Please do the same its not too late because the opposition can't pay airfares for all of us.Please do your part and we shall see a new administration government in 2016. For us we don't care who will be the leading opposition we just want PI out. If you are still dreaming of overseas Seychellois voting on can forget want happen under PL.
DeleteIf you fight for this then you will get my full support I think you are the one for a better Seychelles.
ReplyDeleteTo much foreign muslim on our soil even mosque not big enough they have to pray use on our football field pray.Liki pou sal dan lavenir watch Seselwa lots teroists on the island.
ReplyDeletePraslin pa vini!!!
Foreigner teacher in Albert Rene School turn violent.
ReplyDeleteWhy "??????
Why!! simple they behave like pp rule this country with no respect for its peoples selling every things belong to Seychellios citizenship, land ,and making foreigners walking on Seychellios like carpet taking food out of their house give to foreigners.How we expect the youths to give respect may be at home also mothers or fathers are in heroin or dan baka morning to evening and being alcoholic or may be his caught nothing to during school no money to buy even a cake to eat frustrated on teachers the way Michel and pp have made their family poorer .
ReplyDeleteMay be if you look who her mother or father and all those trouble maker on the island are all supporter of PP its them whose causing lots of problems now a days on the island trafficking you name it and been tolerate by the system.
This is a message to Michel and pp family before it get worst.
This blog has been on SBC three times this week in an attempt to defend money laundering.
ReplyDeletePressure is onSFP is applying the medication.
Do not let the. Off the hook guys.
Strike the iron when it is hot.
Rally behind Sesel Pou Seselwa.
Give SFP the help it needs to move forward for you.
Great job!
ReplyDeleteRam the road to unity is long ,but possible!when your pocket is full and Seychellios dignity is f**king destroy?
ReplyDeleteA guy name GAMINI HARATH"letter to the editor"
GAMINI thinks the exposure made by Dr Da Sliva is baseless.He thinks when Dr Da Silva exposed RAJPAKSE and family directly in the Sri Lanakna Parliament with a pile of documents at hands which forced RAJAPAKSE to has his mouth tipped and forced JENPA to go on SBC to confess is baseless.
Gamini says,Sri Lanakn meidias ignore Mr Dasilva .Well because as in Seychelles the media is control by state apparatus and friends of criminal RAJPAKSE.
Gamini says RICh SRI LANkan could do business in Sechelles--but the problem with these so call rich Sri Lankans are only RAJPAKSE and his family member all involve in corruption,money laundering,illegal kidney trafficking,arms trafficking etc...
14 000 plus foreign firms registered in Seychelles--Why registered in Seychelles and not in countires where the do businesses GAMINI?Well because they want to invade taxes.Why would RAJPKSe transit money via Seychelles then tinto Swiss banks and not do direct transfer that directly from Ceylon bank in Sri Lanak into Swiss Banks.What makes it a necessity for their money to transt via Seychelles GaMINI.?
GAMINI says"If Sri Lanaikn finds it good to have relationship with Seychelles and see the benfits fo it--it should do so"Well what is about Seychelles Nation interests?Does eychellois find it a necessity to have realationship with Sri LanKa?Well, the answer is they never been asked nor decided on it.All is done in secrecy and dictated by an illegal government call Partielepep.
Why would Sri Lanakn want deepen relationship with Seychelles aprtilepep government?Well,to import Exapts in mass to our shores to take Seychellois jobs thereby destroy our own economy in order that expats send millions back to Sri Lank to boost Sri Lanakn economic growth.To use and abuse Seychelles as a transit hub for mone laundering.Seychelles government should be creating jobs for Seychellois not for Sri LanKan,jobs for Sri Lanakn should be created by Sri Lanakn government in Sri Lanka not Seychelles.
Gamini literally sways.Seychelles politicians should learn from RAJPAKSE--Well Partilepep is master in International criminal activities .it excel as RJAPAKSe in this field,therefore partielepep politicians have nothing new to learn from RAJPAKSE.HoWhat could honest politician learn from RJAPAKSE well that state organized criminal activites ruin a country's economy,reputation and people.It is not something honest politicinas can follow as example for it is primitive and criminal.
Gamini says Seychelles has modern laws--Laws that facilitate money lunadering are laws of the jungle and serve those handful in the partielepep who dictated them on the majority .Modern laws for Seychellis are laws that porotect Seychellois interests not serve as facilitators for money laundering,drug money.terorrist money etc...
mR dA sILVA CHALLENGED personaly RAJPAKSE on mony laundering involvement in front of Sri LAnkan Parliament controlled by RAJAPAKSE party--NONE reacted instead RAJAPAKSE rush to speed up the money laundering before by opening overnight under dubios circumstances a Ceylon bank branch in Seychlles.
ReplyDeleteWhy Ceylon Bank in Seychelles?For a branch outside home country does not follow National jurisdiction by that of host country.That is If a member of Sri LanKan ask Ceylon bank for information of alleged money laundering peerpetauted by Sri Lanaknas via Ceylon bank in Seychelles ,well the Ceylon bank in Seychelles has no obligation to provide these Sri Lanak ,Ceylon bank would have to provide these information that could result in prisonemnt for culprits.
Another thing--Banks that are not use by local dipositors such as ministers ,local businesse persons is not a positive sign, and individuals must avoid banking their money in such banks.It raise doubt about seriousness etc...It seems to Seychellois that Ceylon bank branch in Seychelles Have no local clients but a handful of Sri LanKans mostly RAJAPAKSE ilks and family members.
Real ,genuine Rich Sri Lanakn GAMINI can come to invest in Seychlles under DFI program not registered in Seychelles only but operate in Sri Lanka.VIRTUAL banks are not banks to trust GAMINI--OFFSHORE companies created by A crookecPresident not in his OWn country but aborad is doubtful,becuase the same Rpesident Michel is calling foreign FDI to invest in Seychlles but he create FOOSHRE company and registered aborad which raises question,Why not registred SOLEIL OFFSHORE in Seychlles Michel.Too rrisky,too expose to Seychellois ,too easy to trace locally,to avoid any justice probe,and local press etc...
ReplyDeleteThere are many young Seychellois who were sent aborad especillay in the Uk to be trained as teacher.Many came back and after two years they quit because partielepep disfranchise them,under pay then while paying imported,foten under qualified Sir lanakan more than Seychellois teacher.Importing Sri Lanakn teachers with no knowledge of Seychellois mentality and pay them an astronomic salary instead of paying higher salary to Seychellois teachers is a scam and can be consider criminal.Here we are with Sri Lanakn teachers with strong pigeon English accent ,thus making it hard for student to understand controlling our education system with a modioc end result for our students.Proff 90 percent of Seychellis student pass A-levels with C/D note nough to get access to high qulality Universities in western world(That is why Michel buolt his own UNi Sey).This is a disturbing result for Seychellois in the past excel in fileds like English,etc... today they are at the bottom of the list and that are proof of bad educational system in palce.Seychellois student understand their local teachers better and are more likely to succeeed with teachers they appreciate than Imported Sir Lanak teachers with pigeon English which disturb students and make it more difficult to study.They must not only concentrate of the subjects but now with our scholls teemed with Sir LanKans they must alos concentrate to figure out what the hell these Sir Lankanteachers are saying.I guess Seychellois student do not feel good about the idea that in a decade frok now Seychellois would speak pigeon English like Indains ,and Sri Lankans.Create opportunities fro Seychellois people Michel not create jobs for foriegners and feed them with tax payers money.
Why set up an offshore branch in precipitation Ceylon Bank in Seychelles.It disguise the activites undertaken by criminal RAJPAKSE and family.Bank is not subject to taxation,stamp duties and fees,taxes for check issues and accepted,other from of direct or indirect taxes,not accountable to National government of country of origne especially legal procudures theref for information on bank clients operating outside country of origne can be kept secret and bank direction can refuse to corporate with National government on e.g money lunadering issues,etc... thereby giving criminals cover from justice.
ReplyDeleteNATION tells us"29 millions transferred from Pronzi fraud.GAmini was teeling us yesterday it does not exist."9 millions transferred,What about 2,4 billion in Swiss bank?What about the culprit involved in the 29 millions Ponzi fraud.Still at large.Why not the name of the culprit made public?A partilepep member that needs to be protected like LUCAS what?Or prison is not made for him?Where does the money goes,In Seychelles coffer or Paritlepep coffer like Drug money occasionally confiscated by NDEA ?Why there is no public information of how the money are used paritlepep?
ReplyDeleteI admire the work Christopher Gill and his team are doing.
ReplyDeleteKeep it up guys you are real Swychellois!
Anonymous 17.32 it can happen if all opposition make a big effort ask countries like England France,Canada were most Seychellios are exile soon to be deported to put pressure on pp cronies.
ReplyDeleteGamami is looking for excuses to his leader and Michel being caught Ina conspiracy to launder money from sir Lanka thru Seychelles, destined for a safe and secret Switzerland account.
ReplyDeleteNothing else is happening here.
Meanwhile. OECD is building up to land a bomb on Seychelles, with EU sanctions and other western state sanctions.
Hell is about to heat up.
Next time do not waste 2 mins. Screwing with SFP, PL.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Gill is right as usual.
ReplyDeletePartilepep long deserve strong painful sanctions ,otherwise they would never be able to detoxicate themselves from this gross criminal activity.
ReplyDeleteWhen I saw JENPA confessing on SBC ,one could see in his eyes and heard in his trembling voice the way this time around SFP exposes them and touches them deep in their soul.Even FIu was waken from its winter sleep-.--This week FIU suddenly told us its recuperated $u 29 millions from Ponzi fraud--That was not a deliberate act by FIU but the pressure inserted on them by SFP.
this is the fruist of long ,continuous,persitence, breathless,patriotic hard work.It is ttrue that we cannot stop praising SFp leadership for its achievement for the country and people in just a few years since its creation as a party.SFP has pressured Partilepep and achieved a lots since then---that there is not need to recall.Without the present of SFp to expose,pressure Partilepep and stooge political parties and leaders to the likes of RAm .Seychellois would no longer exist as a single Nation,We would have been slaves as Cast in the Indian society in our own land:
You could also imagine what SFp could have achieved if its call for Unity of the opposition was not impeded by SNP a partilepep stooge party.We would today be free,and economy in a better state than we are under 4 decades of partilepep terrorists.