St. Ange whirlwind Tour of Praslin Hotels Near Completion

Jun 30, 2014
Seychelles vision, that its people should claim back its tourism industry, is well set in the business attitudes of its nation. More than ever, Seychellois are taking ownership of their country’s tourism industry and are giving an increased commercial value to the island's hospitality industry.
Praslin, the second biggest island of the Seychelles with a range of 117 small and large hotels, is a perfect example where 90% of the properties are owned by Seychellois, who not only know their island inside out, but are today providing personalize service with a special touch of the Seychellois warmth. In his continued drive to visit all 117 small and large hotels on Praslin, Alain St.Ange, the Seychelles Minister for Tourism and Culture; Anne Lafortune, Principal Secretary for Tourism; Sherin Naiken, the Chief Executive Officer of the Seychelles Tourism Board; and Nathalie Didon, the Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Seychelles Tourism Board headed to Praslin on Thursday June 12 for a third visit on the island to visit another 20 hotels.
With 72 hotels visited so far and 45 remaining, this has kept Minister St.Ange and his delegation much closer to the undertaking of completing its door-to-door visits on Praslin by the month of July. Getting closer to Baie Ste. Anne, Praslin’s downtown, it was evident that guest houses and self-catering properties are owned in this area of Praslin by islanders who believe that they are today the machine of the island’s economy.
The great bonus for holidaymakers booking a room in these properties is its proximity to the island’s jetty. Within walking distance from the jetty and close to commercial areas, these guesthouses and small hotels are ideal for international and domestic travelers visiting Praslin. Guesthouses and hotels located in Praslin’s center not only develop the sense of business hospitality but venture into craft and textile as well.
The hospitality and tourism industry on Praslin has come to the realization that business can only grow on the Island if holidaymakers have places to go to cash in on locally-made products. Having a small souvenir shop with products made in Seychelles, or venturing into an open-air museum contributes to adding value to their properties.
Guest houses and small hotels in the Baie Ste. Anne downtown area provide a conducive level of comfort, design, and personality at all-inclusive prices. They are the gateway to the island of La Digue they all say. With the Southeast Monsoon and strong winds at this time of the year, beach goers are inconvenienced by some seaweed. Owners of tourism establishments explained to Minister St.Ange and his delegation that they have to be innovative in their approach, so that beaches remain clean at all times. In general on Praslin, the small establishments are receiving positive guest feedback.
Jenny’s Self Catering at Grand Anse, Villa Calice at La Pointe, Coco de Mer - Black Parrot Hotel at Anse Bois de Rose, Le Grand Bleu, Pointe Cabris, Chalet Cote Mer and Colibri at Baie Ste. Anne, Cavern Self Catering Apartments at Baie Ste. Anne, Le Port Guest House at Baie Ste. Anne, Maison Belle at Baie Ste. Anne, and Chez Roro at Baie Ste. Anne all have a feeling of belonging to the Praslin tourism industry and have expressed their desire to grow their businesses.
On the second day of the visit, Friday, June 13, which started with an early morning tour of properties located at Anse Gouvernement, it was interesting to observe that hotels in this region of Praslin, as they are steadily growing their businesses and continue to strive in their efforts to win a bigger share of the island's tourism market. Innovative ideas are surfacing in these establishments to retain their positions up front in the market especially in the Cote d’Or region, the prime beach destination of Praslin, with a high number of small properties and restaurants. As some restaurants saw a chance to diversify into new activities such as guesthouses, there’s growing concern of emerging “illegal restaurants” on the beach. Such activity is seen as detrimental to legal restaurants positioning in this area. Alain St.Ange, the Seychelles Minister for Tourism and Culture, condemned this practice saying it should be curbed because it tarnishes the Seychelles image. Talking with owners and managers of L’Archipel, Villa Milles Etoiles, Sky Blue Guest House, Omusee Self Catering, Les Villas D’Or, Cote d’Or Lodge, Cote d’Or Footprints, Coconut Residence, Cote d’or Self Catering Apartment, Pirogue Lodge and Iles des Palmes, and National Heritage Treasure Trail, the same message was echoed that Seychelles should claim back its tourism industry.
Seychelles is a founding member of the International Coalition of Tourism Partners (ICTP) .
Source: Seychelles Ministry of Tourism and Culture
 Note: No minister of tourism has ever visited all hotels in Industry . We thank Mr. St. Ange for his effort and example set for other ministers. As the saying goes, lead,follow, or get out of the way. So far, St. Ange is leading all PL ministers.
Christopher Gill.
Leader of Seychelles Freedom Party.


  1. The way Praslinois is doing business is a good example of sustainable development---an example the the government should encourage and develop.

    The problems of illegal business activities have been long a concerning problem on Praslin not only in the catering branch but from boat chartering to even illegal taxis and so forth.We could ask Why though all the complains the government has failed to act and deter such illegal activities which do not affect legal businesses only but also a lost in government revenues from Taxes to licensing etc....especially when those illegal activities are being done in day light.

    However,the government should also ask the question why does those people who act illegally do so.I guess it is mainly because of a lack of jobs,and opportunities or many have no financial supports or ideas of which Businesses they could start others than what they see or know though there are many of businesses both related to tourism but also non-tourism related possibilities.

    What should the government do?

    -First,deal with those doing illegal deals thus affecting licensed,legal businesses ,for it is not good for neither those legal businesses nor for the economy.

    _Government has started providing financial helps for persons who would like to start a business ,thus the government should ensure that Praslin also benefit from it.Possibilities of new topurism Businesses that could rapidly be sponsored especially on Praslin would be busiensses such as Pubs,Bars,Game rooms,Cafes and other night life activities which is badly needed on Praslin.For instance,Help a person who would like and have already a certain amount of his /her own capital the possibility of Opening a Restaurant at the top of the mountain of ZIMBABWE(with coin -drop binoculars(extra revenues) even a small astronomic telescope etc.To fit into the nature up there, it could be a kind of castle like building which would make it more aesthetic..)Many other night life atitivities could be created on EVE ISLAND especially were the old mariner was.

    _Developing CIRCULAR ECONOMY--It is a driver for innovation in the area of material-,component-,and product reuse,as well as new business models such as resolutions and services.An Example the tons of COOKING OIL use by hotels,restaarants even households could be collected and then converted into BIO FUEL,E _WASTE RE-CYCLE,and many other possibility that would create opportunities to many Praslinois thus allow them create their own businesses and not go in to illegality.

    REDUCING EXPATS to give Locals the opportunity to benefit from their own local economy is also crucial,else they would continue to make a living do illegal businesses and that is damaging for the economy.
    IDEAS are many government support seems the most important thing to do here not only on Praslin but also on La Digue and even Nationally.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  2. Mr St Ange seems want to distance himself from the rest of Pp ministers.We encourage his actions and we would even ask and encourage PP to couple the transport ministry with that of tourism (culture ???)so that Mr St Ange can perform even better.After all ,these two ministries are inextricably intertwine for our small Nation, especially its tourism industry.

    Jeanne D'arc

  3. Definitely we live in a fast moving world as Uni sey chancellor hardy has said. The problem of Seychelles can be solve with greater communication Coles with action. It is no time to sit in an ivory tower and wait for the next cocktail invite. This is what St. Ange is showing all of PL

  4. My advise to the PL build bridges folks, don't burn them. Don't take things personal and do not personalize issues. You PL people carry a heavy burden when you carried Rene's baggage for a living. There is no way out of it, except to work hard for unity and reconciliation. That is more then just speeches and monuments. Do the real hard work.

  5. Another cake had just been cut by Morgan during the returning of Air Seychelles to Paris! Poor CAKE! Only one plane!. One foreign CEO! The ONLY Lapire minister!
    Seychelles deserves better.

  6. I believe St. ange is indeed trying to leave a legacy in Tourism as he says he is. With that, he knows for Seychelles to progress we must engage all players. It does not mean he is distancing himself from PL. it means he is doing the walk and the talk. That should be an example for other ministers. It is an example for the whole country.
    Now we should watch how other Ministers perform and call on them to sharpen up, stop waiting for rain to fall when they are suppose to be the rainmaker themselves.

    Christopher Gilll

    1. All ST Ange is doing, is rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic...... It's sinking and it is time for him to jump ship and that is your job Mr Gill.

  7. It seems they just cannot get out of the vicious circle and one can partly understand .To rehab individuals who have been Druged by communism,corruption for decades long is quite a hard job.But nothing is impossible if one has the willingness to change.

  8. Mr St. Ange, if you are a friend of Praslin, go to your leader and your party and tell them that the people of Praslin deserves better, freedom of speech, movements and to trade. The only way they will be able to achieve this, is to have control over their own destiny.......... Self Government for Praslin now, not bureaucrats from Mahe!!

  9. I give an otherexample of the so call Circular business-----I mention the collection and convertion fo Used cooking oil from Hotesl etc and into Bio-fuel.Another idea is the collection of WOOD SWA DUST from capenters etc.. and convert them dusts into BRIGUETTES which could replace WOOD COAL use for barbecues for ,for instance by boat charters,Restaurants like LAURIER Restaurant now using WOOD coal ,using Cow skins now thrown away from slaughterhouse into leather thus roduce valueable leather products as handbags,wallets etc....for both locals and as tourists souvenirs,or using coconut twigs,bamboos,woods to produce various AND DIFFERENT QULATIY window blinds ,various lampshades,etc..etc..etc..etc..

    Jeanne D'Arc

    1. The only good thing any socialist government has ever done is spending other people's money. What you have mentioned are too complicated for them to understand.

  10. 16.00

  11. Rearranging chairs on the Titanic. Good One. The others do not seem to be doing anything.

    1. Lol...... Maybe because they still believe that Titanic is unsinkable.

  12. Morgan should be sacked ,he is useless,incompetent,and corrupted to the bone.

  13. Whether St. Ange is building a legacy in tourism or rearranging chairs on a sinking Titanic, he should think about what happened to all the past Ministers of Tourism - all have faded away into oblivion. Pp is using St. Ange and once they have no use for him, he will just fade away like all the others - there will be no more free travels, international conferences, diner parties with gorgeous ladies and free publicity! After all, how long can a person like St. Ange keeps up with this fast life? He is already over-weight and balding! he better starts looking after his health and political future. Best he can do is to play a fast one on Pp, instead of waiting to be fired. He should use the leverage of publicity that they gave him for free and run for President himself in the next election! Go Alain go! you have broken the barrier by accessing SBC TV screen once privileged only for James Michel.

  14. If St Ange is truthful to himself and serious in his endeavour , then he would have our support ,but he must has no illusion,that if he is horseplaying around---,, a barnacle, he would go down with Pp^s sinking ship.

    Jeanne D'Arc

    1. That is an insult to barnacles. I have more respect for them than anyone from LePep, at least barnacles take a side.

  15. Partielepep representative LaFortune tells us Air Seychelles is searching for a bridge.We had it ,partilepep destroyed it instead of forging it,now partilepep tells us its searching for it again.Rediculous.As the saying goes"you donot destroy what you want to acquire in the future"Paritlepep did exactly that,now its is search for it back.You had it partilepep,instead of keeping and improves it,you destroyed it.

    1. Its LePep my friend, crossing the bridge will be to easy, we will make swim through the current of change in 2016 and I will be the shark waiting for their asses.

    2. Correction: Its LePep my friend, crossing the bridge will be to easy, we will make them swim through the current of change in 2016 and I will be the shark waiting for their asses.

    3. Lafortune is an opportunist and a bitch.I heard she is fucking the colonel these days.what a bitch.

  16. Good luck re establishing the French market. We will need it!

  17. We must not cried over St. ange leaving SNP.
    He was not the first and will not be the last.
    Kalawan is a loser without principles.
    We must focus on what St. ange can do for Tourism in Seychelles, not what St. ange can do for Kalawan who kicked him out of his party per se.

  18. St Ange us a double cross.always has and always be spup.The snake in the grass.sesel inn fini srilankan Ki pe vin baise zot soon.

  19. It shows that SNP ahs become a shadow of itself.Mabe RAm should find a life ,For instance,by using all those tax payers' millions gifted to him by PP,invest in something like (doing a business)thus help create job for Seychellois.At least indirectly Seychellois could benefit from their stolen money rather than invest the stolen money in OFFSHRE company like Michel in order to wash the stolen peoples' money.

    Jeanne DÂrc

  20. What St Ange can do for RAM is leave SNP,which the former has done.By doing so,St Ange help RAM to self-destroy himself further and tells him that following ablind leads to nothing.,But also send a message to RAm namely "Your Time to have come to go leave and go repent."

    Jeanne DÂrc

  21. St. Ange leaving SNP destroyed it.

    Like when Gill left DP. Finished over night!

  22. Cube link registers Morgans most frequent contacts are with Khalifa followed by a girl then Michel.

  23. Too bad it is not the airport in Paris.


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