Ste Ange, The Stifling Bureaucrat

Published on : Monday, July 7, 2014
Ahead of Seychelles Tourism Board mid-year marketing meeting, due to be held on 16th July, Seychelles Tourism Board has the visitor arrivals statistics under the microscope. A comprehensive picture of Seychelles visitor arrivals and their impact on the economy can only be relevant if based on factual and up-to-date information. The Seychelles Tourism Board has waited for the release of Seychelles tourism arrival figures for the week ending 29th June 2014, in order to evaluate the trend and draw a realistic picture of the state of Seychelles’ tourism industry.

The Seychelles Tourism Board has acknowledged that tourism arrivals from beginning of the year to date is but one percent below that of the same period in 2013. This represents a reduction of less than 2000 tourists: 110,494 as compared to 111,814 the previous year.

The month of June 2014, claimed the Seychelles Tourism Board, was a relatively hard month showing a decrease of 6% on its European market; 5 % in Africa and 7 % in the United Arab Emirates compared to the same period in 2013. The drop in visitor arrivals from Seychelles Tourism Board’s core markets for two consecutive years is no surprise to the Tourism Board, due to a lack of direct flights to Seychelles from those destinations which has impacted negatively on the attractiveness of Seychelles as a vacation choice.

The Seychelles Tourism Board has taken note of these shortfalls and remains conscious of the challenges connected with re-positioning Seychelles in its core markets. With the announcement of Air Seychelles’ inaugural flight to Paris and with the promise of seats allocated to Seychelles, the Seychelles Tourism Board has forecast a positive trend in tourism arrivals from the European market for the coming three months.

The Seychelles Tourism Board believes the positive growth can only be achieved if foreign tour operators selling Seychelles as a tourism destination are allocated seats for Seychelles on this code share agreement flight between Air Seychelles and Etihad. Despite the decrease of France (-13%), United Kingdom & Eire (-5%), Italy (-10%) and Russia (-1%), Germany on the other hand has recorded an increase of 2%. This market is doing well because it still has a direct flight to Seychelles with the weekly Condor flight, and also because of Seychelles Tourism Office’s aggressive marketing, especially in the city of Hamburg. Hamburg, one of the most affluent cities in Europe, is a good indicator for Seychelles in terms of its spending power, contributing immensely to beefing up the figure of the country’s tourism earnings, now reaching more than 8 million dollars.
The impact of Qatar’s strategic decision to pull out of the Seychelles route is, today, felt more than ever within the United Arab Emirates which have registered a decrease of 7% in market share.

The Seychelles Tourism Board is also faced with the additional challenge of maintaining positive growth in its tourism arrivals from Asia (increased by 21%), China 117 %, America 16% and Oceania 15%. China, one of Seychelles vibrant, new markets is also beginning to influence the country’s tourism earnings. Sherin Naiken, Chief Executive Officer of the Seychelles Tourism Board sent a positive message of the healthy state of the country’s tourism industry.

“We are happy to see an increase in the country’s spending trend for the first half of the year despite a minus one in the visitor arrivals. One of our strategies is to target specific markets which we believe have a high market share of spending power for the country. It is true we’ve gone through bad times, because of a lack of direct flights, Qatar Airways and Air Austral pulling its direct flights and Emirates halving the number of its flights to Seychelles. It’s a positive sign we’re still down to minus one, as it sends out a strong message that despite challenges we’ve been able to drive our marketing strategies.’’

Seychelles Tourism Board is also cautious regarding its assessment of its secondary markets, indicating that Reunion market which for the past years has not recorded a positive growth (-67%) could eventually take a turn for the better. The reopening of the Reunion-Seychelles route with the commencement of Air Austral’s direct commercial flights on 23rd of June is sure to send out a strong message that the number of visitors from the Indian Ocean Island to Seychelles will gradually pick up.

Alain St.Ange, the Seychelles Minister for Tourism and Culture said “despite much effort to drive one of Seychelles main pillars of the economy to the front line, the country must be aware more than ever before, that with the advancement in technology, Seychelles is very visible on social media”. Minister St.Ange said using social media to publish any bad news about Seychelles to the world is jeopardizing efforts to build a globally positive image of the country.
Minister St.Ange said that as a country we should learn to discuss our problems in appropriate forums instead of publicizing them openly on the web.


  1. Alain St. Ange is a cutting edge Minister. She. It comes to ideas, pushing the Sey helles economy, he has his hand on the ball.
    Other ministers must take example.
    We still live in a day and age wherein it take letters, weeks, to get a meeting with a Minister when St ange goes door to door?
    When he leaves, he drops his email with you.
    Then he gives you his i phone.
    He proposes that we cannot discuss all our problems on the web. He is right. But this government gave us no choice but that option. If it has an alternative way we are ready to listen. Start by giving us access to SBC radio and TV.
    In the meantime our blog views are going to over 2 million.

    Seselwa Unite!

    Sesel Pou Seselwa!

    Christopher Gill
    Seychelles Freedom Party

  2. As has been pointing years by tourism business community--Direct flights is key to pick up arrivals as Germany arrivals with CONDOR shows.Should the government had listen to the tourism Industry and keep direct flights from our main market we would probably not be here today.

    Now that Morgan has listened to the tourism industry and started direct flight from Paris to Seychelles--it would take a bit time before AirSey Paris/Seychelles find back its customers .Everythings must be re-build from scracht :---re-advertising AIRSEY on this route etc....

    St Ange says this"using social media to publish any bad news about Seychelles to the world is jeopardizing efforts to build a gloabally positive image of the country"Yes,Mr St Ange ,and bleive us there is no one that excel publishing a very bad image indeed of the country than partielepep known world wide for --Human trafficking,Involvement in Sex slave trafficking,money laundery,offshores illicit deals attempting to allow ,Chinese communist to build illirgal naval base on our shores(on Cosmoledo--that explin why glenny wants to build airtrip) ,dependency of foreign aid,corruption,and the list is endless.So Mr St Ange for that you need to tell your Pp friends to stop engaging in organized International crimes.

    St Ange,you have a double taks.1)is to re-build /re-advertise AIRSEY and 2)is to re-build the destination image tarnished by aprtilepep International criminal activities.

    Discussing our problems---with a government which keeps dictating and dividing the country cannot in anyway provide the condition to solve our problems in appropriate is just impossible.If it was possible AIRSEY would have never stop its direct flights to our main market to finally create the problem of shortage of arrivals.Partilepep were told but as all dictatorship,the leaders often ignorant follow the old adage" My way , the highway ...or anyway"
    .We hearing speeches on UNITY and reconciliation but only words and no actions and engagement by partilepep so far.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  3. St. Ange is running out of room at Ministry of Tourism. Now he needs Ministry of Transport to fix the problems.

  4. Running out of room or running out of time? Either case he should remember what someone wrote on an earlier blog, St Ange is now airborne and flying high and do not even see or look down at the people on the ground, even Elcia Grandcourt is out of sight! Pp will dump him when the time comes and the higher one flies the harder one falls! ..... Hope he has his parachute ready with him!

  5. You are doing a good job Christopher Gill, keep it up it is in the blood.

  6. He however,is the only minister who seems attempting to get things done.Though the free fall figure in arrivals due to lacks of direct flights,, he brought 1 percent GDP growth to the economy while Laporte keeps bringing more foreign aid.

  7. Folks, St. Ange has the Tourism Economy in his hands. No party can afford to fight a futile battle by fighting the personality of St. Ange at this point.

    We all know he is not responsible for downturn. He has done his best.

    The problem rest squarely on Pierre Laporte who took his job for granted, and took his eye off the ball.

    Joel Morgan as well must shoulder some blame, because he too has been too slow to react to market reality. In transport and internal affairs. Joel is a nice polite fellow. But he reacts too much like a one party state operative. He needs to loosen up and get to know the problems and solve the, with good ideas. Cover your ass programs will not work at this point.
    We should not blame these fellows. Challenge them to rise above how they have been doing things. They need to adjust their sails, like all of us.

    Seychelles will go no where if we continue on the path we are on.

    Sesel Pou Seselwa!

    Sesel Pou Seselwa!

    Christopher Gill
    Seychelles Freedom Party


  9. Miche lis talking on how to create small business but he cannot propose a single idea---Here some business ideas Michel donkey----Revive HONEY FARMING,

    _Pillay started producing HEALTHY fruit juices(He should laos produce vegetable juice --added value) ---someone else could produce SHAKEMILKS,
    -Using Cow skins etc..convert them into high quality leather to produce bags,wallets and high quality souvenirs.

    -Someone produce Chilli and tomato sauce--nothing new---to add value the firm can produce also ---GARLIC,SWEET AND SOUR,TARTAR,CURRY,SAUCES AND DIFFERENT dips AND GRAVIES.

    -Why n0t starting producing AGrape vineyard to produce a high quality ROSE/White wine to serve/accompanied local dishes,but also produce cooking wine thus giving local Chefs an igredience for innovation.

    Why not even re-introduce Tabac not to produce cigarettes but a LOCAL MADe cIGAR.Not to compete with CUba but becuaseti is a lucrative market .There are many countires which porudce cigars --Dominican Rep,And even European countries. which do not necessarily have the best Climate conditions.

    A company that produce SNACKS -from dried fruits,vegetable etc... If raw material could not be found locally because they are not enough(eg Cashew nuts)they could be imported at cheap price e.g India then the mix,package done locally.

    ---Producing WINDOW Shades of all types and price...Some manuall and others electrical etc..

    _Producing SUN shades for shops windows,party tents,umbrella etc.. locally not from S Africa---Though raw material could be imported from S.Africa.

    -A TOURIST attraction or service would be AN UNDERWATER RESTAURANT--ideal place could be St Anne,Port Launay or elsewhere.

    _Horse Rding(equitation)A guy offer such service on La Digue but unfortunately La Digue is not the idee palce---Baie Lazarre,Anse oileau --places with less traffick and human activities and posses more space for BACK _HORSE HIKING etc...

    -TRICYLCES SERVICE powered by electrical motoer)as laternative to TAXIS(soly for Victoria city).

    Contact us Partielepep for many more ideas-




  10. La Li Brazil inn gayne un bon baise avec almangne Dan fotbol 7 lo 1,fotesperey Ki Sa ya var vinn un lesson pou zot respe nou ban zanfan seychellios.zot par var vinn dans touni uncore Dan nou lavil Devan nou bank zanfan seychellios avec ban kanson Ki pas Dan zot lanis pou satouye zot hey exit zot.
    kaka Dan bois.

  11. Criminal don't come from Mahe and live on Praslin in and out criminals come to Praslin Morgan from Mahe yes seen a couple of years now! you pp crooks have displace them on Praslin give them House and kilo of heroin to sell on Praslin for you to manipulate vote registration some I know come from Point La Rue and Anse aux Pins,Mont Buxton.if Police don't do their jobs we will handle those mother f**ker crack baby coming from Mahe affecting our tourists industries on Praslin.

    Voler parey zot leader.

    They get house also in half a year and Praslinios get house only when election campaign that mean every 5 years Praslinios get a cover over their heads.Criminals from Mahe come also over night on boat to Praslin were are your navy Morgan?

  12. Sorry!Criminal come from Mahe.

  13. The increase in criminal acts on Praslin is a gret concer for the population as well as the tourism industry.

    How do we deal with this fleoh?With mercneries armed with war rifles AK -47 or scrutinizing andbringing answers to the cuasesè

    What is clear and undisputable is that the main cause of crimes of PRASLIN as well as around the country is due to HARD DRUG consumption and the lack of jobs for or high umemployed amongst youths.

    To deal with the alarming problem Partielepep would have to do what it takes namely radicate the importation of HArd drug by Paritlepep government memebers and organized gangs.Reduce exapts thus allow young Seychellois the possibility of benefitting from their country's economy.

    Poverty ,unemployment,Hard durg abuses are the main causes and if partielepep is seirous in dealing with the problem of increase cimres,violence then it must deal with theroot cotre of the problem by namely apprehending PP escobar of whom Michel repeatedly tells us "I know them all*Which he does for his is the boss of all Seychelles' criminal organizations.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  14. High crimes figures typify a failed state.A state that has failed to delivering socio-economical solutions for its population.

  15. St Ange should maybe explain to MORGAN what a DIRECT FLIGHT MEANS----THat for instance A DOMESTIC FLIGHT AMHE)PRASLIN is a real DIRECT FLIGHT for no planes make stop on SILHOUETTE.It fies non-stop from POINTE LARUE AIRLPORT to PRASLIN AIRSTRIP----FIlghts with stops in between like AIRSEY PARIS BABUDABI is nothing to go with the definition of DIRECT FLIGHTS.Educate those partilepep idiots ,St Ange.

  16. Lekel Ki pe enport lapoud Dan Seychelles? Eski Mancham e capable dir nou kekel Ki pe fair Sa business?

  17. Capo Di tutti capi Dr Michel.

  18. DirectFlight means when a bird takes off from one tree branch and lands on another one. It can be same tree but different branch.



  19. If you want more direct flights plant more trees.


  20. St Ange is that the Direct flights you talking about?ABUDABI/APRIS .Is Abudabi the capital of Seychelles St Ange?

  21. If you want direct flights this will offend Khalifa King of Seychelles. You will be beheaded.
    If you want more money for schools Khalifa will agree. Just put Koran in each class and teach Koran.
    If bishop weihe do not stop Viagra on old ladies,Koran in school will happen.

  22. Lb ishop Weihe where are you?
    You do not stand up for Seychelles?

  23. STB show on the road in India!St Ange what you have to show Indians coco de mer and tortoises?Indian have also nice beach and blue sea like Seychelles like in GOA.

  24. Weihe don't stand up for Seychellios its time pope Francis give him shoes in his ass and its time to remove priest who just come in Seychelles to work in our church and just drink wine with criminals our Christian country been invaded by arabs terrorists to burn down our church.


  25. Weihe hey,hey hey! We have you in the act. What next?


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