Seychelles President James Michel unveiled a statue to replace Zom Lib on Independence Day June 29 th today. President Michel called the bronze statute a symbol of liberty, reciting the era of slavery, colonialism that led to Independence. Ironically the statute is designed by a sculpture name Tom Bowers, an Englishmen,cum fabrike citizen who has done numerous favors for the communist party of Seychelles over the years. Monument in North Korea. Mr. Michel would have been more politically correct to have a Seychellois artist sculpture do the honor of designing a statute of such important social consideration. Seychellois artist Steve Marie could have done this job and bring with it Seychellois pride. Michel sought Independence, south Liberty according to his speech, but fell short having his colonial master design his Independence Day statute. Mr. Michel, who advises you?
Someone said it before; air Seychelles is trying to screw up Seychelles Airways that will be in service pretty soon! Can anyone see that?
ReplyDeleteIt is all about cutting cakes! Seychelles Airlines better get the right plane.
ReplyDeleteAnd another cake bites the dust.
ReplyDeleteWhere are the plastic chairs?
That why StAnge don't want to be part of the cuttings.
St Ange like micro!
Still rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.
DeleteI can see it anonymous 18:29 they dont want real Seychellios to achive something in life and that been going on seen pp exsit and in Power.
ReplyDeleteWhat is the different of Flighting Eithad or Air Seychelles on the route that is to Transit in ADUDABHI?The answer is it does not change anything at all.
ReplyDeleteThe duration of flight is 12 hours while a direct flight by AirSEY PAris/Mahe would have reduce the flying time by 3 hours.It is seems the is an obligation for Airseychelles to transit ADUDABHI in order to force visitors in to DUTY FEE in ADUDABI.
What is needed Partilepep is not having AIRSEY flying from Mahe via ABUDABI to PRAIS ,what the outirsm industry wants you to do is to operate DIRECT FLIGHT ,that is a non-stop flight between Seychelles/PARIS.The later solution ony could revive the freefall of arrivals we hqave been observing seen AIRSEY was sold to ETIHAD and thereby cancelled all Direct flights from our main market.
It seems forcing visitors into ABUDABI DUTY FEE is an all stragety that might be good for TIHAD /UEA but surely not for Seychelles tourism industry as arrivals continual drops show.Partilepep must put ,but seriously the interest of the country before that of UAE and if it fails to do so,it would enjoy a collapse of our tourism industry by the end of the year.
Would it have been for enticing and interesting for potential visiotrs to have options that is flying either on ETIHAD for a ihgher price and a long route or opting for AIRSEY with a direct flight to customers than forcing them into ABUDABI DUTY FEE partilepep?
AIRSEY flying to PARIS is simply a replace of ETIHAD .The Airline chamge but the route and stragety stays the same which means the end result will be the same--namely Seychelles would continue to see a drops in arrivals?
Bring our National Airline back MORGAN?We have 60 percent share we should determine what strategy is best for our country not ETIHAD.
Jeanne D'Arc
Before AirSEY stopped operating direct lfights from Mahe to EUROPE the, National AIrline has built itself on this market ,thus was already known to customers .Then Morgan to pleased Khalfia,stop direct flights operation thereby destroying the Airline market in EUROPE ,Now that tourist arrivals is at freefall MORGAn and PP relaise that tti was mistake ,amsitake foreseen by all professional in the tourism industry but alos by ordinary citicens who knows nothing about avialtion business.The alter though their ignorance in aviation by suing their common sense could foresee the danger ,only pp experts could not see the problem for the birbes paid by ETIHAD made them blind and ignoarant.
ReplyDeleteMorevoer,We must recognize that AIRSEY operation from ABDAUBI __PARIS does not change anything into the way EITAHD/SEYCHELLES is operating--the only different is instead of ETIHAD operating on this route ,AIRASEY would be doing it.Potential visiotrs ,who would soely like to visit Seychelles ,and have a rapid flight other than ETIHAD would countiue be forced into ABUDABI DUTY FEE for TWO HOURS long after fliyng 12 hours--that makes 14 hours trip and another 2 hours from ABUDABI to Seychelles thus adding the among of flying hours to 15 hours.You know what PP,this does not entice More Visitors to visit our shores for AIRSEY offers nothing new to what is being offered now.`Therefore AIRSEY would find it hard after firstly destroying it EUROPEshare of the market by idiotically pulling out AIRSEY of this route but would also find it hard to compete because it is not offering alternaitves to other AIRLINES lIKE ETIHAD.That is the seat cost on be it EITAHD OR AIRSEY remains the same.SHOULD AIRSEY has operated direct flight from MAhe to PARIS/that non-stop flight without forced transit in ABUDABI DUTY FEE)the probability that AIRSEY would gain back its customers more rapidly would have been more likely but also it could have offered a more interesting price that would have attracts more customers(because flying distance would be shorter which in itself would have entice potential customers to opt for AIRSEY than ETIHAD or other Airlines.The actually strategy undertaken by MORGAN is ridiculous and does not serve as a tool for boosting arrivals.It is just as window dressing for pp and nothing more.
Seychellois ask Partilepep for direct flight operation from Seychelles to our main market EUROPE------MORGAN/PAPA tell us Direct flights from Seychelles to EUROPE depart at ABUDABI.For Morgan ABUDABI is Seychelles.
ReplyDeleteIn any join venture,the majority shareholder normally has lavage on the company thus more voice when it comes on the company stragety,policies etc......AIRSEYCHELLES is owed 60 percent by Seychellois Tax payers^' thus Seychellois should be the one taking the main decisions on how ARISEY should operate.Strangely under partielepep government ,Seychellois ta payers' who are the biggest shareholder in ARISEYCHELLES have no power of decision on the AIRLINE,all dicisions are taken by the minority shareholder namely ETIHAD.It which world we are partilepep,Afghanistan,North Korea or what?
Seychellois as majority shareholder in their National Airline,want Morgan and Khalifa to know that they as biggest shareholder want their National Airline to operate Direct flights from and to our main market and that departing from Seychelles non-stop and land in EUROPE be it in Paris or elsewhere.Morgan has to listen to and follow the majority shareholders' opinion .Now if Morgan cannot say no to Kalfia because he pocket millions in brbies from Khalfia,then you find another job and stop bullshitting Seychellois.
Can you imagine.potential visitors seeing AirSEYCHELLES coming back to PAris ,thinking they would be able to flight with Seychelles National Iarline directly from PARIS non-stop and discover that in fact They would flying from PARIS to ABUDABI.Donot try to fool Euroepeans by making them beleive ABUDABI is Seychelles, Morgan.
If morgan cannot overrule Kalifa then,it would be normal that Seychellois ask Partielepep to stop using the tax money to sponsor an Airline they have majority share in but donot have the decision power.Seychellois could use their tax money to create a real National Airline which serve a real purpose namely to bring tourists to our shores in order to keep our tourism industry alive.Dito,Morgan can then change the Airline's name for their is no reason the Name AIRSEYCHELLES stays when the airline activites do not reflect our country objective.
Stop using our tax money to sponsor Air Seychelles just to please Khalifia Morgan!We want our National Airline(our National asset back Morgan).
Direct flighzts from Seychelles to Paris start In ABUDABI----Seychelles capital is ABUDABI if we believe Morgan/Papa.
ReplyDeleteJe vous confirme tous bien que Les français souhaite effectivement des vol direct Paris - Seychelles (sans escale) !
Le Français.