Failed State Index For Seychelles 122nd Of 178 Countries - Warning


  1. We are a failed state because we live under the wrong flag! Give us back our flag, and Seychelles will excel, our people will stop using drugs, stop binge drinking, work hard to build Seychelles, many will return, work, invest. gurhkas will go home, Irish will be replaced with educated and serious Aeychellois.

  2. We are a failed state because we live under the wrong flag! Give us back our flag, and Seychelles will excel, our people will stop using drugs, stop binge drinking, work hard to build Seychelles, many will return, work, invest. gurhkas will go home, Irish will be replaced with educated and serious Aeychellois.

  3. In his Speech on Indepedence Day Dr Michel told us we should recognize the progress we have made since Independence-------Seychellois were wondering which progress Michel was referring to well the Above list give Seychellois a good clue namely we at the bottom on the list of world Failed States.I think even PAPAU NEU GUINEA is doing better.And Michel and his gang call this success,progress,achievement,modernization..And Why is Seychelles a country with great potential at the bottom of the list of fialed States?Well, because we are not free and badly govern:,We are govern by the less educated in our society,by marons ,thieves,criminals,,In fact Seychelles is among the Afircan countries together with Zimbabwe which has grown poorer since Independence.And what is clear if Seychellois do not put an end to this illegal government it would in a decade from now it would end up being the last of the list of failed states,which is a shame and an insult to our proud people who in fact amongst African most educated and developed people.
    The capital per worker has degrade since the last 4 decades under PP thugs .We has virtually no investment in R&D.Poverty keeps increasing each system keeps degrading.Infant mortality rate keep increasing ditto to our education,.Youths badly trained or trained in the wrong skills thus our dependency of Expats ,the later kills jobs for locals and helps kills our economy.Corruption has become a national sport .Today Seychelles depends on foreign Aids,she cannot stand of her own feet because of those criminals who hijacked our liberty,who have handed over our economy to foriegners making economic Slave of arabs,Russians Mafias over Crooks to the likes of Sri Lankan President and other international criminal organizations.

    Seychelles can be prosperous country if she has good governance.In fact we should be Afirca Switzerland due to our small population and our vast EEZ and the potential our tourism industry still has to develop.

    Seychellois it is time to take your country back from Pp terrorists and foreign mafias,,they destroying us as Hitler eliminated the jews,.Pp is trading us as cattles as Europeans traded us in slavery.We cannot allow a handful old bandits to destroy us.Wake Up Seychellois.

    Jeanne D'Arc


  5. Why our Nation fails.What is needed to gain this dubious title?

    -Collapse of state^s institutions
    -rule by what is defined as EXTRACTIVE economic institutions(e.g fishing given to thoers to exploit) which destroy incentives,discourage innovations,and sap the talents of our citizens by creating a titled play field and robbing us from opportunities.These insitutions created by paritlepep are not in place by mistake but on purpose.They are there for the benefit of elites-----at the expense of society.Of course ,as it is well-known in Seychelles ,these donkeys(elites)rigged political insitutions,wielding their power to tilt the system for their benefit.

    But built on exploitation inevitably fail,taking an entire corruption system down with them and often leading to immense suffering.
    The title of Fail State Pp,invokes hopelessness and despair,backwardness,etc..etc...

    Give Seychellois back their country parti-Fail State.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  6. Afghanistan a country with decades of war is doing better.Shame on you maron!

  7. Our National Flag of 1976 depicts our Nations in the comity of Nations.It identifies our country and its typical characteristics There isno king without a crown,there is no Nation without a flag of its own. When Seychells was under the brit we did not have a National flag of Seychelles.In 1976 the people became free to govern itself and so we gain our National flag.

  8. Torn apart by parilepep thugs in 1977.

  9. Seychelles has already taken the road to a failed state. The visits of the president of Sri Lanka are the strategy of a 'soft invasion' by Sri Lankans. The President of Seychelles is so dump to see it. Seychelles has nothing to gain from Sri Lanka, all advantages are for Sri Lanka, this is why they are establishing their footholds in all possible ways and fast. Seychelles will rip the consequences like terrorism, unemployment, and low life-style.

  10. A Sri Lanakn Private hospital(NOWAKOLA hospital) would be open soon in Seychelles.The Biggest shareholder is the brother of Sir Lankan President RAJAPAKSA (Mr GOTABAYA)who is strangely also Sir Lankan Defence Secretary.A UK base TIMe reveal after an investigation that Mr Gotabaya and his hospital are involved in illegal KIDNEY trafficking.What we seeing being build by pp and Sir Lanlan Btucher is a whole illicit business that would operate Directly on our shores.

  11. GOTABAYA is also involved in according to UN in illicit arms deal in Africa and a very good friend of china.Seychellois must pay attention to the operation under way in our country by the Butcher of Sri Lanka.There is an illegal machine being put in place by this guy and Michel on our shores.

  12. Why not trained Seychellois in surgeonery etc---Why NOWAKOLA hopstial imported here owed by a criminal and which would means importing hundreds of Sir Lanakans on our shores?To launder money,just like the Ambassy which would allow illegal money to be transfers int dipilomatic bags to our shores but also vice versa for partielepep.Coming to remove the kidneys of Seychellois from illegal trafficking.

  13. BOYCOTT Hospital!

  14. Michel and gang is trying to build up a criminal network with criminals in the Indian Ocean region.Our country is being already seen abroad as a turing plattfrom for international criminal activities from Human right abuses to sex slave trafficking.We must stop partilepep .

    We also heard that Glenny who is supposedly is to manage our outter island is about to build a Airtrip on Cosmoledo--who authorized him,for what prupose,should each single outter island has an Airtrip thereby destroy environment,r is it the Isalnd paritlepep sold to Sir Lankan Butcher or he is preparing for other illegal sell out,or to better organize his illegal trafficking of drugs,salted turles,illegal hotels?It seems no one in the ssembly discussed and voted on any project there?Who decide partilepep the government or Glenny alone?

  15. This airstrip is the first leg of the journey to escape.
    They know PL might get a good chance of losing.
    So high level PL delagates are getting ready to make the escape plan.
    If they don't ran away we will catach them and bring them to justice.
    Pl we know it. We will get you.

  16. 250 million US heading for des roaches seized.

  17. 1. The Report above is a stark warning sign that Seychelles is a failing and vulnerable State.
    2. The Security Apparatus is worsening as indicated. This is true.
    3. Fractionalized Elites remain more or less the same under James Michel, a source for greater corruption.
    4. External Intervention in our internal affairs is noticeably up in the graph assessment. UAE influence and Gurhkas 150, Irish mercenaries working in the country have made the report.
    5. Human Flight is up which is indicative of failing policies and lack of opportunity for mobility in the country. What this means is if you are poor, you are likely to remain poor. So you better take your chances in another country.
    6. Fragile state Index places us 122/178, meaning we are among the most fragile states in the World.
    To reverse these tends we need serious and responsible change that will uplift the principle of "Sesel Pou Seselwa".
    We do not need radical Col. Idi Amin Dada policies to destroy Seychelles.
    Nor do we need lethargic dead beats breaking what is already broken.
    We must fix the problem, and have solutions to it that are responsible.

    Seselwa Unite!

    Sesel Pou Seselwa!

    Christopher Gill
    Seychelles Freedom Party

  18. PL don't have a clue about trends and indicators.
    They just ignore it and hope it goes away.
    However when Rene retired Jam and company took the PIE and leave the crumbs for the malere then stated begging with the Arabs for helps.

  19. En momoment avek en zako.Unity the way forward.STOP corruption for the foward VOLER DE LA REPUBLIC DE SEYCHELLES.You have a few beers but you dont know how to make them produce honey moron and stop putting blame what happen in Ukraine and Syrian what is happening in those country its because dictators dont they peoples to have freedom and democracy and free freedom speech like you old crook.

  20. UNITY the way forward.Why he still keeps disunitying Seychelois'Why he has still not give Seychellois back their country but instead keeps on selling it into foreigners ?THE POLITCAL and social climate that prevails in Seychelles emphasizes disunity,,and destruction rather than the qualities of UNITY ,productive and constructive energy that are require to sustain human societies.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  21. E.g MIHIN LANKA (airline) is owed by Sri Lanka President.

  22. Sorry bees!!


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