Jean Paul Adam Admits Dirty Money Through The Back Door

Call renewed to investigate money laundering via Seychelles 
July 17, 2014 2:00 am
By Mario Andree

Ceylon FT: An opposition lawmaker charged that the government and Central Bank were silent over allegations that influential Sri Lankans could be using Seychelles as a transit point to launder money into Swiss bank accounts. Earlier, Seychelles Foreign Ministry refuted such allegations, but did not discount under-the-table deals.

UNP MP Dr. Harsha De Silva, a trained economist, said yesterday (16) that he had called on the government and Central Bank to look into the matter. "There is information that money is being laundered and authorities need to look into this very seriously," he said.

Dr. de Silva highlighting the decline of Sri Lankan deposits in Swiss banks to 83 million Swiss Francs from 87 million Swiss Francs previously also comes with the sudden increase of deposits from Seychelles to three billion Swiss Francs from 1.7 billion Swiss Francs.

According to a recent report in Seychelles, the country's foreign minister Jean-Paul Adam said, "We have all the mechanisms in place, meaning if there are any suspicious transactions we have the mechanism as well as cooperation with other countries, to investigate. We have the financial intelligence unit (FIU) that has intervened in several cases where money has been transferred here illegally and seized the money and in some cases repatriated the money to foreign governments and companies that were making accusations against the companies."

However, Adam also admitted that backdoor operations were taking place. "It does not mean, I want to be clear, that there aren't people who are misusing the structures in place, there are always those who try to find ways to go through the back door instead of going through the legal channel, but more and more we can see that with the structures we have in place the chances of them being successful is minimal."

Dr. De Silva questioned the reasons behind Sri Lankan State Banks opening branches in Seychelles (90,000 population) and scheduling regular flights by state budget carrier Mihin Lanka. 


  1. Which back door Adam No names?

    1. State House ....The doors are very wide and any criminals are welcome!

  2. Corruption is worse than prostitution. The latter might endanger the morals of an individual, the former invariably endangers the morals of the entire country.///

  3. In the case of Sri Lankan deposits into Swiss accounts thru Seychelles banks, the back door is the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Foreign Affairs headed by Jean Paul Adam.
    The setting up of relations and quick step opening of Banks, here by Sri Lanka has been done with full support of the PL and Advocated by Jean Paul Adam.
    The rules and regulations are indeed in place.
    They are also indeed ignored by the same government that put them in place.
    A classic SPPF tactic.

    Another classic SPPF tactic go to the National Assembly and answer questions that are fixed and you have no opposition to counter what you say.

    Do you not get it folks?

    You discredit yourselves, while trying to preserve your credit.

    Seselwa Unite!

    Sesel Pou Seselwa !

    Christopher Gill
    Seychelles Freedom Party

    1. LePep have never played by the rules, never have and never will.

  4. Yes Dr JENPA,but the thing is that it has been going on for decades and in most cases organized,ficilated,cover up,encouraged just as Michel demonstrated by the visit of his bedfellow Sri Lanakn President RAJPAKSA.SFP;CIA;SWISS Bank director,European,And others have been exposing you for a while now.What does Pp does each time exposed.Well ,Pp come and make speaches of denial on SBC and NATION instead of taking actions against such illcit activities.Why we still donot have an independent Finance Intelligent UNit,And other needed institutions to deal with these illict deals Aprtilepepe?What about your own illcit activities for instance our 2,4 billions in Swiss Bank,Michel illegal OOFSHORE company in Virgin Island,IMF and World Bank aid money given in multi-millions to Paritlepep but never accounted for and how the money are used by apritlepep.Should it be normal to published how tax payers money and foreign loan which are debt to tax payers public Dr JENPA?

    Jeanne D'Arc

  5. I smell burning rubber....... Yes, it is a u-turn by Adam. No credibility, spineless, a complete moron and no direction...... Resign!! ///

  6. Now that JENAL after pressure must forced to accept the reality namely that paritlepep is involve in illcit money laundering,i guess it should be normal that FIU starts an immediate investigation in those case including Michel illegal OFFSHRE Compan in Virgin Island.Seychellois would for instance want tro know where did Michel got millions to Hide in Virgin Island,also on our 2,4 billions in Swiss Bank,Ceylon Bank which is links to Butcher RAJPAKSA real purpose on our shore,etc,,etc,,etc FIU has lots to do but it starts now.

  7. JENPA is behind it together with Michel.Jenpa though trying hard not to fget i ,he is nevertheless morally cupable like his masters because as his masters he is the nenemy of our insitutions.

    Jenpa lies with the toughness of a drill sergeant than just to come back to tell us he was lying and what SFP is saying are undinialable truth.What for a crook.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  8. Partilepep just like dealing with crooked states,indidividuals and insittuions like with Ceylon Bank it is the same with AL HABIB Bank(the later has been exposed by Intenrational organizations as sponsor of Al KAIDA together with Pakistanis Intelligent SIS.WHne ywould paritlepep come clear?Why not visit with AfRican Banks like GLO, and anothers ,there are a few well-known ,respected ,and professional banks in Africa.Why always working with crooked states Paritlepep?

    1. Because LePep are crooks. ///

  9. PP crooks have their back against the wall and their fingers stuck in their ass use Vaseline to remove it ban voler spu-pi

  10. Hello! Hello! my fellow Sri Lankans,
    Welcome to Arab Indian Ocean Territory (AIOT), my Sahib Khalifa has asked me to welcome you and he wants to assure you that the country has been sold lock-stock- and barrel to AUE, and the people are all stupid and busy with festivals, dancing, drinking and eating. All you can see are wriggling of fat asses in red! From top officials to the ordinary men on the streets, they are all punched-drunk with the aroma of dollars floating in the in-shore and off-shore banks. So more banks of Buddhists, Hindus or Islam's are all fine in the once Christian land. The more the merrier Sahib said! So make yourself at home.

  11. 30 000 Exapts in a country with 90 000 population,literally half of our population which means is too many and create lots of problems from stress of water,housing,eletrcitiy ,habitat,economic,socioligic,cutlral,wtc problems.

    Have Seychellois ask Paritlepep monkeys to reduce the present of Exapts on their shores?You knw what ,instead of doing what Seychellois aksed them to do ,Paritlepep is importing more exapts to destroy our country and people.More Sri lanakan terachers--Where are all those Seychellois you sent abroad in Western Universtiites and were trained as Teachers moneky Michel?Well,they all back,but left teaching because Michel refuse to pay them according to their qualification and a salaryadapt to the 21st century.Michel prefer importing ceap Sir Lankan than paying a high salary to Seychellois teachers.

    Paritlepep policies of favouring Foriegners before Seychellois is racist,jeopardize our economy,destory social standard of Seychellois therefore create poverty,affect revenues to our economy for millions left our country and go to other countries and support their economy while we must continue to depend of IMF and foreign aid and charity.

    The Seychellois Nation is being destroy by Pp crooks.

    There is only one thing to stop pp monkeys---namely use of force they will have it in full fledge in 2016.And they must not think the world will cry from their elimination----the contrary the world is unite in their fight agsint terrorism

    You WILL BE ELIMINATED partilepep--Faure will be President in his coffin,amke no mistake about this.

  12. But still, when listening to him,he gives us the feel that yes there is illegal practices but somehow it is not paritlepep responsible for it.As if he just discover the case and paritlepep is not involved,is not the one preparing the ground and facilitating the illict business,and partielepep is holy and clean.

    Now that Adam has publicly (because of SFP)paritlepep crimes.what is he waiting for to call on FIU to starts an immediate investigation and apprehend all partielepep criminals including the mastermind Michel.

    Paritlepep should be desolve and all brought to the court room to face their multiple and decades of pre-mneditated crimes both on Seychellois people and Inrtenrational organized criminal activities.

  13. Well we could also question the Why does paritlepep recruite for instance ,Sri Lanakna with their strong English accent and non-Christina rather than good English pseaking Phlippiniens who are christains then we would not have built Mosques to cater potential Pakistanis,teorririst and other foreigners with non -christain religions.

    Phlippinien are not only christains thus would adapt and accepted better than those marons from Islamic states with primitzive mentality and often importing all kinds of deseases long radicated in Seychelles but adapt better int our Christian society for they have a higher civilized mentality.

    But it seems Khalifa wants pĂĽaritlepep to recruit from Islamic states in order to speed up the islamization of Seychelles and destroy Seychellois culture,religion,tradition,mentality way of life atn the speed of light to please Khalfia and provide paritlepep with fake Seychellois voters to keep Seychellois rasin slaves.

    You will be eliminated paritlepep--do not tell us when we come you didi not know.-it would too too later.

  14. JeNpa says "we have all the mechanicism in pLace"Yes you do JENPA but all are window dressing and useless ,corrupted to the bones as partilepep.

    In 2008,for instance,after our 2,4 billions stolen by apritlepep thugs was made public ,what has partilepep criminals done to bring back our money?Nothing?Why?For the billions belongs to partilepep ministers and gang members robbed from state coffers. Guy Adam has laundered some into Five star hotel,Michel in OFFCompany,Rene is mango farm in Australia,Faure buried his,and so on.

    FIU how many investigation in the long list of criminal fnîanancial activites of partilepep have its done to date.NONE.

    Just as dealing with Hard Drug NDEA has done what?Nothing than harassing grass smokers as if Grass send youths into REHABS.Not a single paritlepep Escobar has been apprehended since the existence of NDEA.Hoarau was arrest in Kenya but rlease by Govinden and paritlepep for he is a prominent drug transporter and parit member.

    Money Laundering LUCAS was exposed ,he has never been investigated nor face justice ro banned to practice law though the ^proof of his crimies was filmed in details.
    Morgan lost 4,5 millions in a scam contract in 2008 --he is still minister

    Fieldmarshal and chief -of Staff robbed Sr 6 million ruppe from military coffer --he is still fieldmarshal and CHief -of Staff.He has never been investigated or lese.
    There has been also many cases involving government robbery of foreign investors likr USA national Mrlee plus others--no investigation by FUI.Why for FUI is colonized by paritlepep thugs.

  15. What does the nation expect to follow after ADAM recognized partilepep criminal activies -well that an investigation is opened and culprits apprehended immediately.That is how things are supposed to work in a civilized society.You have all mechanisim in place isn't it JENAP?USe them now and allow them to deliver--else there is no need to take tax payers' money and give to paritlepep gang members just to create jobs for parti members.

    And FUI we were told when created that it I independent --so where is the guy incharge of FUI.Why is s/he has not yet taken made any commnets on those issues and have not yet taken actions as FUI is supposed to do ?

    1. Another name for spies and repo men. Pirates of modern banking backed by the state. ///

  16. Jenap sound as if he just discover his long on going party crimes.But when he ROSE his Hands with Michel the butcher behind during the ceremony as minister of foreign affairs he knew th<t he was put into this position to defence his master criminal activitiesJENAPA wants to make us believe he is innocent ,a victim as if he did not that one-aprty system is dictatorship and that means criminal activities,Jnepa seems to want us to bleive that those who jin paritlepep do it unvoluntarily when in fact they do so because they want to benefit from the partilepep criminal gang.

    YOu donot join paritlepep by ideology but by its criminal activities that are lucrative and lazy bones like JNEAP who donot want to work hard join in to pariticpate in the robbering of Natrion wealth like RAM,PIERRE,and the rest.

  17. Even desperate LePep lipstick spokeswoman won’t pull the wool over the eyes of the Seychellois people.You can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig. As for the others, they look more like refugees from St Trinian’s than a safe pair of government hands. ///

  18. A lack of transparency, integrity and accountability. I wonder if Madam lipstick will tell the world via SNA about the institutions such as the legislature and judiciary are weak, the rule of law is not strictly enforced to LePep supporters, political patronage is the norm, the independence and professionalism of the public and private sectors have been eroded and civil society lacks the means to hold perpetrators to account.

  19. 8.49

    Seychelles News Agency accredited by State House covers ANTS in the Vallai De Mai and State House. It covers dead men found dead. It covers women found hanging with panties with knees to the ground. SNA covers man and woman die in car accident.
    This is an accredited news agency by thebPresident himself.
    Are we to believe the Mr. president Just James -JJ does not know what is placed in a Press Release that leaves State House?
    has JJ become DODO?

  20. Sarjana - legs look like a lovely rump of pork ham. So yes indeed, you can put lipstick on a pig. A staid one at that.
    SNA try this one: lipstick. Found on pig at State House next to Ants.

    1. I am sure that there is enough sunshine in Seychelles for her to put a tan on those legs.

  21. Keep the fire burning SFP until those wicked get burn.

  22. Look at the current behaviour of the government to assess how reliable its future honour will be. ///

    1. The future for Seychelles is blink and questionable. The government is feeding the young with drugs, Seychellois younger generation doesn't stand a chance of reaching the age of fifty.
      James Michel are slowly killing our generation, replacing it with Russian's mafia and Arabs. If you the opposition cannot fix this problem, then we have a bigger problem.

      I am surprised that SFP have not yet cover the story of this video of ANNOU KOZE. Yet there is lots to be said about this nonsense. Seychelles Daily and SNN had it covered but not that good, we need the wisdom of Gill. Get to work gentlemen, I cannot wait to see what Seychelles Freedom Party Leader Christopher Gill will say about this mockery video.

  23. 8.49
    Putting lipstick on a pig,you still get a pig.

  24. WHAT CAPO VERDE PREDISDENT ITS UP to onn our shore? he just fly back home.Can you tell Seychellios Michel?a one night stay with Russians bitches.

  25. Michel is trying to get him on board the money laundering bandwagon.

    As you have said"the mockery Video"Why waste time to comment on redicules?

  26. It will be nice for Seychellios to see this video and have thier say!!you dont think so members at sfp?

  27. Download it here Mr Gill.

    1. Send me the link and i will download on the blog. Thanks.

  28. Sfp make sure that Fonseca don't put his foot on this wagon of crooks that is getting overload with foreign corrupt politicians landing on our shore like flies all those foreign politicians Michel are invited on shore getting help by PP to steal their peoples transfer to Seychelles and transit to Switzerland.

    Then this crook come and lie to his peoples say investment,investment dan fes do you ever tell Seychellios in what they are investing kabo lapo Michel.
    His word now a days is only investment but we cant see what investment,Heroin trafficking ,money laundering human trafficking ect this are your investment crooks.

  29. Gary Tall is the blog Admin. He is free to down load it if he likes and post. I have not seen it myself.

    Kind Regards,

    Christopher Gill
    Seychelles Freedom Party

  30. Aquarium opened on EDEN.Why Eden and not somewhere else?.Tourists would be able to buy a monthly ticket.But the problem is that the majority of visiotrs do not stay a month long in Seychelles.What about ticket for family,groups,or combining an Aqquarium ticket that could also be used to diner in a restaurant.therefore make it more interesting.
    There is also a lack of rare speicies..that speicies that we rarely see even when diving ,or snorkeling which would have made the aquarium more interesting--eg the various stone fishs,or various scorpion fishs etc

  31. Counsels is a pawn. He works for Mancham and is nothing but puppet.
    Remember do sea was caught by Seychelles police with weapons.
    But today he walks up and down state house.


  33. Partilepep asks Seychellois to sponsor the Aquarium on Eden Island-----Where are all those millions in foreign aim/,loan aimed for such purposes namely to support,encourage, develop small businesses and so on ,partilepep?Has been wrongly used to sponsor partilepep pension for life and salary or laundered in foreign banks?

  34. Fish will die I. Aquarium. Seselwa Rasinist do not support Eden Island. Boycott all business on Eden Island.
    Support local business.
    Workers on Eden Island must sabotage all they can.
    This is direction of the Seselwa Rasinist .

  35. PL is turning on Seselwa to keep power!

  36. Michel you send our youths to visit Obama?Why show your fucking face yourself e ou ban voler to ashame to do so he have a list of your criminal record.
    Our youths will no change US policy about Seychelles criminal activity like human trafficking money laundering and so.


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