The True Face of the FIU in Seychelles

Declan Barber

Privacy within the business sector can be a difficult subject. On one hand, everyone wants confidentiality for their own finances. On the other, sometimes people need information about outright corruption and fraud to come out. This is true both for a company running a scam, and for the oversight processes which are supposed to prevent it from happening. A prime example of this can be seen with the FIU (Financial Intelligence Unit) in Seychelles.

Many people who use the service simply assume that they're a government agency. In fact, it's quite possible that the FIU intentionally pushes that image into the public sector.

The FIU operates, essentially, by doing very little until they're specifically contacted about a company. Now, most people would assume that the next step would be actual investigation into the nature of the company. Instead, the FIU dips into the financial records of the company. The hope is that the company will have significant assets. If a company doesn't, the complaint will basically just be ignored after that point. If a company does show significant wealth, the FIU springs into action. The company's account will be quickly frozen, and the FIU will proceed with any number of attempts to browbeat or even outright blackmail them.

The FIU will also make attempts to grab money to cover "legal expenses". Often to the point of just demanding half of all total holdings, in what amounts to something that gives a very strong impression of outright blackmail.

The larger question here isn't about the corruption of the FIU, but why Seychelles itself is so oddly silent on the matter. Perhaps one of the biggest mysteries is why the FIU even exists as a non-governmental agency. Some people speculate that the reason comes down to accountability.

As an outside party, the government can always show non-involvement with any wrongdoing. Many of these same people also speculate about where the FIU's end profit actually ends up. It isn't unheard of for situations like this to arise and continue due to government officials receiving large amounts of cash to ignore the crimes taking place in front of them. Whether that's the case here or not remains open to speculation at the moment. However, the important thing is to keep the questions in mind. It's a strange situation which raises any number of different issues relating to possible corruption.

By joyyoj86,


  1. FIU..... Gosh, they did'nt see the credit crunch coming thou? What a useless bunch of thieves. With thousands of people struggling to live day after day. The only intel they do have is who is fucking who....!!!

  2. Seen years I said FIU don't exist in Seychelles just on holiday and having a good time on the island seating together with criminals on the same table drinking shampoo.

  3. Till money laundering is going in Seychelles FIU had not even investigate one case and not even one of those thieves had face justice and been punish were is Lucas FIU? evidence against Lucas was shown on Ajazzera.Any way there are no justice in Seychelles kangaroo court is control by foreign and Seychelles dictator.


  4. The sunshine has gone to their heads, nine months of cold weather in Europe is hard. A bit of sun and hot weather, they have gone mad.

  5. There isno differetn between FUI,NDEA,and other insitutuions put in aplce by Michel through appoints.It inot a conicident either to see those instituions controlled by Foreigners for they are more apt to follow the dictates of the guy who pay them.I another words ,it is a governemnt roganization disguise as non-governmetal for it it gives the organization legitimacy.a legitimicy FUI abuses to conduct illegal practices.That FUI never bother itaself to check on Michel Sloleil OffShore company,about the wghere about of our 2,4 billions nor have they successfully investigate and apprehend any persons Like Guy Adam,Savy brothers and others invovle in money luanderying and theft.You know their salry dependes on their ability to cover up PP theft,stay silence,and aprticipate activiely in money laundery under the guise of FUI.

    There isno insititutions in the country that have no relation and connection with PP.BE it LUNGO,and the rest.These are window dressing organizations that Pp put in palce to give the World a feel that Under PP things are organized,indepedent and professional,while they are just thieves.

    Moreveor,FUI has never asked or forced PP governemnt to criminalize money laundery ,thus a sign that it is a fake ,ensuring compliance by accountable persons,enhancing public awereness,and establishing apporpriate information managememnt system.

    We should not expect cthose who organized premeditated crimes to act against those like FUI which are just helping tools for PP,in order that the theft,robbery,continue.

    Jeanne D?Arc

    Jeanne D'Arc

    1. There is a difference, these guys from FIU are hardcore, well trained Irish republican, they would not hesitate to kill you stone-dead.

    2. I agree with you Jeanne D'Arc. We Seychellois used to enjoy a joint every so often, not that I condone drugs but this is as far as it went. However it is little wonder that the more dangerous drug suddenly appeared on our shores at almost the same time as the arrival of these terrorist? Let us think carefully now, the current drug epidemic is not of our making, it is foreign to us and brought on our shores by these foreign people who have ways and means of doing so. RM

  6. Is that guy Declan Barber who was a serving Irish army rangers allegedly involved in illegal arms trading in South Africa and Seychelles?

    1. This is the guy that came to set up the whole Irish Mafia operation based right there in State House.

    2. Hard-core Irish Republican, do not be fool by his grey hair, they are very dangerous.


  8. If this true, PL haven't got a clue who they are dealing with.... These guys are very very dangerous, they will get rid of anyone who stands in their way and I'm NOT JOKING!! The day PL ask them to leave , then we will see a real revolution.

  9. Declan was one of the first members to arrive in Seychelles and started setting up the Irish Mafia ground operation based at the State House. Irish Mafia had its tentacles infiltrated throughout the Government's apparatus system and controls everything inland and off-shore. The first thing they did, they arranged for top Army Officers to be trained in Ireland, to psychologically influence the power behind to throne. They set up the system of CCTV to spy on individuals in the guise to detect crime. They took control of the Drugs Unit from the Police with the sole intention of dismembering the Police Force. They orchestrated the sacking of professional Seychellois officers in the Army and Police in order to have free and accessible administrative control. They recruit their own Irish officers to take key positions in selective security agencies. Their salary pay-roll is top confidential, but whilst a senior Seychellois Officer gets Rs.10,000/- per month with no housing, their individuals get Rs.70,000/- per month with housing. Simply saying, they have President Michel by the balls, he has been invaded without knowing and now he has to play along for security reasons and financial involvements with external forces. Now that Seychelles belongs to foreigners, then it is no surprise that Seychellois have no say in the affairs of their country, only money talks - the ordinary locals are moneyless and they have been indoctrinated since 1977 to do as they are told and live on hand-outs.

  10. 05.17
    Foreigners illegally controlling our institutions and recruted by PP,are not illegally controlling our instutions to do good for us,but to work for the criminal system in place in return for money like any mercenary.That PP illegally import foreigners to control our institutions is a well-premiditated act ,with the sole purpose namely to cover up ,evne organized their crimes.t is much easier to sack a foreigner who might want to speakk out of PP criminal activities than a Seychellois .The former you can either sack him when you donot like him,or silenct him with bribe,while a Seychellois might be forced to speak out under pressure and to prove his or her non invovlment.

    PP thugs must go.

  11. 6.10 this was ture when banana states like Seychelles had the cover and support of Ex Soviet Union,in the 21st cnewtury it has become harder for dictators to get away with their crimes,as the Investigation in US shows.But also with the present of ICC-Exmaples are numerous to porve that regardelss how long it might takes ,criminals like those invovled in RWANDA genocide ended up years later in the courtroom of ICC.


    1. Because they are criminals themselves.

  13. Ex-IRA thugs with blood of their hands, recruited by Michel the criminal to committ his crimes on Seychellois people.

  14. TÉIGH AR AIS AR ÉIRINN! (Go back to Ireland)

  15. Us Seychellois we are too passive, could be down to the involuntary placement that has rendered us dependent on state. This hegemonic control persist to this day, we are good at venting our frustrations however this is as far as we go. What is happening in our country is no worst than neo-colonialization, just that is it is worst as the oppressors are bent on silencing all forms of decent (POA as an example). Even worst than slavery, our forefathers collectively unite and expressed how they feel about the oppression in more innovative ways. Indeed our country has taken steps sideways at best and perhaps even gone backwards. Power is concentrated in the hands a few, the justice system is corrupted and the public prosecution office is an instrument of deceit.

    We must rally our cries, the SPPF MNAs have all the privileges, the own the best of the breadcrumbs whilst the rest of us fight for a grain of overcooked rice and then we are told we've made progress. Look around you people we are suffocating under the weight of this dictatorial regime where murderers are offered plea bargains and innocent individuals forced outside their home country and pursued relentlessly.

    It is time to wake up, some of us will lose our lives but this is the price to pay for real change. We need to organize ourselves, we should no longer tolerate tyranny in all its forms. As I sit now in this foreign land I long to see my family, my kids and friends but unable to do so, forced into exile. But one day I will return, you are all in my heart and hopefully if are brave enough one day we might just be the free people we've always aspire to be. RM.

  16. That's what happen when foreigners been brought by dictator to control our institution corruption become on high level.Some foreigners come in our country not just to make money and in the same time involed in corruption and even drugs dealing.Those foreigners pp have recruted will go one day.what you will do Seychellios then when your country is f**k up?

  17. Can Dr BArber publish one single case that he and his gang has investigated and reached a conclusive final decision?None,but that to do impede him for pocketing thousands of Taxpayers^' EUROS.Of curse he does not care,he is not a Seychellois,but a mercenary helping partielpep holding on in return for cash.

    WHy spend millions in tax payers money for a fake organization that is just a window dressing to sell International community?

  18. They are there to hide wrongdoings, not to be accountable, part of the government modus operandi to make sure everyone tow the party line and keeping the population in check. If this was a chess game, it would be checkmate. They have got us by the balls.

  19. If they are sincere why dont they look at Dolor's ilegal dealings? LEPEP PE NOT DOLOR gran voler

  20. If they sincere, has Andre Kilindo been prosecuted for employing illegal chinese workers on his St ANDRE BOAT 6/7 years ago?

  21. Seychelles institutions,it seems belong to IRA-

    -irish mercenaries illegally recruted by maron Michel.

  22. IRA one of its members arrested for murder of this woman 1974 and now they come and hide in Seychelles under a corrupt government.
    Those IRA hiding in Seychelles are also criminals,

  23. All they do is try and discredit people with lies to steal legitimate monies. They are corrupt to the core but nice to see Liam Hogan is now rotting in hell where he deserves to be.


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